Note: Looks like maybe another hundred showed up.
What a difference a few years makes. Compare the 100 or so Trumpists who demanded the right to breathe on other people on Beacon Street outside the State House this afternoon, as photographed by Frog Lane Harpy. with the tens of thousands who protested him on Beacon Street in 2017.

The Trumpies arrived in a convoy of motorcycles and pickups and at least one larger truck, whose driver seemed to be trying to compensate for something (and whose inspection sticker, as well as the one on the pickup behind him, did not appear to indicate Massachusetts residency):

Afterwards, the protesters did not try to storm the State House to intimidate legislators with their big ol' assault weapons, since those are illegal here, unlike in other states we could mention.
During speechifyin' on the steps of the State House, one speaker said coronavirus is a hoax aimed at turning us into, if not gay frogs, then socialists.
The Globe reports that one of the organizing groups was the same group that ran last year's anti-gay march through the Back Bay and downtown.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
They won't, because they're better people than me
By Michael
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 2:41pm
But hospitals should put pictures of these people up like a bar's 86 lists
Hospitals can't afford to turn anyone away, even Trump voters
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:08pm
BMC recently furloughed 700 medical workers when the wildly inaccurate virus predictions failed to materialize. I don't think they can afford to "86" any patients, not even deplorable Trump supporters. Nationwide, the protesters are winning, as seen by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine admitting his own oppressive mandates were too much. DeWine said he recognized that the order (forcing customers to wear masks) was off-putting to many Ohioans who saw it as “one government mandate too far,” the governor said. Baker will have no choice when 49 other states are back to work.
More lies, more nonsense, more blather
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:14pm
Go away, please. You are not "enlightening" anyone with your made up bullshit stupidity and fake statistics pulled straight from your recycled toilet paper.
is that our responses to
By My biggest concern
Wed, 05/13/2020 - 2:00pm
is that our responses to changes in coronavirus spread are very time sensitive, and these arguments are evolving on their own in response to each other, not the virus.
If the scientifically-illiterate left keeps blindly pushing for WEARING MASKS EVERYWHERE AT ALL TIMES and STAYING INDOORS AT ALL COSTS - i.e., extremes and absolutes, the
scientifically-illiterate right will see the obvious bullshit and do their own thing, as they are now.
I say this because we'll very likely see a dip in the summer, partially due to warmer weather and partially due to all the changes we've already made. Now, the "warm weather" thing is kind of a myth, because there are other variables too, like people being outdoors more frequently. So who knows. But we need to monitor the scientific and medical conversations, not these dumb political takes.
When fall comes and it really matters (the anticipated "Second Peak"), everyone's gonna be sick of hearing about it and get complacent. Talking points and headlines are not a reasonable way to think about medicine
"wildly inaccurate virus predictions"
By fungwah
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:28pm
Whose predictions are we calling inaccurate here? Because it seems to me that members of the Trump administration itself are arguing that it's too early to say we're in the clear.
By berkleealum
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 5:27pm
it just came out today that they're quietly revising their projected death toll to be around 500,000
By Pete Nice
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 6:04pm
Who said that?
By berkleealum
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 4:45am
but they disavowed that projection shortly after it leaked so take that however you will i guess
Between hydroxychloroquine, disinfectant injections
By bulgingbuick
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:22pm
and anal sunlight suppositories this thing will be over before you can say pizzagate.
Did you even read the article
By ZachAndTired
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:27pm
Did you even read the article you linked to, you god damn moron?
"Mostly administrative staff members at BMC and not to front-line health care providers are being furloughed, according to the Globe’s report."
This country has had the steepest curve in the world for rates of infection and death due to this virus. People like you spreading disinformation are a big reason why.
The vast majority of Americans support the shutdown
By Anon
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:23pm
Mike DeWine's has an 83% approval rating from Ohioans, the highest of any governor. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/495504-go...
