This just in from Hizzonah:
The success of Boston's bid for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games relies on transparency. I urge Boston 2024 to release the salaries for all staff and consultants as a testament to the transparency and openness of this process
UPDATE: Boston 2024 releases salaries. Davey is making $300,000 a year, Patrick will get $7,500 a day to travel overseas and shmooze IOC members. The Herald has the complete list.
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Mayor Walsh & the Olympics
By PeyoteEatingWat...
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 4:08pm
It's not too late for Mayor Walsh to come out smelling like a rose by telling the IOC, Fish, Deval, Davey, Kayeem (not sure if I spelled that name correctly, the LA woman who tried to run for gov) et al to take their damn Olymics and shove em where the sun don't shine. If he did this, a lot of the anger generated by the lackluster response by the city to the bad weather since right before the Super Bowl or so will be forgotten & Mahty will be a hero. Whether he chooses to embrace the shadiness of the IOC and it's power and cash hungry local minions or fight it will determine his political legacy. The ball is in his court.
Mayor Walsh....
By Michael Kerpan
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 4:17pm
... has already decided to "go for broke" on the Olympics bid. My question -- is there any constraint that can be placed on him to prevent him (and the Linehan-led Council) from giving the IOC absolutely everything it demands, regardless of the impact (fiscal and practicval) on the citizens of Boston?
Probably not...
By bosguy22
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 4:47pm
And then I'd assume there would be a nice cushy job for him at Boston2024 once his term expires/he loses.
By cybah
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 4:56pm
I want to know how much time and effort he is spending on his own free time, not the city's dime, trying to bring this here. This should be done outside of his mayoral work, regardless if this 'brings good things to boston'.
Makes me wonder what is slipping because he's too busy having his lips firmly pressed against John Fish's hiney (or whoever is behind Boston2024)
I agree with a twist
By Anonymous
Wed, 03/11/2015 - 11:12pm
I think the Mayor will be held accountable for results and as chief executive has some latitude in how he does his job but as the person accountable for all city resources including employee productivity and accountability, I'd like him and employees to track the time they spend on Boston2024 and make the information public.
More likely he wants to vote
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 4:20pm
More likely he wants to vote himself a raise or a side of gravy rather than get down the honest to rotten core truth.
That would be progress
By MadMax
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 4:20pm
Pretty much agree with what you said, I would be very happy to forgive and forget that Olympic debacle.
So to expand on what the Mayor just said, is the City of Boston gov't spending any public funds on this next IOC bid proposal? I just asked somebody who works with City Hall, they told me NO FUNDS are being spent. I had assumed there was an army of staff working on this, despite the glaring lack of MANDATE.
How many meetings about the
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 4:49pm
How many meetings about the Olympics have you been to, or are you just against the whole idea of the olympics coming to Boston? Are you against the billions being spent on the convention centers (we have 2 in boston now, though the newer one apparently needs another billion plus more money for hotels). Of course it would be easier for Walsh to block the olympics and any building proposed in Boston over 3 stories but I am happy he is thinking big instead of the old Boston idea of nothing new is good, nothing good happens after midnight, if you haven't lived here since conception you are a newbie who shouldn't have a voice, etc.
You've explained why we should be against the Olympics
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:30pm
by pointing out that we've spent billions on a convention center that we were told would make us "world class" and now we're being told it needs billions more just to bring it up to mid-level American city standards. We want big new things, we're just sick of being taken for chumps over and over again for wanting them.
Walsh shill
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:39pm
Calm down. Think before you spew unthinking loyalty.
By makeshift_vicinity
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:41pm
Don't imply that someone who has an opinion you disagree with can't possibly have good reasons for their opinion, especially something like this, where this is plenty of available information on which to base one's opinion.
Don't imply that the only way to have knowledge of the Olympic bid is to attend meetings in person. We're having this discussion on a news site that's been covering the meetings for us. This is the point of news.
Why are you conflating building projects and things like Convention Centers with the 2024 Olympic bid? We are talking about the Olympic bid. Why are you shoving words into other people's mouths about buildings over 3 stories high?
You seem to be having a fine time winning arguments against imaginary people in your head. Maybe you should stick to that and leave public forums alone.
Mayor Walsh...
By MatthewC
Tue, 03/10/2015 - 12:06pm
...has already been given his agenda, and he will toe the line. It's time for every one to accept reality: we are not in control.
Funny how you were all about
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 4:13pm
Funny how you were all about Patrick when he was gov and now flip flopped now that he is in on "evil Olympics".
