FAA officials spent 3 1/2 hours listening to residents and elected officials rip into the way planes now fly over a host of communities, at a Milton meeting on Thursday that they agreed to attend only after US Rep. Stephen Lynch threatened to cut the agency's budget for community outreach by $25 million.
The meeting brought out several hundred people from Belmont to Hull, to complain that a new GPS-based flight-path system may be great for airline profits and schedules, but means unlucky residents are now subjected to endless waves of planes, often starting at 5 a.m., for days on end, because of the way it slots planes into very narrow air corridors. Residents also said planes are flying lower than they used to, further contributing to the noise.
One Milton mother blamed the system for almost killing her four-year-old son: He ran out of the house and into the path of an oncoming car - and couldn't hear her screaming at him to stop because a Southwest jet was flying low and overhead at that exact moment. Fortunately, she said, the driver was alert enough to stop before hitting her son.
Other residents talked of the prolonged health risks, from jet exhaust to being unable to get enough sleep. One Belmont resident said the noise from planes has driven him from his third-floor bedroom with his wife to a mattress in the family's unfinished basement. A Hull resident said she worries she could lose her accounting job because she can no longer get enough sleep due to planes that start roaring overhead at 5 a.m.
"The impact on quality of life is just beyond description," state Sen. Brian Joyce (Milton) said.
Father James Diperri, who was the lead plaintiff in a class action suit against Massport over noise in South Boston in 1980, said he couldn't believe he had to show up at another noise meeting 35 years later - and threaten Massport and the FAA with another possible lawsuit.
State Rep. Walter Timilty (Milton), said he understands Milton is part of a large metropolitan area, that he is not opposed to all planes, but that residents just want them dispersed over a wider area, as they were before. "We're simply seeking equity," he said.
That theme was echoed by US Rep. Michael Capuano, who lives atop Somerville's Winter Hill. "I'll take my fair share (of noise), but give me a break," Capuano said. "Just shift it a half mile for a couple hours." He said the new technology should be flexible enough to allow for such changes, so that no one narrow area has to bear the brunt of a large amount of jet noise.
Todd Friedenberg, deputy regional FAA administrator, said RNAV is still a work in progress and that the FAA does have a system in place in which Massport and a Citizens Advisory Committee - made up of representatives from 30 communities and Boston neighborhoods - can request changes to specific flight paths.
But Darryl Pomickter of Beacon Hill, president of the citizen group, all but snorted at that. Pomickter, who said there is a "quiet valley" consisting of Brookline and Newton, over which few planes fly, said Massport refuses to give the committee even the most basic of information on runway use.
"Your data is crap," a resident of West Roxbury's Bellevue Hill said. He said he knows that firsthand because Massport stats on complaints from West Roxbury are lower than just the number of complaints he personally files.
When not listening, FAA officials mostly told residents why their requests could not be fulfilled. One Hull resident asked when departing planes can't simply be moved a mile further out over water; FAA officials said that would get them too close to planes arriving via another runway.
The FAA officials present declined to answer any questions at all about potential health issues, because their health expert was not with them. They also did not bring any information about patterns of arriving flights.
Residents asked why Logan couldn't have a curfew. Flavio Leo, manager of aviation planning at Massport, said the airport is run 24/7 - and denied assertions by residents that it used to ban flights before 7 a.m.
The endless no answers were not cutting it with Lynch.
"Reducing noise on the ground is not a priority under this system, so we have to change this system," he said. Lynch said Logan can be more accomodating when its officials want to be. He said Massport agreed with his request last month to ensure no planes flew over South Boston for two hours for a Veterans Day commemorations.
One of the few things FAA officials and residents agreed on is that the problem is a regional one.
Jeanne DuBois of Roslindale urged residents of the various communities to join in a single group to press for FAA action. "Don't shove all these planes onto Roslindale," she said.
US Rep. Katherine Clark said in her short time in office, Logan noise has become one of the top issues her constituents complain to her about.
Boston City Councilors Tim McCarthy (Hyde Park, Roslindale, Mattapan), Ayanna Pressley (at large) and Michael Flaherty (at large) also attended. With McCarthy in the lead, the Boston City Council held a hearing on Logan noise this past April, which the FAA refused to attend.
As the Milton hearing drew to a close, McCarthy said he didn't think he got any more useful information from the FAA than he did in April.
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For what it's worth, curfews in major cities are possible
By Nancy
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 1:03pm
Sydney Australia, an actual world class city, has a curfew at their airport between 11pm to 6am.
It must be terrible to hear
By Elmer Fudd
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 8:21am
It must be terrible to hear all that plane noise. There are plenty of houses for sale in suburban Worcester, where there is no plane noise. It's only 40 miles away - the people should look in to that option.
Not entirely true
By Michael
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 8:32am
Doesn't Worcester have a once-a-week non-stop to Trenton or something like that?