Most of us were baffled when we found out about the Pro-COVID rallies, because we didn't expect people to be working *with* the plague. It turns out, there really *isn't* a floor on how stupid the Trump fans are.
It's all politics
By tachometer
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 7:41am
The coronavirus has a well known liberal bias.
/s (and a hat tip to the old Stephen Colbert)
The vast majority of Americans support the shutdown
By Steven Gallanter
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 6:42pm
There is a strong association between low income and short life spans. The loss of income inflicted by the coronavirus income is undoubtedly shortening lives. We will approach the point where the odds intersect. As a bartender i would gladly accept a 2 year shortening of life span if I could work tomorrow. Folks from Wellesley want the shutdown as remote work os easily available.
By roxres
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:27pm
and take several seats. You have no clue about BMC's furloughs. The drop in ambulatory patients and elective surgeries combined with the revenue loss led to the furloughs. Trust me, BMC has COVID pts on nearly every floor.
As a BMC alumni I can tell
By CraigM
Wed, 05/06/2020 - 8:48am
As a BMC alumni I can tell you that COVID patients currently make up 70% of the patient population at BMC and have, as another commenter posted, COVID patients on every floor.
By lbb
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:41pm
My god, you're fragile.
By anon
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 4:34pm
This has got to be one of your most deranged posts ever, Mr. Fishodor. It's interesting that you and your trumpster are officially admitting you are a cult of death
Are you just doing an shtick?
By uhub-fan
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 5:03pm
You're just doing a shtick, aren't you?
You're a fucking moron
By cybah
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 5:34pm
I can think of worse things than protesting to go back to work
By StillFromDorchester
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 2:48pm
But they do need to pump the brakes.
They're not protesting to go back to work
By Scratchie
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 5:27pm
They're protesting to force other people to go back to work so they can get a haircut and eat at Chili's.
They are?
By StillFromDorchester
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 6:51pm
Where did you get that information?
Maybe some are barbers and some work at Chili's?
You're either disingenuous or dumb
By lbb
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 11:54am
The rally was "promoted by the right-wing provocateurs behind last September’s controversial Straight Pride Parade and conservative local radio host Jeffrey Kuhner". Now let's do a deep dive into "Super Happy Fun America". This organization is backed by hate group Resist Marxism, whose founder is a criminal thug. Super Happy Fun America vice president Mark Sahady is also a member of Resist Marxism and proud of it. Annnnd we also have Resist Marxism member Tara Patenaude aka "Sue Snyder", who loves her some right wing "reopen" astroturf protests...and, presumbly, also her job as an ambulatory services specialist at UMass Memorial Hospital.
It won't shock me at all if these are the dogs you want to lie down with, but don't expect decent people to pretend that you don't stink.
That may all be true
By StillFromDorchester
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 1:22pm
And my point stands.
Thanks for the insult about decnt people thinking I stink for expressing my opinion.
Did you go to charm school?
Reading comprehension
By lbb
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 3:36pm
If you lie down with those dogs, you'll get up with their fleas. It's your choice.
I know what the saying means.
By StillFromDorchester
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 4:13pm
How saying some of those people might be protesting to go back to work means I'm laying down with them is a mystery.
You know they were all protesting for other people go go back go work so they could get haircuts and eat at Chili's, you must be a better person than me I guess. I'll try to do better.
Why do they need force?
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 8:05pm
I've heard multiple people posit this. What does Chili's sell that I can't currently buy? It's possible that I'm taking you more literally than you sought, but what would be the point of petitioning government to get a Chili's reopened?
I can learn to make (or find a reasonable frozen equivalent of) probably anything on their food menu, and I can walk down the hill to Oak Square Liquors to acquire the ingredients to replicate their drink menu. Is the experience of sitting in a Chili's this wonderful Shangri-La that existing retail markets can't replicate?
Maybe Chili's should collect contact information from these protesters so that they can make donations to their favorite server, who is possibly still waiting on their UI claim to be processed and paid.