Yep, yep, yep
By adamg
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 4:51pm
Yes, I thought Patrick did a generally good job as governor. And I thought Davey did a good job at the T and MassDOT.
And I predict they'll both do very well with and for Boston 2024.
But that doesn't mean I have to like every single thing they do. Some of us are able to see the world in shades other than stark black and white.
And that's aside from the fact that I'm not sure how you get I now hate Patrick because Olympics-crazed Marty Walsh wants to know what his salary is.
Deval did nothing well as
By JPHipster
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:05pm
Deval did nothing well as Governor and was completely incompetent. So if you're against the Boston olympic bid you should be happy he's a part of it because it's sure to fail.
By Doug1001
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:14pm
Remember, nothing was his fault and everything was an "anecdote."
Unending sequels to the great literature of our time
By Belmont
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 7:39pm
"...shades other than stark black and white."
"50 Shades of Olympic Gray."
Cynical ploy
By knowitall
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 4:46pm
I am guessing this is a plant...
He makes a noble call for transparency, we learn that the big political folks are working for free (or $1 or whatever). Marty looks like he's on the side of the people, Boston 2024 looks like a volunteer organization, the political types look like they're doing public service.
And then in 2022 we read a Boston Globe expose about the expense accounts allowed for and big consulting contracts to small firms with large financial stakes owned by the the people working for "free."
Win for Marty.
Win for Boston 2024
Win for once and future politicians
Win for the Globe.
Loss for Boston metro area.
not sure....
By knowitall
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 5:52pm
Given the actual reveal... not sure if I'm too cynical or not cynical enough...
Won't get fooled again
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:43pm
Too late for Marty to pretend he's on the side of transparency and the little people.
Patrick, Davey Salaries Announced
By cybah
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 5:05pm
$7500 a day?!? really?
And they're out
By bosguy22
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 5:19pm
Thank you
By cybah
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 5:27pm
jumped the gun a little.. and just saw that come thru my feed and was going to follow up with it.
Disturbing.. regardless.
Nice work if you can get it.
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 5:47pm
Nice work if you can get it.
That works out to more than1.8 M a year, assuming he gets weekends off and 2 weeks vacation.
Except he won't be working fulltime
By adamg
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 5:50pm
He's on an "as needed" basis. I suspect he won't be hurting, but there's really only so much shmoozing you can do.
Obviously his skills are in
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 5:58pm
Obviously his skills are in high demand. MIT to should let him go so he can devote his full efforts to bringing the Olympics to Boston.
there's really only so much shmoozing...
By moxie
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:15pm
Wanna bet?
Deval's Salary
By Cantabulous
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:21pm
Is pretty much on average if he went back to private legal practice. Figure he could charge around 1k/hour billable, 7500/day is about right. I'd be shocked if he doesn't start an llc around this to put the $$ into.
Except he could only charge
By Bob Murphy
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 9:30pm
Except he could only charge that rate, if at all, if he went to a big firm, which would pocket a ton of it for overhead. Here, his salary would be 7500 per day, in his pocket (subject to tax). I think you're right about the llc. I'm sure his schedule will leave time for private events where he can talk about his years as governor and his fight against income inequality. These salaries are ridiculous.
Or, looking at it another way
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:04pm
Or, looking at it another way, if he does just 18 days of shmoozing, he'll make more than he did in a year as governor.
Well, as they say....
By merlinmurph
Tue, 03/10/2015 - 7:52am
"Sure, we make a lot of money, but we spend a lot, too." - the immortal Patrick Ewing
People went to jail
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 5:35pm
In the probation scandal for a lot less than this scandal will produce in the next ten years.
Can Bev Scott at $5K/day be far behind?
By moxie
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 5:48pm
Is Olga Roche busy? Andrea Cabral, come on down! Carl Stanley McGee, David Scondras your time is now! When does Annie Dookhan get out of the can?
So this morning I realized that it looks like they've done a forklift transfer of Deval's posse, in it's entirety, into this new rotten borough known as Boston 2024. And look at the timing, this thing fires up just as his administration ends.... This is like Whitey's hidden lockboxes.
Rosenberg's husband
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 7:11pm
He seems like the kind of publicity hungry person who'd be clamoring for a role in this.
How much are the Boston 2024 people making?
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:44pm
The fact is simple - as long as private businesses are funding Boston 2024, it's really NOBODY's business how much they're making. And this "but they're former politicians, so they aren't allowed to make a salary after they leave office" nonsense doesn't cut it.
As for the stale old "transparency demands that the public needs to know this information" - utter BS if I ever heard it.
So the Herald broke the story - that should state volumes. Do Herald readers and subscribers have the right to know how much staffers and others at the newspaper make in annual salary? No.
