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Peeping tom reported at Harvard
By adamg on Mon, 05/14/2018 - 2:15pm
Ray the roving UHub photographer spotted this tom peeping into a dorm room at Harvard (the Phillips Brooks House) today.
Free tagging:
At what point
does the novelty of seeing a turkey in urban settings wear off?
Are we 5 years away? A decade?
2016 ?
If they're just pecking around, they're old news.
Gee, I dunno
When you've got turkeys flying around in Downtown Crossing store [https://www.universalhub.com/2018/revealed-what-t-t-mobile-stands], or circling en masse around a cat's corpse [https://www.universalhub.com/2017/turkeys-can-be-vicious-theyre-not-sata..., that kind of postpones the ennui a bit.
192 Days
About 192 days.
Got a musket?
It isn't the novelty of a
It isn't the novelty of a turkey sighting, it is the terrible pun that matters.
Porque no los dos?
I mean, turkeys AND puns, can't go wrong.
When we win the final battle
When we win the final battle in our long war for liberation of our native lands and bring about a eternal golden age of justice & peace; for all whom the sun shines upon throughout the furthest reaches, deepest valleys & rivers, and the highest perches & peaks of Greater Brookline.
Jive Turkey In An Urban Setting
Not news. Real turkey = Now that's news!
Peeping Tom
Someone should arrest that turkey!
I guess that's the floor where
Harvard has its "financial hardship" dorm rooms
Adam - this has to be
one of your best subject titles ever
I just snorted coffee out my
I just snorted coffee out my nose on the caption. Pure comedy gold.
Turkey hunting season ends May 26
Then you have to wait for fall, Oct. 22-Nov. 3 - freeze for Thanksgiving.
#metoo post.