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Might as well make some money off this Brandon stuff, guy figures

Let's go Brandon

An entrepreneur has set up a trailer on Rte. 1 southbound in Norwood to sell Trump and anti-Biden stuff. Probably easier to get supplies of that than Christmas trees.

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I find this stuff kind of silly. LGB is right up there with the "pink hats" in 2016. It's the losing side trying to distract themselves from the fact they lost. They also have these high hopes that their secret symbols will spread across the country and cause people nationwide to rise up abd shake off the shackles of whatever.

It's incredibly silly but honestly as messages go it's not so bad. F Joe Biden isn't even that bad and this passes it through two more filters. It's also a way for them to ween themselves off of Trump and the MAGA brand. In many ways I'd prefer to see that group be angry at Joe Biden than in Love with Donald Trump

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were based on sexist statements by the last president and the demonstrations were based on threats to our freedoms promised by that last president, most specifically for the wearers of the hats (women), who were being threatened with changes that would put us into the prequel for the Handmaid's Tale (the reason why those outfits were also worn in protests against those laws or threatened laws. But if you want to think it's sore losers, I guess we can tell who you voted for in 2016.

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Oh you were able to decipher that I voted for Bernie Sanders and then Hillary Clinton in 2016 based off of my comment? That I voted for Obama in 2012. That I voted for Hillary Clinton then Barrack Obama in 2008?

I would point out that the Brandon buddies all also believe they are somehow being pushed down. That they are right above all else. That anyone who does not agree with them fully must have voted for people they also dislike. Looking at your comment to my first post you seem like you would fit right in with the group think where ever you happen to be. If you were born a hundred miles that way you would be waving your Brandon flags. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a Trump loving insurrectionist.

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It's also a way for them to ween themselves off of Trump and the MAGA brand.

That's not how it works. People who nurture grievance, as exemplified by behavior such as flaunting a childish spiteful ooh-look-at-me-being-naughty phrase such as "Let's Go Brandon", will perpetually become more angry and more committed to their irrational beliefs and symbols.

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gay people are the same as trump voters

If you're talking about the reference to pink hats, I think the commenter was referring to the pink pussy hats that were popular among suburban white women going to their first ever rally in January 2017. Yes, that was also an absurd comparison, but it's not the absurd comparison you were thinking of.

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is what i understood from that portion of their comment, and they seem to be doubling down on that. i get that it wasn't their main point though

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"both sides are the same" is what i understood from that portion of their comment, and they seem to be doubling down on that.

Absolutely. It's just that their two sides aren't gays and Red Hats. They see the wearing of a pink pussy hat to protest the inauguration of a President* who has vowed to take away your basic human rights as tantamount to screeching a childish fraidy-cat "I didn't SAY the eff word so you can't spank me" hate-filled slogan aimed at a duly elected President who is trying to help all Americans. They're wrong.

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One group made pink hats and spent one day peacefully marching against misogyny and sexual assault, the other perpetratated and now defends a homicidal white nationalist insurrection aimed at overturning a democratic election while openly calling for the assassination of the Vice President and violently disrupting a Constitutionally-mandated congressional function at the United States Capitol.

But “both sides”! Amiright?

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Let's go Bannon?

(like, to jail with the other seditionists?)

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…. Brandon. The guff the Brandons must be getting ….

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yeah yeah not condoning any 'Karen' action but I've known some Karens in my time and they were nice people.

One recently starting using her middle name because she was so tired of the frequent question about "Karens" when she introduced herself.

I mean I can't blame her.. or anyone named Brandon, either.

Then again, when someone with my first name gets in the news.. its a Kardashian. ugh.

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I’m guessing the shirts only come in xxl.

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No need to single any body type out.

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…sold around the back.

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That I've never gotten into the "separate Trumpies from their money" game, but on the other hand, I'd hate to have a picture of myself manning an operation like this getting back to anyone I've ever known

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Can you just imagine what it would be like being face to face with the kind of people who would buy this shit? Sure, it's a moneymaker, but to me it just looks like a real hard dollar.

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I think they'd be nice to you while they're handing you money, but you'd have to laugh at their horrible (misogynistic, racist, unfunny) jokes. Mailorder would be the way to go. Just buy a mailing list and start pulling in the cash.

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Bonus points for subsequent target marketing of miracle cures, fundraising scams, and multilevel marketing schemes.

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No guilt necessary.

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If I had known in March of 2020 that people would be eating horse paste to avoid getting a vaccine, I would have set up shop selling magic (sugar) pills.

I'd be rich by now.

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Sugar pills are less likely to kill them than horse paste.

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There's a lot of money in the magic sugar pill (dba "homeopathic") market, but also a lot of competition from people who got their first and/or have lots of online followers and a line of conspiracy theory marketing.

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I feel the same way. I was just in Mexico and everyone is hawking this kind of stuff to tourists. At first I was like what are you doing? These people are supporting a group that wants to see you in cages. Then I realized they're smarter than me because they're taking easy money from boomer tourist who think wearing a Lets go Brandon shirt is some kind of bad ass form of protest when it's just cringy. When I see people wearing that it just reminds of some kid in my high school who would yell "smoke weed everyday" in the hallway and thought he was the coolest. We're all embarrassed on your behalf.

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reminds of some kid in my high school who would yell "smoke weed everyday" in the hallway and thought he was the coolest. We're all embarrassed on your behalf.

I thought he was cool.

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I thought he was cool.

He was a lot cooler than idiot Yanqui tourists who buy "Let's Go Brandon" t-shirts while vacationing in Mexico.

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That's a Nate Dogg lyric. Good on him if this was circa 2000.

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Making this part of your real life identity.

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Misspelling "Let's" and needing to black out the "a" in your sign, least someone think you're even more of a dope.

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I wonder what he's selling to eat? Trumpie bars? Sedition sticks? 1st Amendment wafers?
Poor Brandon.

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Shit sandwiches. Same as all of us had to eat for 4+ years.

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