Back to the haircuts, why does the person who wants the haircuts need government's help? That's a transaction between the stylist and the person with the long hair. I went to an open Bank of America today, and I may go to Target tomorrow. Those are open. Why can't the hairstylist open their storefront? Why is government picking winners? I didn't ask for their help, and I've adhered to distancing guidelines presented by people who actually have to try for a living. Should be up to the hairstylist to decide whether or not they feel safe around a customer, no?
Not that I go to Scratchie for sincere answers, but hey, maybe it's my lucky day.
This really needs to be explained, hm?
By lbb
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 8:40pm
So, the way it works is this:
You posit this as "a transaction between the stylist and the person with the long hair", but except for the rare case where the stylist owns the business, this is not at all the case. Even when the stylist owns the business, the government is still involved. You're falling for the deliberately misleading framing of the issue as one of "freedom", when in fact it's about government abdication for doing anything for the common good.
Million dollar question
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 10:32pm
In regard to your third bullet point: Who makes the distinction that work conditions are "risky?" Government, or the employer?
It's a sticky issue, and one that needed to be examined. Good thing we're in the midst of The Great Societal Reset of 2020.
Of course!
By fungwah
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 9:09am
Rather than having public safety decisions be made by elected officials who can be held accountable to the voting public, we should have them be made by corporations who are driven to maximize profits even at the cost of human health or happiness! I only read the first couple pages of Snow Crash but so far it seems like a great description of a society that truly works for everyone!
Hair stylist vs bank or Target
By Ron Newman
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 10:33pm
The bank and Target, with some surmountable difficulty, can try their best to maintain 6' distance between customers and employees. How would a hair stylist do that?
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 10:57pm
The stylist can make the voluntary choice to wear one, and, if the stylist deems it conditional to completing the transaction, I can wear one as well. I'll hold it over my face with my hand so that the strap isn't in the way.
A conversation in which I sit here and elaborate upon the specifications necessary for a haircut transaction between two parties, while pleasant and entertaining, remains ridiculous. Now imagine a government official taking any time out of their day at all to intervene.
you know as well as I
By ElizaLeila
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 8:58am
That the government is involved with hair stylists via licensing. That's because the stylists and barbers generally have sharp objects near people's heads. They are required to have basic safety training.
Nevermind an understanding of chemistry and the effects of products applied to hair/scalp, like bleach, dye chemicals, straightening chemicals, perming chemicals ...
I know you want the government out of your haircut transaction, but years ago, someone, probably in the public, wanted some oversight of people in that business to make certain they weren't burning the skin off of people's heads. Or expect them to have some knowledge of what to do when the straight razor slips during a hot towel shave.
Wonder why so many take exception to these postings?
By Bob Leponge
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 11:25pm
Its because they come across as having been written by someone who has just discovered economics and who hasn't had time to think through very many of the messy bits.
It's not unusual for intelligent, thoughtful 19 year olds who read books to have a brief crush on Ayn Rand. That kind of libertarianism offers the elegance of hyper-rationality, and the appeal of simple, obvious solutions to many thorny issues. But generally, by the time people turn 25 or so, they have learned the significance of phrases like "grossly unequal bargaining power," "stacked deck," "regulatory capture," and "inelasticity of demand for necessities," and they realize that the idealized concept of pure, transactional interactions between consenting peers doesn't really capture very much of the glorious, scruffy, complex, nuanced realm that is economic reality; they recognize as ludicrous the presupposition that, say f'rinstance, Suzy the rideshare driver and Uber, or Joe the patient and Partners Healthcare, are free agent peers operating in an free market with agency to to negotiate whatever deal they find mutually beneficial.
Time for the John Rogers quote:
By tachometer
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 7:46am
“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."
They also realize
By jmeltzer
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 8:04am
that the billionaires today that profess to be Randians are far more like Rand's villains than her heroes.
I'll bet...
By Scratchie
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 3:02pm
They're not true Scotsmen, either, huh?
Ayn Rand!
