He only looks like a spotted dick from behind; he's really a Trump dinosaur. Photo by Kris Haight.
A couple of hundred Trump-supporting racists and bigots marched down Boylston and Tremont streets today, vastly outnumbered by both police and by protesters.
The entirety of the "parade" in Copley Square (photo by Jan; compare to the number of marchers in the 2017 women's march):

The corner of Boylston and Tremont proved a flashpoint for police, who arrested some protesters and sprayed others with pepper spray (photos by Popoulis):

Pepper spray out pic.twitter.com/TFZzb0NTBg
— El-0)))nn (@popoulis) August 31, 2019
Pepper-sprayed protester being treated with milk in his eyes:

NBC Boston reports 34 arrests. Many of these, and more pepper spraying, came after the official end of the march, when police wanted to clear Congress Street:
Boston Police Department spraying pepper spray into the crowd of protestors of the Straight Pride Parade #boston #straightpride #cityhall #pepperspray #protests #policebrutality pic.twitter.com/TLTIbdcu2A
— Lizzie Heintz (@lizzieheintz) August 31, 2019
Claire Blechman reports:
The rally was over and the cops came blowing through pepper spraying, beating people, and making arrests for no reason. All they had to do was let people leave, but instead they made a riot.
Protesters, of course, had signs:

The Trump supporters had a "bridge:"

At Park Street, protesters chanted "Boston hates you" at the Trumpkins and friends:
.@universalhub "Boston Hates You! #StraightPride #StraightPrideParade #Boston pic.twitter.com/LF3Z0Hs1EI
— Craig Caplan © (@CappyinBoston) August 31, 2019
Before the march began, protesters gathered at City Hall Plaza to gear up. One white supremacist decided to hit the bricks as well:

There were a lot of cops - BPD was joined by officers from neighboring communities:

In the end, the racists scurried out of town under the Haymarket garage.
Adam Pieniazek is hopeful some good might actually come out of this:
The best part of this tiny thing is it shows us shutting down major streets in Boston is easy! That's great news for car-free, bus only lane, protected bike lane & pedestrian street advocates. How about daily Newbury street pedestrian pride parades?
We should definitely organize tons of car-free, protected bike lane, bus only lane, fix the T, NSRL, pedestrian zone, & fare-free MBTA pride parades constantly every day possible.
Kris Haight posted way more photos.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
I know this is a liberal website but...
By Anon
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 7:22pm
I’m really not seeing any connection to white supremacy. Seems like they just like the president and are ultimate trolls
The organizers ...
By adamg
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 8:01pm
Several are known white supremecists. If you're really interested, I can dig up a link or two for you, but, honestly, I provided one in the post on the topic I did a couple days ago if you can't wait for me to get back from dinner.
White power hand gesture sign in first pic
By anon
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 10:54pm
They're identifying themselves.
Is it fake news if it's a just plain lie?
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:03am
"White power hand gesture sign in first pic"
He's holding a camera.
Unless there's another one only dog-whistlers can see...if there is, please, point it out.
They're talking about the
By ZachAndTired
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:25am
They're talking about the sign, not the guy holding the camera.
Of course. It couldn't be anything else...
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:12pm
So, who's trolling who?
What is Summit News?
By Ron Newman
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:27pm
From its title, I expected it to be a site about hiking and mountain climbing, but that's not what I found there. The site has no "about" page describing it, so I have no idea how to evaluate its reliability or accuracy.
Well, there's a link...
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 7:14pm
Well, there's a link...
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 7:16pm
...but you probably need that explained to you.
From the link:
"Stephen Fry
Verified account @stephenfry
May 13
PS: I really will not allow the simple (hand) gesture to belong to the moronic dogwhistling catfishing foghorning frogmarching pigsticking dickwaving few who attempt to appropriate it for their own fatuous fantasies. T"
Here, I'll do the heavy lifting.
Evaluate that. Damn, Mr. Fry has a way with words.
I'm sick of reading racist bullshit from leftie assholes (hey if you can say 'fuck' constantly, I can use colorful language, too) that turn [i] everything [/i] into a racist trope. There's a pic online of noted economist and member of the house AOC using the AOK sign.