Don't forget JetBlue
By KSquared
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 9:32am
JetBlue flies non-stop to Orlando and Fort Lauderdale from Worcester.
that they (the FAA) agreed to
By roadman
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 9:35am
Time for a recall election for Lynch for this blatant abuse of power. Oh, but it's to satisfy the snobbish people who can't accept the fact that planes make noise and that fight paths are determined for navigation reasons. Goofd reason to threaten to cut funding - not>
Snobbish people?
By Nancy
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 12:59pm
A lot of the comments here sound like a bunch of jealous whiners who don't think that it's possible for people who live in affluent communities to have valid concerns about air traffic.
I live in Quincy and am dealing with this too. Am I allowed to have an opinion on this because the median income is lower than Milton's?
I dont worry about jets but
By John Pelletier
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 9:39am
I dont worry about jets but usually have a helicopter or two flying over anytime between 7 and 10 at night. Granted I live near the pike and not in the "really really rich part of Newton"
Noise and public health is a major issue, however in the US it is not really taken seriously like it is in Europe. The Dutch have nose abatement down such that you could be traveling under the equivalent of the masspike and still hear birds chirping. A combination of pavement tech and noise absorption.
Its harder with planes but there ought to be some way to reduce the engine noise or some combination of rotating flight paths...
Compared to many European
By Alan Wright
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 11:55am
Compared to many European countries the US is a very LOUD country. Why we are so obsessed with loud chopped motorcycle pipes, loud car/truck mufflers, blasting junk music is a mystery. Maybe has something to do with our macho militaristic attitude toward life?
Flight tracking tool
By downtown-anon
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 10:10am
There is a real-time tracking tool that is specifically designed to address noise complaints.
Can be used to track time between takeoffs and which areas flights go over in realtime.
And to file complaints, although perhaps the complaints just go to the bit bucket.
PLEASE - PLEASE file your
By Alan Wright
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 11:58am
PLEASE - PLEASE file your complaint. The data is a critical part of the noise abatement efforts. Unfortunately, Roslindale does not complain much. The complaints out of other towns - such as Milton - are getting the attention of Massport and the FAA 9plus Lynch).
Provincialism No! Regionalism Si!
By John-W
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 10:15am
Good coverage Adam. Speaking as someone living under the flight path in Eastie and having grown up in a North Shore town that was in the flight path (albeit at a greater altitude) I have to say the noise doesn't bother me much. I had MassPort windows installed (good deal) and really don't notice it much. But I was recently door knocking in Chelsea down by the Tobin - Beacon Street etc. and jeeezischrist THAT is fuckin loud! Between the roar of traffic and the planes I would lose my mind (don't know how soundproofed the houses are).
Can understand the point being made by those who are now being affected by the more targeted n'hoods with the new navigation system and the desire to see the burden spread out a bit more fairly, but still the closer you get to Logan the less possible that is for those of us closer to the airport. There is no way to distribute that pain, unless you start thinking regionally.
They are expanding the international terminal because after years of pimping out Boston throughout Asia we now have more large international flights coming here. We are a WORLD CLASS CITY™. How many world class cities have their international airports closer to down town than many of their own residents? And how many people using the airport are driving to and from regional destinations after arrival? We should be thinking of improving our regional capacity -- Hanscom, Worcester (within MassPort's purview) and T.F. Green (Providence) and Manchester (NH). That would actually be distributing the burdens of this needed infrastructure more equally among the recipients of the benefits rather than just spacing out flight paths to an increasingly overloaded and squished Logan.
And of course all of this is just about the noise. Anyone want to talk about fine particulate matter?
Why not Brookline?
By Schorschico
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 10:43am
I don't care about the noise, I have lived around the world and I have had it worse. I also understand that a vibrant airport is absolutely necessary, and that in a global world, departing and arriving times are sometimes strange (5am?!).
The only thing I want to know is the reason why, in the flight route map, there is a highway through JP/Roslindale, that, at least for flights that go West/North-West, seems to have the only purpose to avoid Brookline. Is there a reason for that?
When not listening, FAA
By Rob
Sat, 12/05/2015 - 2:38am
I wish I'd been there to hear the context for that. As a standalone statement, it doesn't seem to make much sense.
Departures passing over Hull would probably be departures from runway 15, correct? "Sending the further out over water" sounds to me like that would be turning (at some point after takeoff but before Hull) from the runway bearing of south-southeast (150 degrees) to something more like east-southeast (120 degrees). That makes sense, as far as that goes.
What runway would be used for arrivals when 15 is being used for departures? Different arrival runways would have different area approach patterns, but I'm having trouble figuring out which runway would mean some sort of conflict with traffic departing from 15.
Q for the moderators
By ap
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 8:17pm
This is the first time I visited this website. I am shocked at the comments' poor quality and lack of basic knowledge about the subject. Also at the hatred towards the "rich". The majority of people on this forum do not understand the issues but offer unfounded opinions.
Yet, when I tried posting a comment that had information about the issues, also a reference to Massport's software showing planes do fly every 43 seconds over us, I found out you are actually moderating those messages. Do you really? Do you think that 60% of what you are posting here should be approved messages or do you get higher ratings if you have a high number of posts so then you go ahead and post everything, no matter the language, tone etc.?