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 9:55am
"Every time a person brings up libertarianism, they say Ayn Rand! That's their one! Ayn Rand! Ayn Rand!"
"She beat Joe Louis's ass."
"She did beat Joe Louis's ass."
Anyway, Suzy can drive for Lyft, and Uber can (and does!) end up in the news for partnering with sexual assailants and other assorted deviants only there to be around attractive young women because they sure as (expletive) aren't in it for the money at $1.24 a mile and a 25% take. And Joe the patient is welcome to get his elective surgery in any other country. In fact, he should on price alone.
Your point on inelasticity applies to emergency medicine.
What point are you trying to make?
By lbb
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 11:57am
Do you ever say anything, or is it always just rambling incoherent bullshit like this?
My point
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 12:26pm
Was that the driving contractor and the person seeking medical services have more bargaining power than Bob Leponge thinks they do.
I don't think my sentences were impossible to read. Your cussing isn't going to improve your ability to read.
Not impossible to read
By lbb
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 3:55pm
Your sentences aren't "impossible to read". Every one of them parses. They're just complete non sequiturs. You seem to be more interested in admiring your own obliqueness than you are in communicating.
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 8:48pm
That's totally going into my eulogy.
Also, you know that's from Coming to America, right?
Perspective is everything
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:13pm
Too many news reports on these covidiots have tight shots that make it look like there is a large group of people, rather than a handful of whiny dumbasses. If there wasn't a serious risk involved, I'd go around asking them how naked people at Gay Pride rallies or Colin Kaepernick taking a knee fit into their theories of "wearing clothing on my face violates my civil liberties". not that I would expect consistency.
Damn tempting to dig out the old supersoaker and some fabuloso, though. But, yeah, the risk of catching the 'rona from one of their nasty ilk is actually real.
Yup. These people could have
By Matt Man
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:59pm
Yup. These people could have fit into a few MBTA buses. Maybe a couple of those bendy Silver Line buses.
Mask up
By Whaddayatalk
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 5:34pm
Quite a few of them are wearing masks though, which sends a hell of a mixed message.
literally more people have died in 3 days
By anon
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 10:17pm
than this weeks long media pantomime. funded by right wing PACs and attended by out of state activists. From a group that labels all school shootings as fake false flags and the virus a hoax - while hundreds die. Today is the first day that less than 100 people died in MA in a long time - talk to me in 2 weeks after this BS
I'm curious to know whether the local talk radio station
By bulgingbuick
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:07pm
behind this Qanon inspired rally is doing well with advertising. For example, the financial company that scares old people into buying high commission annuities and uses that local talk radio host to up sell fear must be making good dough. This must be good for business. No? Look 100 to 150 people breathing all over each other during a pandemic and a bullhorn is genius marketing.
You Mean The Man Of The People Radio Host?
By John Costello
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:22pm
The one who went to a high school that costs as much as year for room and board as most of these protesters make? That one?
We need to stop giving Y'All Qaeda that oxygen they thrive on.
Are you talking about Greg
By BU Alumbum
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:55pm
Are you talking about Greg Hill or Howie Carr?
Howie is a nut job for back in the day. Greg does it to act contrarian but is still more of a douche each week - even pushing the who Wuhan Biolab theory in Feb.
Last time I checked, free speech didn't mean giving people wrong advice or unproven theories - yank these people off the air. Though I am pretty sure the people at WEEI lost their jobs so they could afford to pay Greg his money after his failed foray into restaurants.
These guys, just like Severin, pretend to be liberatarian but are just right wing GOP with mildly progressive public opinions.
Good work Boston!
The voice of Gumby dammit!
By bulgingbuick
Wed, 05/06/2020 - 9:42am
The radio guy with the cartoon voice of Aardvark from the Ant & The Aardvark. The thirteenth most influential conservative in Massachusetts.
I’m glad I live somewhere
By Kinopio
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:11pm
I’m glad I live somewhere that these moronic fans of Disinfectant Donald are so outnumbered by rational people.