Grow the fuck up.
Tell yourself whatever you
By ZachAndTired
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 1:35pm
Tell yourself whatever you have to, man. Jesus.
You're funny
By anon
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 4:29pm
Of course gestures can have multiple meanings. However, do you really think these parade marchers really think everything is A-OK?
Of course not. That's why they're marching: They're against everything America is becoming.
Everything isn't A-OK to them and the OH sign is a known gesture with a known meaning when used by people who believe in "white power."
Summit News? Give a me a frigging break.
Captain Jack Danilecki used
By anon
Mon, 09/02/2019 - 11:53pm
Either you're the idiot or this is expert trolling
By anon
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:30am
It's the sign behind the guy with the camera. You know, the one you zoomed in on.
Truth be told, Anon...
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 7:24pm
...I didn't see it.
What are the words on the sign?
By Ron Newman
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:30am
Do you remember what it said when you took this photo? Unfortunately (maybe because of bright sunshine) I can't read the words, which are written in yellow.
White Supremacists?
By Scratchie
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 10:21pm
They love Trump and had a "Build The Wall" float. Do they have to wear white hoods before you figure it out?
By Stevil
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 10:43pm
There are a lot of people that like Trump and say build the wall that are a far cry from white supremacists. By that definition, like 30% of Americans are white supremacists.
By Waquiot
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 11:00pm
There are readers of this website who truly believe 30% of Americans are white supremacists.
I sparred about this being a white supremacist rally when the git thing was announced. I supposed there is too much nuance to say that it's a rally arranged by white supremacists, and since the organizers are white supremacists, I suppose Adam (and others) have cause to call it a white supremacist rally, even though it is not.
In the end, all of this is a total crock, from end to end. People like to hate, and this group of haters gave those who hate them a chance to get together and hate each other today. Me, I had fun with my son miles away from all of this.
By berkleealum
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 6:40am
Is this sarcasm? The mental gymnastics required to read this paragraph — let alone to write it — are Bilesian level.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is not a duck because it didn’t tell me so explicitly.
Bingo. You've nailed it.
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:06am
"In the end, all of this is a total crock, from end to end."
"...I suppose Adam (and others) have cause to call it a white supremacist rally, even though it is not."
Well, in the face of a lack of actual Nazis, some must be created. For instance, here's an Actual Nazi (you can tell by the Trump shirt) being
violently assaultedengaged in an intelligent discussion bya bunch of thugsa couple of peaceful protesters that I hope will probably be arrested, if they haven't been already.[img]https://i.imgur.com/WNhhG5H.jpg[/img]
I assume some cellar dweller here will comment that he should have been bicycle-locked. I don't think we really want to go down that road...
By berkleealum
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 6:44am
by golly, he’s almost got it!
Fox News poll: 56 percent of
By anon
Tue, 09/03/2019 - 12:01am
Fox News poll: 56 percent of respondents believe telling people of color to "go back" is racist, while 23 percent said it is not and 18 percent said it depends.
Governor Baker didn't equivocate
It's hopeless, Stevil
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:05am
Must uphold the narrative...truth is the first casualty...for instance...
From the NBC10 'news' article AG cited above that was not biased in any way...by the 'journalists' Nathalie Sczublewski, Young-Jin Kim and Michael Manzoni.
"Former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos, who is banned from social media networks, was expected to serve as grand marshal."
Left out...Milo is gay.
Pic from Boston Herald. They have an extensive collection of shots of the parade and the protesters.
Big deal, everyone has that
By dd808
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:25am
Big deal, everyone has that one black friend too!
If by 'black friend' you mean 'Parade Marshal'...
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:14pm
"Big deal, everyone has that one black friend too!"
Milo had some black friends, too. Lefties worst nightmare...black friends that won't do what you tell them...
Pics are from the article in the Boston Globe.
