For some reason, the EPA issued a press release yesterday urging people not to drink Lysol or toilet-bowl cleaner
Late yesterday, the EPA issued what it called a "critical" warning to the public about consuming disinfectant sprays, gels and liquids.
Do not ingest disinfectant products. This includes never applying any product on List N (the agency’s list of disinfectants to use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19) directly to food.
That list includes such common household disinfectants as Lysol Brand Bleach Mold And Mildew Remover and Scrubbing Bubbles Bubbly Bleach Gel Toilet Bowl Disinfectant.
The agency did not say why it suddenly felt the need to warn the public against ingesting such substances. Seriously, who would even think up an idea like that?
How long before the videos
How long before the videos surface of angry men in MAGA hats eating Tide Pods in their trucks "to own the libs"?
sad day. Any Trumpenstines want to chime in and explain why their Orange Demon should disband the EPA?
Disband the EPA!
We finally have a golden opportunity to be rid of the people who listen to Trump and the EPA has to blow up the scheme with its announcement.
So yeah, that's a strike against the agency.
No @Rob O
There's still a chance
All we need is for Obama to say people should NOT drink Clorox. That would seal the deal.
It's a different world westa Worcester
The Globe today has an interview with a "traveling" nurse from Alabama who took an assignment at Mass. General:
The Red Sox
Should give this woman tickets, when they resume play. She's the hero that we need right now, even if she can't drive or speak the language.
I believe
that look would be better termed "practiced doe-eyed innocence." Hope she can find new ways to exist here, in civilization.
I can't read the story (paywall)
but did the nurse (and not just her friends) really believe that COVID-19 was fake?
Try this.
Try this.
The story is not what the cynics think. Everyone should give her some credit. She chose to come up and work here and help because she was moved by the care her dying father received from healthcare professionals and she wanted to be able to give others that same kind of care. She might have been a bit naive before she saw the situation in the ER, but she didn't think COVID was fake and she doesn't have any issue with Boston (except for the driving). She is reporting back to her friends down south to let them know what it's really like. It's a touching story and she is an inspiration. You would be lucky to get someone like her to care for you.
I am happy to hear that
though still appalled at the "friends in Alabama".
Of course you are.
She's from there.
Bless your heart.
And yours too.
Have a nice day.
I think
I think jmeltzer is appalled at the attitude of the friends in AL, not at the nurse having friends there.
Quite correct
The story makes the point that Alabama has fewer cases than Suffolk County.
"You would be lucky to get someone like her to care for you."
That wasn't 'doe-eyed innocence'. That was an honest question from someone that does this for a living. The reporter? In the ICU? I doubt it. She wasn't there. Just looking for an anti-Trump angle. Any anti-Trump angle.
Also, ignore advice from Dr. "I'm, like, a person that has a
good you-know-what [points to head]" about trying to get "ultraviolet or just very powerful light" inside yourself.
What a dangerous, ridiculous clown our President is.
He is. But...
...a lot of people beat him to it.
Here, have some UV light:
From the reliably left Newsweek, a relevant magazine:
Sunlight is the best disinfectant...old proverb.
From the NIH: "Ultraviolet Irradiation of Blood: “The Cure That Time Forgot”?"
Now for a walk on the wild side...H2O2 as a disinfectant, applied internally. Looks like a big nope in 2005, (from See BS news) but...
"... has never been FDA-approved for internal use." Of course not. So, why not look at it now?
But, don't let it stand in the way of Orange Man Bad. My advice to people? Look this stuff up. Read about it. You might find that the media is not only hopelessly biased, but rather ill informed.
American Cancer Society had an article about it, but pulled it, it seems.
Probably afraid some anti -Trump lunatic would use it to kill her husband, like with the fish tank cleaner.
what’s your point here, murphy brown? that the president thinking aloud on national tv about treatments that you admit aren’t effective is somehow good? we just all have it wrong; the president spitballing is a great strategy for fixing a pandemic?
you think that nobody thought of these things before trump said it? like, i really don’t get what the point here is.
Music man...
What's the matter? Shift key broke? Orange Man got your pinkie finger? I don't cite an NIH paper hoping that someone in the medical community might read it. They already have.