I wish people would just be
By Matt Frank
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:18pm
I wish people would just be honest... It's all about cost benefit analysis.
In other words how many dead people is too many for you? We do this all the time. We do this with the flu we do this with seats belts. It will never be 0.
What agitates me is when people are sitting on reports outlining how 3000 people will die a day by June but then claim it's all fake news.
If you want to open the economy right now then I want to see your numbers. Give me the number of acceptable dead people... Because that's how the government is handling it. For months I've been hearing this bullshit that it is not a big deal , that it will pass over easily and look where we are now.
By June more people will die from this every two days then we're killed in 911 and post 911 we turned the world upside down.
If you want to open the
By anon
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 5:52pm
Restricting people's freedoms and keeping the economy closed should not be the 'default' position. If you want to keep the economy [i]closed[/i] longer, then I want to see [i]your[/i] numbers for the economic and societal damage that will create.
Naturally, it's a hard decision and no sane political leader (Walsh, Baker) who's taken the position of extending the Lockdown will care to openly admit to the damage their decision does to the economy. Baker will highlight the lives saved, not the jobs or livelihoods lost. And news is so partisan and dominated by agendas, it's hard to know what the cost/benefit really looks like.
Actually closed is the
By Matt Frank
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 7:18pm
Actually closed is the default because that's what people want, that's what experts advise and that's what Political leadership is going with.
If you watch the daily conference they provide numbers for their backing.
Opening would kill way more people, how many are you willing to lose? If you can't answer that then maybe your not cut out to make those decisions.
For what it's worth I think Cuomo was wrong to draw a line if no loss of life is acceptable early on. I get his point but it's not realistic. Every decision has consequences and we need leaders to make those choices. I'm happy with my leadership at the State House, if you aren't then it's on you to explain.
Oh, Adam, go out for a walk or something
By Waquiot
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:20pm
I mean, would you really want more people out today than were at the same spot in 2017? Really?
I accept you editorial bias, just as I do with the Boston Herald, but perhaps touting the size of respective protest crowds might not be the best thing right now. I mean, I get their point, but I'd kind of hope that even less showed up today.
The protestors are either willfully stupid or don't get it.
By mplo
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:29pm
The wearing of masks in public, the social distancing of 6 feet or more from other people, the stay-at-home advisory, and the forbidding of large gathers of people were implemented for a reason: to protect people from each other, and, to hopefully flatten the curve. Re-opening everything too quickly could cause a relapse, if one gets the drift.
The protestors should know that. Generally, I don't think that protestors, for whatever reason(s), have any business blocking traffic, in general, but especially during the Covid-19 crisis.
I've added a sentence to the original post
By adamg
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:33pm
Seems at least one of the speakers was of the opinion that coronavirus is just a hoax aimed at turning us into the United Socialist States because, why, well, it's pretty obvious. If you're of that mindset, then you have nothing to fear and so why not show up at a big ol' rally (and then healthcare workers have to deal with the resulting mess, but, hey, it doesn't exist, they say, and besides, all the hospitals are empty!).
So in that sense, yeah, I don't see why the comparison isn't valid: If somebody is this heated up and they really think it's all a hoax, but they don't show up, then that does say something about a size comparison.
But, yes, a walk does sound like a good idea, thanks.
I was there for about 15 minutes at around 3pm
By anon
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 4:16pm
Two consecutive speakers called the virus a hoax designed to deep-6 President Trump since everything was so awesome and the impeachment didn't result in conviction.
Lots of cray-cray there.
hell of a conspiracy
By anon
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 10:18pm
All those people in China and Italy willing to die horribly just to make Trump look bad - this is bigger than we thought....
"all the hospitals are empty!"
By tachometer
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 7:51am
Adam, try to keep up. The hospitals are full of crisis actors (I'm sure Alex Jones will accuse them all of double dipping with unemployment as well as their secret black-ops paycheck soon).
Tone police right on queue
By spin_o_rama
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 3:56pm
Where did Adam say that he wanted more people to be in attendance today vs. the 2017 example?