Milo the alt right poster boy
By ZachAndTired
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 7:24pm
Milo the alt right poster boy? Milo the guy who's been banned from every major social media platform for hate speech? Milo the guy who was fired from Breitbart, of all places, for advocating in favor of pedophilia? This is the guy you're hanging your hat on? Are you for real with this shit? Try doing some critical thinking instead of just accepting wholesale everything that Fox News and Howie Carr tell you to think.
Milo? The guy who literally
By Scratchie
Mon, 09/02/2019 - 1:15pm
Milo? The guy who literally mainstreamed white supremacy when he was at Breitbart? Good example.
Sounds about right
By Bob Leponge
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:27pm
For a country where, within my own lifetime, black people were legally forbidden from riding in the front half of the bus, using white people's restrooms and drinking fountains, and attending white people's schools, 30% sounds about right. Attitudes don't change overnight.
By Stevil
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 5:24pm
I was just at Granite Links and there was a wedding about to take place. Didn't see the bride and groom, but it was decidedly a mixed race crowd. Having just been to the Museum of African American History i couldn't help but think how far we've come in one generation.
If you live in some land where 30% of the people are white supremacists, I feel sorry for you. It's definitely NOT where I live.
Please show your math.
If I understand you correctly
By Bob Leponge
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:22pm
If I understand your argument correctly, it's, approximately, "I saw a mixed race event, therefore racism isn't a thing."
By Stevil
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 11:08pm
Just interpreted a single event in the context of the world I see around me every day.
And you didn't say racism - you said white supremacists - big difference.
Where's your math? How can 30% of the population be a white supremacist - or a number even close to that? Please cite demographic statistics and any other stats you can find to get to a number remotely close to that. Or are you just trying to be as divisive as humanly possible because it serves some sleazy purpose of yours?
By anon
Mon, 09/02/2019 - 3:53pm
"White Man Argues White Supremacy Isn't a Thing Because of a Thing He Saw Once, Argues With Another White Man About It"
Learn your history...
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 7:14pm
Here's the TL;DR version...
Civil War gets fought. Slaves freed. South not happy, but the Emancipator is dead and no one can fill his shoes. South does 'separate but equal'. Railroads try to fight it, 'cause running a separate car for one black guy costs money. Plessey makes an issue, goes to Supreme Court. Plessey v Fergusen becomes the law of the land. Until the Brown v Board decision, 1955(4?), separate but equal rules.
Little girl wants to go to Little Rock High. Uppity Negroes cannot be permitted there.
President Eisenhower, a Republican, sends in 101st Airborne (82? I forget), federalizes the Arkansas National Guard, kicks back to watch the fireworks.
Little girl goes to school, Norman Rockwell paints evocative work for Saturday Evening Post.
Sixties happen, LBJ makes famous statement about somebody voting Democrat 'for the next 200 years'.
All is well in the Republic until Trump becomes President, then US becomes mostly Nazi.
Did I miss anything?
forgotten from the list:
By El Profe
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:05pm
mass lynchings,
wanton destruction of homes and businesses,
sun-down towns,
Jim Crow,
forced land requisition,
vagrancy laws,
forced sterilizations,
the military air-bombing of Black Wall St in Tulsa,
divestment in schools,
lack of job training and opportunities,
a manufactured crack epidemic,
the War on Drugs,
felony disenfranchisement,
a de facto caste system
(what else? I know I missed some)
Yes we live in a society built and perpetuated by and for white supremacy.
Anyone who is not ready for a wholesale revolution is propping up the status quo.
People, all of us living under these circumstances are perpetuating white supremacy simply by being just another cog in this infernal wheel.
Would you not agree that more than 30% are ok with the status quo?
You can look through the pics
By bibliotequetress
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 11:35am
You can look through the pics on social media or flickr and find plenty of overt symbols & a few serious dog-whistles tied inextricably to white supremacists-white nationalists.
Among the people definitely identified was John Camden, a guy from New Hampshire who had an official role in the American Guard, a neo-nazi group. He was initially noticed because of the nazi "wolfsangel" tattoo on his neck that could be seen in one of the news photos (he later covered it). People more familiar with him then IDed him from the photo.
Here's one link to the twitter exchange, but there were many other people who IDed him:
The affiliation between parade organizers, supporters, and invited guests, and neofascist, incel, and/or white nationalist groups and people, has been covered since the parade was first announced. It has been covered in the press and on social media.
