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Black ice didn't do Tim Murray in

The Globe reports twas falling asleep at the wheel while doing 75 m.p.h. - and then accelerating past 100 m.p.h. - that led to the wreck of the state-owned Murraymobile.

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Tim Murray needed a state police investigation to tell him that he fell asleep at the wheel?
I don't think he was honest about this incident, and I think he should resign.

“I understand that the vehicle accelerated rapidly without braking or turning in the seconds before the accident. The State Police have said that this is consistent with what happens when someone falls asleep at the wheel and I believe that is what caused my accident,” Murray said.

I understand that this text is identical to the content at the Globe website. Microsoft has stated that this is consistent with what happens when you copy and paste from the clipboard feature in all versions of Windows and I believe that is what caused my post to appear above.


Seriously?? Of all the mealy-mouthed bullshit "statements" that the press just lets politicians make these days...this one would make a Bulgarian gymnast jealous of the back-bending contortions it takes to make it.

Tim Murray grow a pair of balls and admit to what happened. Because that "statement" above is disgusting and shameful. I mean why not just say it plainly:

"IF I fell asleep at the wheel, and I'm not saying I did, but IF I did, then I would have run off the road at 100 mph and let the State Police blame 'black ice'...but remember, I'm not saying I fell asleep at the wheel while speeding already, then drove off the road, rolled my car twice, and never hit any ice at all...because this is all a hypothetical. BUT, I can totally see how it might look like I did all that."

How stupid does he think we are?

So I'd say on that basis, he thinks we're very stupid. And he'd be justified in doing so.

As I research this further, I see they got back in with 48.4% of the vote. Half the state doesn't want them, and they still have the job. That would make me think everybody was stupid too. Guess I can't blame Tim Murray for being a smug prick about this.

i think he and Patrick are doing right by the state, and all in all, we're in great shape here. I would vote for them again. So i'm stupid? huh. ok guy. I'm sure your mensa.

that said, this sounds shady at worst. At best, he didn't have the balls to admit he fell asleep. That's lame.

I don't think it's appropriate to award an election victory to somebody that doesn't get a majority. There should be a runoff system like we have in Burlington, VT, where I grew up.

Hell, you know what else Vermont does? They make Lt. Governor a part time job. The Lt. Governor still works a day job.

But voting should also be a mandated holiday and there should be a small fee if you are able to vote and don't.

We can dream can't we?

As it is they were elected, and they are doing a great job. The MA GOP needs to get rid of it's concern troll and conspiracy theory unit's, and try to actually build a strong, moderate conservative party. MA did go for Reagan in 84'. There's no surprise the Southern GOP strategy of endless war, plutocracy, there's always a enemy, and religious authoritative parenthood is toxic here.

As for a part time job, VT's entire population is about that of Boston. Boston metro is larger, not to mention the whole state. Like infrastructure, institutions scale to meet the needs of the population. The Lt. Gov of Vermont is probably a job like the mayor of Worcester.

Yikes. Don't get me started. Next candidate to talk about abortion and gays is a rotten egg. STFU and give me ideas for things you can actually control, Perry. Gays aren't going to stop being gay and abortions aren't going to stop happening. Unemployment might stop happening. Work on that.

There seems to be this great conspiracy theory floating around, but I'm not clear on what everything thinks "really happened". Is there anything inconsistent with someone falling asleep? He asked for a sobriety test at the time, he asked for the report to be released. What am I missing that he's hiding?

Only think I think he really should be doing is stressing how incredibly lucky he is given that he wasn't wearing a seat-belt, and stressing what a really dumb idea that was.

I always press my right foot down as I fall asleep.

I don't see what the problem is.

Pickle Park.

Kudos to the Herald and their FOIA request. Adam credits the Globe, LOL. Catch the initial press conference where Murray says "we were" (driving) then corrects himself to "I was". Much more to this, no doubt. Murray and sadly Colonel Marian McGovern must now step down. The coverup is worse than the crime.

I also wonder whether the blue lights and siren were on in Murray's "cruiser". My experience is that once a civilian gets behind the wheel of a cruiser, they tend to activate every light and siren when nobody is watching. Some jurisdictions have gone so far as to place an "OUT OF SERVICE" sleeve over the light bar on marked cars so that the mechanics don't activate themselves. A test of the emergency light filaments would reveal whether they were on at the time of Murray's crash. Herald? Globe?

Who are you implying was in the car with him? Coming from a guy who typically rides with a state trooper, I'm not too surprised he said "We."

the conspiracy theory is the police disposed of a dead hooker? Am I getting the MA GOP right on this?

No idea who, if anyone was with him, just find it very unusual that when attempting to fabricate a story he started to use "we" and corrected himself to "I". After surving such a spectacular crash at 108 mph, I would think he should know whether he was alone or not.

No one is perfect, all the time...

And something tells me that he's not likely to be getting an invitation to join MENSA any time very soon.