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Vietnam veterans memorial in Dorchester vandalized again

Damage at memorial

Some of the vandalism. Photos by State Police.

State Police report on vandalism just a few days before Memorial Day:

The Massachusetts State Police and University of Massachusetts Boston Police are investigating significant vandalism committed today at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Morrissey Boulevard in Dorchester. Several dozen recent plantings of shrubs and flowers were torn out of the ground, numerous flags were ripped down and thrown into a wooded area , and hate-related graffiti – including a swastika – were written on the stone monuments. Preliminary investigation indicates that the crimes were committed early this afternoon.

Troopers from Troop H Headquarters and State Police-South Boston, along with the Department’s Crime Scene Services Section, and UMass Boston officers and detectives are conducting the investigation. The memorial is situated on open space owned and maintained by the university. Officers and Troopers are searching the grounds for evidence, conducting canvases of the area, and determining whether any security cameras in the area captured additional evidence..

Somebody vandalized the memorial this past October as well.

Anybody with information can contact UMass Boston Police at 617-287-6084 or State Police at 617-740-7710.

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I thought they just installed cameras there?

Is Boston really at the point where we have to install cameras in a freaking cemetery to protect headstones from vandalism?


Not a cemetery, the memorial is on one of the busiest roads in Dorchester. This is crazy.

You'll still see it along Morrissey, but you'll have enough local foot traffic and eyes to prevent future vandalism. These remote memorial spots are a problem. Dorchester and Somerville have discovered this firsthand. If this same vandal tried this stunt at the S Boston Vietnam Memorial, he/she would have been pinned to the ground by the locals and the cops would have been called.

Thoughts? Perhaps the news should not cover this stuff. Kind of like the reason sports producers don't show the idiots who run out on the field during a ball game.
These mental midgets just want to get a rise out of people and get on TV. Or have their handiwork on TV.

If the news didn't cover stuff like this, the newspeople wouldn't be doing their jobs. This kind of vandalism has to be exposed, the perpetrators sought out, and punished, thereby making them realize that their actions will have consequences.

Sometimes the tv news clips miss the mark

What did the graffiti say?

With some photos (more at the State Police link above).

A lot of those quotes and symbols are related to an online war game called Hearts of Iron IV. This is a sign of a terribly twisted mind.

More like edgy 14 year old who just discovered stormfront

Which ones are related to the game?

All of it looks unintelligible to me.

Are you sure? I'm truly curious because I've played Hearts of Iron 4 single-player and didn't recognize anything.

Of course, since the multiplay for that game is contaminated by fascist-susceptible incels, maybe you're right about the twisted mind behind the vandalism.

FAE and 1812 are references to the game. He/she used FAE twice.

You're gonna have to explain these to me. I play the game and follow the multiplayer seen a bit and have never seen it. Not denying it is, but can't find anything about it.

I found a Hoi4 game chatroom discussing events that lead to the Confederate States becoming the Free American Empire (FAE)

Plus "It's 1812 All Over Again" is an Achievement you can work towards in the game. I don't play personally.

Memorial Day. This is the unhinged tin foil left. This idiot must not realize most of the KIDS this memorial is designated to had no choice but went and served their country with honor.

Maybe Molton is on something with his proposal for mandatory service in this country.

This is the unhinged tin foil left.

Unhinged? Agreed.
Tin Foil? Probably not, unless there is some UFO-specific tagging that I missed.
Left? I doubt it. This kind of anti-societal rubbish is not in any way connected to the left or the right.

This kind of anti-societal rubbish is not in any way connected to the left or the right.

started off well, but flubbed the landing.

i truly wonder how long it’s going to take people over 40 to realize that “apolitical” is not a thing in 2019.

I give it a little over 7 months.

I weep for the youth.

This retard didn't even know what the monument is for, or where or what Vietnam is. I would bet Memorial Day's proximity or purpose is also unknown to them.

You lost me on the 2nd word.


Youve got your insults mixed up

The tin foil quip is always directed at the right wing types like Alex Jones, and 'ol Rushbo. It's derived from the Art Bell UFO strain of conspiratorial folks who veered their crazy train into the political arena right after Obama was elected.

The left, however, were usually called snowflakes or weak anti-american commies that hate freedom and like eating newborns in pizza parlor basements.

All that being said, this is clearly a person suffering from a mental disorder. The graffiti is nonsensical and barely interconnected. The words you might see written on the subway walls (Thanks, Paul).

Point is, were all on edge in this country and can see what we want in things like this before we have a chance to think rationally about it.

Just try to enjoy the weekend, man.

Is Deborah Gideon at it again?