As I said, 'But, don't let it stand in the way of Orange Man Bad. My advice to people? Look this stuff up. Read about it. You might find that the media is not only hopelessly biased, but rather ill informed.'
It is aimed at ordinary people to read.
'you think that nobody thought of these things before trump said it? like, i really don’t get what the point here is.'
Of course they thought of it. Hell, they wrote about it. Google 'cytokine'. Or not, I don't really care.
dude theres a bong in the other room thats calling out for you.
oh ok
so no response re: whether the leader of the free world should be spitballing about dumb stuff on national tv during a pandemic.
you anti-anti-trumpists seem to think that everyone else is too stupid to google “hydroxychloroquine” and parse the results for outlets that are traditionally left or right leaning. congratulations on knowing how to use a search engine! meanwhile you miss the forest for the trees with ridiculous pedantry.
i’m sure i speak for most of us
when i say i await the “he didn’t say that, but if he did you didn’t understand it, and if you did...” crowd
Right-wing propaganda media and the latest edition
of Doesn't Hold Press Conferences Hitler Barbie, a/k/a the White House press secretary, are already pressing the argument that the President never said those things that he's right there on video saying, plain as day.
That shit actually works on Trumpies. "How many fingers am I holding up?"
UPDATE: Now the President says he was just joking to get a rise out of the press. Which, again, is utterly contradicted by the actual video footage, but even if remotely true would be insanely reckless.
Someone, please take the loaded gun away from that idiot child.
He was being sarcastic
That's today's story anyway.
Which is, yah know...
...exactly the right approach to take during a national crisis resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands.
I'll never forget
When Obama addressed the nation after the Sandy Hook massacre, he cracked a few stupid jokes that his spokespeople had to explain were jokes the next day. Similarly Reagan after the Challenger disaster. It's a time-honored Presidential tradition.
You'll never forget,
But I've never heard of Obama making any Sandy Hook joke, and my admittedly not-exhaustive search didn't turn up any. I did find this article, which contrasts Obama crying at the school with Trump enjoying a smiley photo-op with the wife at a later school shooting. If you can substantiate these Obama jokes, I'll revise my opinion, but as of now, I don't believe it.
As for Reagan, WTF do you expect from that asshole?
So, you haven't established " a time-honored Presidential tradition." You've got one twisted human responding inappropriately to a tragedy. And another in Trump.
Bleach Boys
He suggested tanning beds and injecting disinfectants.
Couple of notes
Doctors actually have studied injecting people with disinfectants. Nazi doctors. At Auschwitz.
The last time American doctors followed medical advice from His Most Serene Highness, veterans died.
I'm actually more concerned
I'm actually more concerned about the scientific findings that were presented before Trump made such stupid and dangerous comments.
Generally speaking, we already know that most germs are hindered by increased temperatures and UV light. I'm glad that we are finding that summertime temperatures and the amount of UV light in sunlight seem to be effective in reducing the virus. But this information was released without any caution or framing and that if the general public gets the impression that this is the magic fix, they will make poor and dangerous decisions down the road.
The reality is no matter how hot and sunny it is, knowing what we do know about the transmission of this virus, if someone exhales the virus into your face because you are now standing too close, you are going to inhale the virus.
Additionally, if people spend significantly more time out in the sun because it is, or is perceived to be safer than saying indoors, there are still precautions that need to be taken to prevent against well known sun injury, including the potential for developing skin cancer.
Uh no.
They weren't saying expose yourself to sunlight.
They were talking about SURFACES. Your car exterior, your picnic table, the front of the bus, the kitchen counter, and comparing alcohol and bleach for cleaning SURFACES. I had no idea alcohol was more effective than bleach. Too bad I have much more bleach than alcohol, but at least I know to account for it's being slightly less effective.
Yes, I understand that. My
Yes, I understand that. My concern is that others will not understand that.
After Trumps stupid suggestions, over 100 people in Maryland called their hotline asking about ingesting disinfectants. These are the people I worry about not hearing scientific information properly framed, even when it is good scientific information. (Source:
The body is a surface.
[nods smugly]
Re: bleach
I recently learned that bleach has a shelf life, and loses its potency over time, even in unopened bottles.
