Mike Davis shows us the new wide open vista where the middle of the Casey Overpass used to be.
On the plus side, LindaK writes:
Today: view of the Hancock tower from outside the Dogwood. Even some of my pro-bridge neighbors are smiling.
On the negative side, Jessica writes, workers are now pounding away at night:
Wow. You can hear the jackhammers from Glen/Forest Hills St.
Free tagging:
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Now that there's no traffic on it
By markk
Wed, 06/17/2015 - 11:27pm
I've taken to calling it the Casey Overpast.
The night work got me
By Waquiot
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 12:15am
Mind you, I first heard in in Monday night at the station, but later at Waquiot manor, in the sylvan land on the other side of Roslindale Square, I could still hear the jackhammering (or whatever). Mrs. Waquiot, on the other hand, did not hear it.
Best thing ever
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 3:12am
Thank god this bridge is gone. It will be the kennedy greenway of JP - lets just hope MassDot will gusset up the rest if the roadway as it runs through Mattapan and Dorchester
It'll be better than the rose
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 8:04am
It'll be better than the rose Kennedy greenway, there won't be highway ramps interrupting it
There won't be ramps, but
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 3:32pm
There won't be ramps, but there will be a surface highway. With lots of lanes.
I hope that when it's done it feels more like the Jamaicaway than Melnea Cass Boulevard, but I'm not feeling too optimistic.
They are planting and hopefully maintaining something like
By JP Runner
Fri, 06/19/2015 - 9:46am
287 trees with this project. It is going to be more like the VFW Parkway than Melnea Cass.
There were already 4 lanes on the ground before hand (6 if you count the lanes north and south of the overpass separately, which I'll allow since the flow off of the ramp was terrible.)
Can't wait.
By John Costello
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 8:13am
By knocking all the houses? You know, the ones in which people live?
It may be the same State Route, but it is not the same road. The original Olmstead version of this road has traffic turning into Franklin Park to the zoo then down Columbia Road to the water. It was to be a majestic path until like all dreams, the money ran out and real estate interests took over.
Morton Street was a country road which was widened to accommodate growing traffic needs. You could put lipstick on a pig but nothing is going to change the character of the road from Boston State to the Fire Station at Gallivan unless you take all the three deckers down. Get used to it.
Agreed but
By Sally
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 8:22am
personally I think that pig could use a little lipstick. Some basic improvements would be nice.
(No subject)
By kvn
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 9:38am
Olmsted "traffic"
By 500Monkeys
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 11:34am
"Traffic" for the Arborway in Olmsted's time consisted of horses, wagons and buggies, with just a few very early cars. Shea Rotary came in the 1930s - long after.
To enhance the recreational and restorative purpose of Franklin Park, Olmsted separated the life-sustaining southern park entrance route from funeral processions to keep each from disturbing the other. Cemetery Road traveled below the park grade then as it does now, under the same Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge-designed bridge.
Speak for thyself john
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 12:51pm
It ain't the houses I'm talking about (though of course that would help) - it is the sidewalks and the greenscape - and 203 goes all the way to neponset circle.....
Is that the plan? To create a
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 8:54am
Is that the plan? To create a greenspace, plant grass and trees, and add benches and a walking path underneath what was once the Casey Overpass? If it's even a fraction as nice as the Rose Kennedy Greenway then it's a win-win for the neighborhood.
the project map is on DOT's
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 9:33am
the project map is on DOT's website http://www.massdot.state.ma.us/Portals/24/docs/Cas...
The Kennedy Greenway? You
By MrFish
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 1:58pm
The Kennedy Greenway? You mean it will be a miserable failure? Thanks for warning us.
Grumpy coot is grumpy
By adamg
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 4:34pm
You might want to take a walk along the Greenway one of these days. It's not like it used to be - or what you still think it is.
That's the first time
By Sally
Fri, 06/19/2015 - 8:55am
I've heard anyone refer to the Greenway as a failure. It has its flaws but altogether it's pretty great.
I gotta say...
By teric
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 7:37am
there was something nice about biking thru this intersection under blue sky on the way to work yesterday
This is what I've been waiting to see.
By Sally
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 7:50am
I really liked the one tweet I saw about it that said "JP meet Roslindale; Roslindale say hello to JP."
More like, "Roslindale, say
By PeyoteEatingWat...
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 9:46am
More like, "Roslindale, say hello to JP style high rents!"
If you think that ship hasn't already sailed...
By Sally
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 9:57am
then I don't know where you've been.
How trashy Washington street
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 10:45am
How trashy Washington street is in that stretch southward will put some damper on that happening
It doesn't technically become
By Tim
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 11:11am
It doesn't technically become Roslindale on that side for quite a ways down Hyde Park Ave.
yeah, but
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 8:21pm
we all know that the arborway is the REAL border - JP only likes to claim areas that are convenient - Forest Hills, the Arboretum... lately they've been trying to take over Franklin Park...
once Rozzie square becomes more hip I'm sure JP will lay claim all the way down to Cummins...
West of the Arborway
By cw in boston
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 10:06pm
JP includes, and always has, a lot of areas on the other side is the Arborway to Allandale Rd. at Centre, Pond St. to the Brookline Line, and the Arboretum.
Sorry but..."convenient?"
By Sally
Fri, 06/19/2015 - 8:53am
How about "actually in or bordering JP?" The majority of the Arboretum? JP. Forest Hills? JP. And Franklin Park? JP, Roxbury, Dorchester and I'd say a little slice of Mattapan. Sorry, Rozzie. You get Peter's Hill.
Franklin Park is purely JP
By Waquiot
Fri, 06/19/2015 - 9:00am
It was first laid out as "West Roxbury Park" due to the fact that the land was within the boundaries of the old town. If Dorchester and Mattapan get to claim some of it, Roslindale has even more rights to do so, based on the town connection.
It's been interesting seeing
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 7:42am
It's been interesting seeing the progress every day on the commute. I'm curious, though, how they're going to do the portions spanning the actual road/underpass parts? Or the 39 busway, which crosses under it twice?
Close the road
By Waquiot
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 8:55am
I was the second to last car that went under on the Washington Street/Hyde Park Ave side on Tuesday night. Then the guys put the barrels out, followed by the detour sign.
oh, okay! I didn't realize
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 9:07am
oh, okay! I didn't realize they'd been doing work at night. Smart.
My thought
By Waquiot
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 10:28am
And yes, I could look this up, is that they are doing most of the work during usual construction hours, but the areas where cars and people pass are being done when there are less cars and people out.
Transformers at work?
By anon
Thu, 06/18/2015 - 10:56am
I heard the grinding, twisting pained roar of steel beams pulled and torn from their posts. Thought the Transformers were playing.
Twisted metal
By neuroboy
Sat, 06/20/2015 - 10:03am
I was watching the transformer-sized jackhammer going at one of those supports yesterday on my way to lunch... those supports are lousy with rebar.
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