And Milo Yiannopoulos, parade booster & grand marshal (though he was a no show) hardly needs to have his alt-right ties listed again.
Maybe we need to start applying to UHub my twitter rule:
Lack of precision...
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:24pm
...or just plain lying. Hard to tell these days...
"And Milo Yiannopoulos, parade booster & grand marshal (though he was a no show) hardly needs to have his alt-right ties listed again."
Very sloppy, bookie, considering that there is not only one, but two pics of Mr. Y at the parade. Both pics from legit news media (Globe and Herald), and I tried to give credit to the sources.
Considering one was posted several hours before your comment...very sloppy.
Interesting. I made a mistake
By bibliotequetress
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 1:24pm
Interesting. I made a mistake. And yet my mistake proves my point-- the ties to white supremacists were overt & covered by the media at length, as your post shows. Anyone playing naive about parade participant's rightwing white nationalist ties is being deliberately obtuse.
dmcboston is a joke.
By berkleealum
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 2:50pm
he’s been shooting his own arguments down all over this page lol. i don’t think he can be taken seriously.
Stick with music
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 7:12pm
Just sayin'.
“Stick with music”? Really?
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 09/05/2019 - 1:22am
Please, dmc, do share with us the credentials that make your opinions more valid than posters here with other professions or avocations.
I’m just some dude with a side hustle as a restaurant critic, so I’m struggling to see your particular specialness as a political commentator. To me, you look like yet another intellectually dishonest right-winger whose “I’m a lifelong Democrat” shtick is a comically lame fig leaf.
From where I’m sitting, you’re merely another propaganda-bubble-dwelling Trumpie, a dumb retweeter of easilly-debunked Fox News talking points, a rhetorical paper tiger. If I got my ass handed to me on the facts as often as you do here, I would delete my account out of shame.
Everybody gets to air their opinions online these days. Your tragedy is believing that your second-hand, garden-variety bigotry somehow deserves serious consideration, when the reality is that you’re just the obnoxious, racist drunk uncle that Mom can’t bring herself to disinvite from Thanksgiving.
Just sayin’.
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 7:13pm
"Interesting. I made a mistake."
Thus proving your point? Damn, that's some Oberlin level logic you got there, bookie.
Lemme see..."the ties to white supremacists were overt & covered by the media at length, as your post shows"
Interesting. You made a mistake.
Yes you did. It proves nothing except that you have self -fulfilling preconceived notions. Let's make a list of the Actual Nazis that were in the various photos...Milo, noted Nazi and gay conservative provocateur, the Nazi racist black guys (everyone needs black friends!), the gay Nazi couple in one of the pics, maybe we should just throw the Log Cabin Republicans and the Pink Pistols in the mix.
When everyone's an Actual Nazi, yet there's a mix of a wide variety of folks, maybe you should check [i]your[/i] privilege...and your assumptions.
Sorry, not buying the bullshit, considering the left's penchant for, well, insane bullshit. Oh, and bicycle locks. Thank God the guy that got assaulted (pic elsewhere on Uhub) was only spat upon and punched.
Oy what a day
By cybah
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 7:28pm
I took the photos (on flickr)
I also was very close to the video of the pepper spray going off above. I got a wiff of it and high tailed it outta there. I had a GoPro with me which someone told me to turn off, just before that happened, which I told them it's on for safety.
I have a few hours of video to edit too. Not sure how i can piece it all together so it makes sense, or when I can do it (mebbe a few days?).
Great "dinosaur" photo
By Waquiot
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 11:01pm
Well done, good sir.
These trolls got their 15 min
By thomas
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 7:34pm
These trolls got their 15 min
And if people ignored them
By Waquiot
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 11:02pm
They would have gotten the same amount of fame as the Black Israelite who gather at the Common every week-end would have gotten.
Waquoit is waquoiting again.
By lbb
Tue, 09/03/2019 - 11:37am
Spoken with absolute confidence and zero evidence.