I see the light
But can I eat light bulbs? I mean, obviously shooting up Clorox could have a downside, but why is nobody paying attention to this great visionary's other suggestion?
You doubters should have more faith. After all, the President is a pretty smart guy. We know this is true, because he said so, and he's a pretty smart guy.
I'm going to suggest another
way for Trumpies to get those UV bulbs inside of them.
He used to own a university!
I'm sure he was Dean of the Dunning Kruger School of Public Health at Trump U ...
I just trademarked "Intu-bright"
Now I just sit back and wait for someone to invent a ventilator that has a UV light on the business end and I can sell them the name.
remember mablibs ?
remember mablibs ?
They haven't tried my grandma
They haven't tried my grandma's Bleach and Beans.
Why do I keep getting surprised?
I was seeing the headlines last night warning not to drink Lysol, and I thought, some idiots have been saying we should do that. But then I read beyond the headlines today and see Who The Idiot Is.
This is right up there with
This is right up there with the 57 state comment of our former dear leader.
Biden has a plan for the Coronavirus.
“And, in addition to that, in addition to that we have to make sure that we, we are in a position that we are, well met me go the second thing, I've spoken enough on that,"
I am still waiting for “Super Thursday”.
Uh, no
"57 states" might be embarrassing, but it wasn't going to kill anyone. The President suggesting a course of action that's directly harmful is way worse by anyone's standards.
i’m more surprised that it took 4 hours and 11 minutes for someone to mention Obama than i am confused as to what he has to do with anything at all
Only a Trumpie could be dumb enough
to invite a comparison between Obama and Trump on the subject, Who Has Said More Idiotic, Dangerous, Patently False Things?
Ya don't wanna go there, sonny.
Deflect, deflect, deflect.
"But Biden said! But Obama said! BENGHAZI!!"
Serious question
Do you believe that, had you asked Obama immediately before that slip, "How many states are there in the USA?" he would have answered "57" or "50"?
during his 2008 campaign
during his 2008 campaign trail, he budgeted to visit the lower 48. he was in oregon and planned to go to washington later that day.
his team was travelling by bus/plane/hotels for a few weeks and he flubbed up 47th state (57th) with 1 left to go during a speech.
Even if Barry had no excuse for this flub, one has to
knee-slap at how often rightie dipshits bring it up. There just isn't a deep well of material there, and it opens up a hilarious conversation about Trump's historic, world-beating ability to lie or vamp nonsensically even when a toddler could spot it, even when it makes no political sense, even when it undercuts the transparent spin his amoral sycophants promote to deflect attention from his insistent, deadly ignorance and criminal negligence.
Spewing patent bullshit is just Trump's default mode. The muscle memory there is so deep and reflexive, he can't help it. That might be a plus when you're hawking fraudulent diplomas, diluted ethanol, hideous neckties or brain-dead reality TV, but when the whole world is watching, you just make yourself and your supporters look like dire, dangerous fools.
Do yourselves a favor, Trumpies: stop whatabouting on this particular score. It's embarrassing for everyone. Well, not everyone: just you.
Find your safe space.
the other part is he is
the other part is he is suggesting blasting our skin with cancer causing u.v. rays ?
He was actually talking about getting the UV or
some other "very powerful light" (because everyone knows UV is in the most *powerful* part of the electromagnetic spectrum) inside of people, somehow. That, of course, would also be dangerously destructive, were it practical to do.
I suppose you could illuminate certain body cavities. It's not worth thinking about for more than two seconds, it's so powerfully fucking dumb. I'd laugh at the notion of Trumpies sticking black-light bulbs up their heinies, but none of this is really funny.
As has been pointed out on the internets
that's an old Star Trek episode: "Operation Annihilate".
Electromagnetic power
If we're going for power, why stop at UV? Sure, its photon energy is a lot more than that of visible light, but it's about 1/100,000 that of gamma radiation. Go Gamma! Hulk out!
if we all turn green, that is a small price to pay.
A New York Times correction
Has bothsideserism run its course?
this from the guy who wants
this from the guy who wants his name on the chex (eventho it will delay for those too poor for direct-deposit).
he wants his name on everything: trump tai mahal, trump towers, trump marina, trump golf course, the border wall, ...