I am just curious. It doesn't matter much because I will not return to this site. It's unfortunate since the article is quite well written.
A pity
By adamg
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 9:53pm
I was going to explain in great detail how I moderate anonymous comments, and even answer your specific questions, but then you go and say you're never coming back, so there's no point in me wasting my time writing into the void.
But, but, but
By Waquiot
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 11:30pm
Us registered users who commented on this can see that something new was posted and are dying to read your answer.
I guess there is an upside to registering on this website.
Congressional Help????
By anon
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 6:57am
I think you are all missing the boat. There was a suit filed in Milton and we lost!! The reason we lost is that the judge made it clear that the FAA was folowing all the laws,rules, and regulations as required.
Who maes those laws? Congress. So you can get all upset with the FAA if you want and applaud Congressman Lynch, but it is he and his ronies who make the laws. Check out and see who donates to these Congressman. The Airlines??? The Airline Unions???
If you want things to change, get Congressman who are willing to change laws. Don't blame the public servants who make those laws.
Congressman Lynch was way out of line and should not be applauded for his actions. He is part of the problem, and don't let him tell you otherwise.
Flight tracks are the primary issue.
By Brian QQS
Wed, 12/16/2015 - 2:52am
Greetings all,
I hadn't seen this until now. I am so happy to hear that Boston is fighting back. The airlines are not happy about how NextGen is being implemented, and every bit of pressure helps...
In Phoenix and northeast Queens, the NextGen routes are not a direct overlay of the former SID routes. Instead, the RNAV "cuts" through a large and highly populated area that had previously not been under a flight track. Previous flight tracks had utilized waterways, parks and industrial areas.
I am not sure if the same situation exists in Milton/Boston. I would guess that it does. I'm going to guess that flight tracks have been shortened, truncated and altered in addition to being concentrated.
When these new, refined routes were exempted from environmental review under the condition that they be less noisy than a previous route on a "per flight basis", they were supposed to be exact overlays of the previous route, and not, in effect, a completely new route. That was the nature of the 2012 CATEX.
I just wanted to mention this since the FAA is claiming that they can't do anything. At every meeting, they say they can't move anything around. I guess they have their marching orders. They get through meetings by harping on minor details and the meeting devolves into technical minutiae.
Sure they can change things. They can still use RNAV's over the previous routes and still concentrate the track. They can do this without changing the track of the route itself, which is the primary problem in many areas. But that's the part that they don't want to do. They are condensing the airspace and utilizing all available airspace.
With the CATEX they now have a tool to fill every open patch of air with a plane. They can replace Noise Abatement Departure Procedures (NADP's) with new procedures that cut directly over an area which never had a route before. On Long Island, NY, they have arrivals coming in to JFK's runway 22L at 2000 feet, with departures from 31L layered above the arrivals!
I hope Massachusetts stays in the fight. Good Luck.
New procedures, changed tracks and every right to complain
By Brian QQS
Wed, 12/16/2015 - 6:58am
Greetings all,
I hadn't seen this until now. I am so happy to hear that Boston is
fighting back. The airlines are not happy about how NextGen is being
implemented, and every bit of pressure helps...
In Phoenix and northeast Queens, the NextGen routes are not a direct
overlay of the former SID routes. Instead, the RNAV "cuts" through a
large and highly populated area that had previously not been under a
flight track. The former flight tracks had utilized waterways, parks and
industrial areas.
I am not sure if the same situation exists in Milton/Boston. I would
guess that it does. I'm going to guess that flight tracks have been
shortened, truncated and altered in addition to being concentrated.
When these new, refined routes were exempted from environmental review
under the condition that they be less noisy than a previous route on a
"per flight basis", they were supposed to be exact overlays of the
previous route, and not, in effect, a completely new route. That was
the nature of the 2012 CATEX.
I just wanted to mention this since the FAA is claiming that they
can't do anything. At every meeting, they say they can't move anything
around. I guess they have their marching orders. They get through
meetings by harping on minor details and the meeting devolves into
technical minutiae.
Sure they can change things. They can still use RNAV's over the
previous routes and still concentrate the track. They can do this
without changing the track of the route itself, which is the primary
problem in many areas. But that's the part that they don't want to do.
They are condensing the airspace and utilizing all available airspace.
With the CATEX they now have a tool to fill every open patch of air
with a plane. They can replace Noise Abatement Departure Procedures
(NADP's) with new procedures that cut directly over an area which
never had a route before. On Long Island, NY, they have arrivals
coming in to JFK's runway 22L at 2000 feet, with departures from 31L
layered above the arrivals!
I hope Massachusetts stays in the fight. Good Luck. And you have every
right to complain about a flight route being implemented over you,
when previously there wasn't one. The hatemongers who glom on to this
topic and tell you to "get over it" or " move out" likely don't live
in 65 DNL as you now do. Absolutely nothing compares to 65 DNL. Not
fire trucks, not construction, not military bases. Nothing.
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