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The turkey came knocking at her door
By adamg on Wed, 11/22/2017 - 3:35pm
Nova jumps on the "Turkeys: Threat or Menace" bandwagon, complete with a dramatic reenactment of When Turkeys Attack.
H/t SwirlyGrrl.
Gobble! Biased propaganda to
Gobble! Biased propaganda to villify us before we mount our valiant resistence to the annual day of infamy!
#freegreaterBrookline #tomorrowisturkeyday
The national press in on it, too!
Today in the Washington Post.
Predictably, our President managed to make the traditional turkey pardon all about himself.
I Feel Bad For Those Poor Turkeys — So Humiliated And Exploited!
Compared to the strong, healthy, and proud turkeys that fearlessly patrol the highways and byways of the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the president's turkeys look sick and weakly.
Their spirit long ago broken, they look sad and miserable. Will they now live long, happy lives, or is "pardoning" the creatures just prolonging their suffering?
I wouldn't bet that "pardon" isn't merely a reprieve! That guy in the yellow tie — hungrily eyeing the turkey? What do you suppose he's thinking?
If only Alfred Hitchcock were still around
Hollywood would demand a Birds sequel. Maybe creators of Sharknato franchise can do one with turkeys.
And call it "Turkeynado"
Kickstarter is way ahead of
Kickstarter is way ahead of you filthy colonials.