Yes he did
By Waquiot
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 4:21pm
To wit,
Take those 2 sentence out, and it's a well written article. Leave them in, and it's sounding like a Fox News commentator (as I would imagine they would sound) on opposite day. Heck, Adam even decided to double down on the claim (see above.)
Yeah he compared the sizes
By spin_o_rama
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 4:41pm
You still gotta show where Adam wanted the numbers to be higher for todays protest.
Again, sounds like you've just got an issue with the tone, which is pretty on brand.
He used crowd size as a metric
By Waquiot
Mon, 05/04/2020 - 9:53pm
And the implication was there that the number of alleged Trump supporters did mean something in relation to the 2017 rally numbers.
Again, from what I gather, Fox News does things like this all the time. This is a case of comparing a rally down when basically everyone is saying that mass gatherings are bad with a rally on the best of days (a warm, sunny Saturday when we weren’t being told to stay home.)
Oh you're so close to getting it
By spin_o_rama
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 9:21am
Yeah its fairly obvious to most adults and from what Adam said, that the size comparison was mocking the merits of the protest.
Once again, where did Adam say he wanted the crowd to be larger, as you implied?
Hey while I got you here and speaking about implications, remember when you implied that the cyclist who died on Mass Ave recently deserved to die because you said they ran a red light? I mean of course you didn't actually mean they deserved to die but you were so set on telling us they ran a red light.
Also curiously, still haven't seen any stories backing up your claim that WBZ-TV reported the cyclist ran a red light.
And now you've said it
By Waquiot
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 10:52am
Once again, the implication is there. A bigger rally would be more valid. I may not support the people who rallied yesterday and don't think that mass gatherings are the best thing in these times, but to say it again, deciding to compare it to a rally in the best of days is just childish. TDS reigns on this website.
As for what I saw on the 11 PM news, no, I don't record the nightly news, so I have nothing to verify what I saw. It would seem that some one is obsessed.
TDS doesn't exist.
By boo_urns
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 11:06am
Or, it does, but it's actually only assholes who project that others are "deranged" while normalizing Trump administration bullshit.
Go cry harder with the "fuck your feelings" crowd.
I mean I wouldn't imply you were lying
By spin_o_rama
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 11:15am
But it does kinda sound like you were lying about that story. You curiously dodged that point too in the older thread. Gosh can't imagine why.
Once again, you gotta do the work and show us where Adam wanted the crowd to be larger, which was your original complaint. Otherwise its still just baseless tone policing.
The TDS comment is kinda revealing too but I won't try to imply anything from that.
By Waquiot
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 10:57pm
I give you your props on that bike thing. The true reality is that I saw it on TV, so its not like I can find a link to something I read.
But again, I showed the quote, and you agreed with me on what the implication is, which means it's there. It's like when the Boston Herald would note how many EBT cards someone who was arrested for heroin distribution had or where they were born, except that I would say that Adam was a lot more clear with his implication.
But yes, Adam deciding that it was very important to note the attendance at this rally (for a cause that most Trump voters, according to polls, don't support) in comparison to an anti-Trump rally is a classic example of TDS.
You implied Adam wanted more people
By spin_o_rama
Wed, 05/06/2020 - 9:35am
Keep spinning those wheels but you still haven't shown where he wanted the crowd to be bigger. That was your original complaint.
Now you've almost got it, yes he was mocking the size, no he wasn't also asking for it to be larger. Its clearly to mock the merits of a protest with such small turnout compared to another protest in the same space, nothing more.
The poll just further cements that point, these are but a few clowns that showed up and they don't have wide support. I guess when the original point gets knocked down, conjure up something else like TDS. Again, very on brand.
Curiously, no other news agencies including the one you cited have reported anything like that. Why would it be on one nightly broadcast on one news network only?
You can only find these threads and your original comment trying to imply (which I don't really believe you implied) that the cyclist deserved to die because they ran a red light.
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