It doesn't work that way, as you'd know if you were ever on the other side of the equation. But do go on (as if you ever wouldn't) advising oppressed people how best to alleviate their oppression.
Unimaginative language
By anon
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 7:47pm
"Straight people be straight fucking up my Saturday" (whatever the F that means), "this is our fucking city", "fuck your straight pride". That's just three I found in these photos and I'm sure there were many more. It is apparently official that all signs and t shirts against white supremacists MUST contain the F bomb. I don't like or see the point of the white supremacists, but it's hard to align oneself with the ineloquence of the protesters either. They don't inspire.
good thing
By cybah
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 8:59pm
good thing these weren't videos.. you'd hate the way the crowd was.
Lots of F bombs.
F word
By Bugs Bunny
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 8:14pm
People that use that word or display it on signs are stooping to the level of the marchers. You don’t protest bad behavior with bad behavior.
Pretty sure using the word
By bibliotequetress
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 11:56am
Pretty sure using the word "fuck" isn't stooping as low as threatening to kick everyone brown, black, Jewish, or Muslim out of the US, and defending slavery, but I'm no Emily Post. If they bother you equally, well...
Sounds reasonable...
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:34pm
"...as low as threatening to kick everyone brown, black, Jewish, or Muslim out of the US, and defending slavery, but I'm no Emily Post."
You might want to look up the word 'hyperbole' in the dictionary.
There were flags of Israel in the parade, as well as these guys:
I'll bet they felt more fear from your antifa thugs and protesters than from your Nazis that want to 'send them back'.
Look, follow the stories in the Globe or Herald. Plenty of pics. There's truth in the pics, for those that want the truth instead of blind hate.
So you're cool with Sahady,
By bibliotequetress
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 1:34pm
So you're cool with Sahady, Hugo, et al's affiliation with BasedStickman's Resist Marxism group, and the Proud Boys, and the American Guard-- affiliations which been covered by Vox, the Independent UK, the Daily Beast, and any number of other mainstream sites.
Fine, DMC. Now we know what you find acceptable.
"Fine, DMC. Now we know what you find acceptable."
By dmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 7:12pm
Were any of them actually at the parade? If you say you didn't see them...it must be true. You managed to miss the Parade Marshal, declaring him a 'no show'. So, your testimony is questionable, at best, and just plain BS at worst.
Tell ya what, let's do Shahady, cause I ain't got all night. Let's see what we can find in a hurry about your little Hitlers...https://heavy.com/news/2019/06/mark-sahady/
FTA: He welcomed illegal aliens to Nancy Pelosi's Napa Valley estate, apologizing for her security and need I say it...walls. He flashed the three percent sign, Noted lawsuit losing race hustling entity SPLC (which I actually financially backed back in the day, when they sued the KKK for their clubhouse, and won) said, "...gesture “symbolizes their belief in the disputed claim that only three percent of American colonists fought against the British in the American Revolution. The three extended fingers represent this three percent.”
OK, so using a hand sign that signifies the Colonials that actively fought in the Revolutionary War is, what? Nazi? No, that's just stupid.
Next fact...his post went viral because of the NY Times. LOL...it's the Streisand Effect. I love it. Thank you NY Times.
Next one..."Sahady Is a Republican, & Often Posts Pro-Trump Statuses on Facebook" There ya go. He's an Actual Nazi.
Finally..."...Proud Boys are not a Washington based group, but a group with members all over the nation. You claim that we displayed ‘well-known Nazi regalia’ on our side. Do you have any pictures to back up your false accusation? You neglect to mention that those organizing the counter protest aimed to shut the rally down, by force if neccessary. You also neglect to mention that the counter protestors attacked our rally with spray paint and bodily fluids, some of which hit the police..."
"However, the Proud Boys organization maintains Sahady is not a member, and never has been."
Well...interesting. So Nazi...
As far as the rest...I stand with Oliver Wendell Holmes. I find freedom of speech acceptable. I'm not a part of them, I might not agree with them, but I do not condone violence to interfere with their Constitutional rights of freedom to peacably assemble...until the hooded savages of antifa show up.
