Shots Fired!
Shots fired, shotspotter on, 911, what's goin on?
Tires squeal, bullets fly, oh God I hear a baby cry!
Sirens wail, an old woman frail... falls down...her heart begins to fail.
Police, ambulances, a man, blood on his face, will they live?
Maybe... God's grace.
Curious neighbors gather round, some just stare at the ground.
In some houses lights go out. Now I hear a young man shout
"He shot my brother! I'll find him quick!"...The anger in his face, makes me sick.
Now I see a body in the street, a pool of blood at it's feet.
A police officer walks over, covers it with a sheet.
I feel the sickness in my heart and soul.
I know the streets will soon rock and roll.
eye for and eye
life for a life
bullet for bullet
gun to gun
I feel afraid, I want to run.
I know the shootings and violence will never be done.