Hey Mayor Walsh - it's time to stop making a big deal about very trivial nonsense and focus on actual issues that impact our city. Yes, winning an Olympic bid will affect the City. But this juvenile "how much are people making" is utter nonsense.
No, not really
By anon
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 7:14pm
If I truly believed that there wasn't going to be a public outlay in the billions for this event, then you'd have a point. I don't care what the heads of Fidelity, Biogen, Harvard, etc... make because they aren't going to suddenly discover that they need the tax payers of MA to kick in some huge amount of money for the event that they planned.
If we get these games, these people will all be significantly richer by the end of the day while the taxpayers of the state will be significantly poorer.
The Herald being first doesn't speak anything, let alone volumes
By adamg
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 8:13pm
If, in fact, they were first with the story, it's only because they have faster typists: Boston 2024 sent the information out to all the major media outlets in town (one of these days, they'll figure out how to post press releases on their Web site so all of us can see them).
Boston 2024 should be treated as a public entity
By Ron Newman
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 9:17pm
since their plan is to use public land: Boston Common, Public Garden, Franklin Park, Draw Seven park in Somerville, UMass-Boston, lands now occupied by various railroad and transit yards and maintenance facilities, the Merrimack River in Lowell, and doubtless many other such locations I haven't remembered right now.
Once again
By CraigInDaVille
Tue, 03/10/2015 - 10:04am
You forgot to add #SuffolkTweets.
First time ever speaking well about the Herald
By anon
Tue, 03/10/2015 - 11:42am
The fact that folks like me, who are firmly on the left, are grateful for the Herald tells you all you need to know about the general opinion of Boston2024.
Who pays?
By Greg L.
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 6:56pm
This may be a dumb question, but where is the money coming from to pay these salaries? Private donors?
Yes, private donors
By adamg
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 8:11pm
At least at one point, they were planning on raising $50 million just for lobbying the IOC, which is why you get Tito Jackson worrying about local non-profit groups suffering as the local rich people put their money into the Olympics instead.
It's not just local rich
By Bob Murphy
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 11:05pm
It's not just local rich people, it's also large corporations in Mass, who will (likely) be donating to 2024 instead of other charities which typically receive money from these companies year after year. It's unfortunate. Maybe it will lead to all the infrastructure and improvements they claim, but it's a big gamble and there are plenty of losers in the here and now because of all of the money being poured into these salaries and expenses.
Kudos for using "Hizzonah"
By Neil
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 8:23pm
Love it, Adam.
What is No Boston Olympics hiding?
By Baker-Christie 2016
Tue, 03/10/2015 - 5:23pm
No Boston Olympics refuses to release their donor list, after pushing for Boston 2024 to be transparent about pay and their donors.
What are they hiding?
Nice try!
By CraigInDaVille
Tue, 03/10/2015 - 10:09pm
No Boston Olympics has made clear- they are all volunteer, with no paid staff. They've spent less than Deval Patrick will earn in a day in his new job with Boston2024.
Meanwhile, Boston2024 has a payroll that exceeds $1 million, all without any actual policy or economics experts on retainer. Just political hacks.
If you cared, you'd already have checked out their website and signed up for their email newsletter where this was already shared. But instead you like to make clearly apples to oranges comparisons as if No Boston Olympics seeks to radically change the physical landscape at the expense of billions of dollars of taxpayer money.
If this is the sort of social media exposure that Boston2024 is buying for $100,000 a month, then they are really wasting their money! I can't wait to see what they do when they get access to my tax money as well!
By Michael Kerpan
Wed, 03/11/2015 - 10:11am
Could it be that donors to the anti-Olympics movement (rightly) fear retribution from the well-heeled and powerful shills for the Olympics? The opposition group has no obligation to disclose donors -- and unlike the pro-Olympics group does not have any quasi-public standing.
Having experienced (suffered) the Atlanta Olympics first hand, I see no reason to subject Boston to the same affliction.
No Boston Olympics could have
By anon
Wed, 03/11/2015 - 10:27am
No Boston Olympics could have backers that feel that if Boston gets the Olympics, donors will give to the Olympics rather than them, thats a financial incentive. And No Boston is led by a former government official, Assistant Secretary of Transportation Chris Dempsey, who lives in the suburbs.
If that incredible feat of logical gymnastics
By CraigInDaVille
Wed, 03/11/2015 - 1:15pm
is the best you've got, then you really need to re-assess your thoughts on this whole matter.
Or else return your monthly stipend for "community outreach" because you're not really earning it.
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