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Call of the wild: Cop uses phone to help capture strutting escapee

Cop and peackock

An unflappable Boston cop managed to wing it and outwit a large but bird-brained runaway from the Franklin Park Zoo today, luring a truant peacock back into captivity with the help of his department-issued smartphone.

Alerted by "a concerned passerby" that one of the Franklin Park Zoo's peacocks had flown the coop, a flock of Boston's finest quickly responded, only to find themselves confronted with "an extremely large, slightly intimidating, and quite beautiful, male peacock," Boston Police report.

One officer came up with an on-the-fly solution: He used his phone's browser to find a peacock mating call and began playing it, successfully luring the gullible bird "into a fenced-in yard where he waited patiently for the arrival of Boston Animal Control," police say, presumably referring to the bird, not the officer.

Peacock and cops


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That neither Dennis nor Callahan have a daily gig in this town anymore. Good riddance.

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As does Adam.

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He knows where his roost is and where his food is kept. He would have returned eventually.

But the officer was quick thinking and maybe hastened his return. A feather for his cap?

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Using that mating call, could have gone horribly wrong.

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Pretty much everything in policing could go horribly wrong.

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Peacocks can be nasty, but it isn't like the cop would have been trampled.

Excellent work overall. The peacock might have gone back home, but it could have been injured during its adventure by a car, a coyote, etc.

Not to mention the police calls that come in when these things mouth off and sound like a person screaming for help.

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Gee, if the BPD could only manage this type of policework with people.

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Using a phone to find a voice going "Hey, baby, I got some beer here, want some?" and playing that to lure a miscreant into a locked area?

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Bravo Adam. I needed that chuckle.

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The peacock equivalent of a text saying "U up"

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