By That person on the T
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 8:18pm
It's not protesters job to inspire you with their grammar. Also "ineloquence"? It's a protest...
Oh really?
By anon
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 11:11pm
It isn't the protesters job to want to stir people to positive action? To make people inspired to be on the side of right? It's only their job to vulgarly shout down the so-called Nazis and then go home to their suburbs and college dorms? Sounds like a half-assed job to me.
You may not be from around
By Ian Osmond
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 8:23pm
You may not be from around here: in Boston, "fuck" is just a part of speech, not a swear. While it CAN be a verb or an insult, it's primary purpose is as "fuckin'", a simple intensifier.
"I fuckin' hate these fuckin' idiot homophobes who came to THIS fuckin' place with their fuckin' truck."
It's not a serious swear like "d**n" or "h**l", or something like that. It's just, y'know, "fuck."
Then you would have really loved the Women's March
By Doggie Hat
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 8:34pm
F bombs, hats with images of loose meat curtains, some worn by toddler aged girls. Classy stuff. And rightly protected by first amendment.
"this is our fucking city"
By Ron Newman
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 9:04pm
You do know who first said this, and why? Or maybe you don't live anywhere near here, so you don't.
Uh, there are Nazis marching in the street...
By anon
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 9:29pm
And we're emulating a fucking baseball player?
I wouldn't have minded they
By dd808
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:19am
I wouldn't have minded they emulated The Baseball Furies on them!
Uh, there are Nazis parading in the street
By jmeltzer
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 9:06pm
and you don't like the _protestors' language??_
Oh look!
By dlauthor
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 9:32pm
An anonymous poster is Concerned. Look how Concerned they are! Oh god, I just rolled my eyes so hard I strained my optic nerves.
Welp, you sure showed that
By Adam
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 9:44pm
Welp, you sure showed that people cursing is just as bad and dangerous as bigotry and hatred. Congrats and recognizing that both sides are equally bad, and choosing to stay uninspired.
one good sign read:
By anon
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 9:58pm
"Straight Pride" is a mockery of the struggles of LGBTQ+ community
No, it's not "official" or universal
By Vicki
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 7:50am
I also saw, among other slogans with no "offensive" words in them, "We're Allies, not Axis," "Love is Love," and "Fighting oppression since Pharaoh." If you prefer "straight people are ruining my Saturday" and "stuff your 'straight pride' in a hole in the ground," go ahead and carry one of those signs. But somehow, since you're saying you "don't like or see the point" of white supremacists but can't be bothered to align yourself with people fighting for justice because we say "fuck" too often, I don't expect to see you out there with a neat "Justice for all means ALL" or "Trans rights are human rights" sign either.
I am sick of having fucking "civility" urged on me as a way of dealing with Nazi sympathizers. There was nothing remotely "civil" or "appropriate" about the people who put my grandfather in a concentration camp, no matter how much neat paperwork they may have had. I will save the civility for politely giving directions to the T yesterday on my way to the protest, and for thanking the Food Not Bombs people for breakfast at the protest, and everyone else who is being friendly or at least neutral to each other, not oh-so-politely trying to take away our rights.
One side uses the F word, the
By anon
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 9:33am
One side uses the F word, the other celebrates the deportation of dying children from hospitals and taking away children from thier families and locking them in cages. But yeah I can see your point about how it's hard to choose sides.
plenty of G-rated signs too
By Ron Newman
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 10:25am
some I saw yesterday
Actually I'm pretty sure we replace you!
replacing you with PRIDE since 1945
Thank you Bigots and Protestors
By anon
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 8:38pm
On behalf of Governor Baker and Mayor Walsh we would like to thank all those who participated in the festival of fools for drawing the media and the publics attention away from corruption in city hall, the methadone mile and the disaster known as the MBTA.
By Stevil
Sat, 08/31/2019 - 9:28pm
Appropriate for many candidates.
Don't we have anyone under 70 that can take a real run at Trump?
What is the fascination with the social security set these days?
No straight pride?
By johnmcboston
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:13am
Interesting that all the people the news stations got on camera, none of them mentioned straight pride - they were all 'pro trump' or 'gays are sinners'.
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