WCVB reports. If she's confirmed, Gov. Baker will get to pick the next Suffolk County DA.
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Ad:WCVB reports. If she's confirmed, Gov. Baker will get to pick the next Suffolk County DA.
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The comments in this thread…
By tblade
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 11:25am
…are sure to be in earnest and super productive.
I’m not suggesting Rollins is above criticism, but it’s fascinating how people who didn’t even know how to spell Dan Conley or even knew Suffolk County had a DA for 16 years all of a sudden have very strong opinions about DA Rollins’s qualifications and fitness for the job.
How long would Baker's AG
By _Sean
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 11:36am
How long would Baker's DA replacement be for? I'm guessing it's too late to open the race for later this year (like the replacement for Boston mayor). So would the appointment be until fall 2022?
By tblade
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 9:36pm
Baker’s choice will serve the remainder of Rollins’s term which will end with the 2022 election.
Why generalize
By Rob O
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 1:13pm
about the comments in this thread?
Perhaps some commenters will be motivated by racism or whatever you are implying.
Others will be motivated by confusion as to why someone who demonstrates the poor judgment of the South Bay incident and the Fox 25 follow-up interview would be nominated to a powerful post.
Why not simply judge each comment as it comes in?
I'm no fan of Conley, but he cut a lower profile than what Rollins very intentionally has opted for.
Oh my
By lbb
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 1:56pm
You sweet summer child.
By Rob O
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 3:43pm
I'm surprised you choose to participate in a comment section that you find predictably toxic.
That's your takeaway, huh?
By lbb
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 4:03pm
You got all that from "you sweet summer child", huh?
Is it against the law for black people to disagree?
By cinnamngrl
Tue, 07/27/2021 - 9:30am
Because that is what happened. She yelled at a reckless driver. That driver was outraged and is still whining about it despite the video that backed up Rollins description of events. The she told off a reporter that came to her private home despite the fact that everyone knows where her office is. I really don't understand why any person has a problem with her behavior.
This stupid stuff does not happen to white politicians. If a white man had flipped his cop lights at this racist, she would have apologised.
By Rob O
Tue, 07/27/2021 - 4:46pm
If that is what you think happened, I can see why you would applaud her nomination.
I think something much different happened, that, while not against any statute, exhibited poor judgment. I like to think I would feel the same if a white DA did the same.
People can have reasonable differences of opinion that are not based on racism or whatever was implied in the original comment.
what did I forget?
By cinnamngrl
Tue, 07/27/2021 - 8:38pm
Are you pretending that you have never seen a white male flip their blue lights at someone in the way? It seems like your facts are selective. Does your fake naivete extend to believing that Turtleboy would have run a story about a white male official flipping their blue lights and yelling at someone out of the window of their car?
To be fair
By brianjdamico
Tue, 07/27/2021 - 9:05pm
The blog named after the statue of a child doing something NSFW to a turtle probably would run that story too. Gotta rake any muck, after all.
i doubt that highly
By berkleealum
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 8:14am
muckiness is in the eye of the beholder
That's the opposite point
By Rob O
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 8:26am
First, I don't think you forgot anything. I don't know from where you inferred that.
I have no idea if you've seen a white male improperly use blue lights. But if you have, did you think it was appropriate? Did you think: this shows respect for bestowed authority such that I think this person should have more?
Turtleboy is a jerk. But if we believed the situation happened as I think it did, should we stow all reactions because it came to light through a disreputable source?
These are genuine questions.
your response is dishonest
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 9:43am
It is not at all the opposite point. The complaining driver was shown to be driving recklessly. The complaining driver did not recognize Rollins as the DA. There is a huge difference between thinking something is wrong and investigating this person's authority to have blue lights and raise their voice.
I have been in the unmarked car when white male officers have flipped their lights and yelled at unsafe drivers. I have heard that driver's apology. So my experience tells me that the only reason this incident was treated differently was that Rollins was female and black.
Your "genuine" response fails to note how many complaints that you have filed against people that used their blue lights improperly.
I'm not sure what I've been dishonest about
By Rob O
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 10:45am
I have filed zero complaints about use of blue lights. If it happened to me, I absolutely would though. I'm sick of this type of soft corruption.
Now do you think that an improper use of blue lights shows respect for bestowed authority such that I think this person should have more?
I presume the answer is no. Then we can debate whether or not that happened here.
Again honesty.
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 10:54am
You have filed zero complaints.
You imply that "this" hasn't happened to you. Do you mean to say that in your long driving career it has never happened that someone flipped blue lights at you and yelled out their car window at you specifically?
How about answering my question. Have you ever observed such an event in real life?
What i think about use of emergency lights? My direct experience shows that while I understand it can look spurious, there is often a reasonable motive. Fake moralizations like "soft corruption" displays your purpose here. Whether conscious or unconscious, the problem was how dare a black female tell people what to do.
By Rob O
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 11:13am
I cannot recall anyone ever using blue lights "at" me. Yes, that is what I mean.
I can vaguely recall seeing a marked police car use blue lights to go through a red light and remember thinking that the driver just didn't want to wait. But I guess I did not feel personally affronted and didn't have enough information to follow up.
You still haven't answered my question. My question involved the improper use of blue lights. Then I said we could debate whether that happened here or not. You still refuse to answer the question of whether someone who improperly uses blue lights for personal gain should be given more power.
I really don't care how often it happens. It's wrong and it should be called out. It is all the more important to call it out when the perpetrator has more power.
Please don't characterize my intentions. You have no idea why I am concerned about this. It is very possible that the woman in the parking lot was motivated by racism. That has no bearing on whether Rollins's actions were proper (it would go to the issue of what those actions were).
It is also likely that I am affected by unconscious bias. But I don't think that prevents us from having a reasonable conversation about whether an action shows good or bad judgment and whether the person who took that action should be given more power.
I would like us to agree that no one should be improperly using blue lights. I don't see why that's hard for you.
I answered your question, read it again.
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 11:30am
Your grammar gymnastic word salad acknowledges that you have seen this happen and didn't file a complaint despite your hate of soft corruption. The extensive investigation into Rollin's behavior did not show that she used her blue lights improperly. Are you equating preventing a bad driver from crashing into your car with personal gain? The real question is whether you are willing to respect a black woman with authority over you. Your word count tries to mask the hoops and qualifications that white men don't have to deal with.
Ya Didn't
By Rob O
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 11:33am
I asked if you approve of improper use of blue lights.
You continually reply that this was not an improper use. That's not an answer to any question I asked.
I agree that black women deal with shit that white men don't. But you won't have an honest convo here.
So bye.
More dishonesty
By cinnamngrl
Wed, 07/28/2021 - 1:43pm
You can pretend that I didn't answer your question, that you asked to deflect from my question and my point, but you can't win an argument by misrepresenting the facts
By cinnamngrl
Tue, 07/27/2021 - 10:22am
Thanks for the productive comment
By Waquiot
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 3:21pm
But at least you were earnest about it.
Likewise. And you’re welcome.
By tblade
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 4:26pm
Always happy to serve your particular commenting needs.
is Five Cars really a contender for her gig?
By Parkwayne
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 1:09pm
Frank Baker is going to be walking into the council chambers like that Travolta gif.
Rollins recommended her first ADA
By Hardy Har Har
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 6:39pm
Daniel Mulhern
This is going to make
By Notfromboston
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 1:16pm
This is going to make navigating South Bay Mall parking a breeze.
I guess you haven't been over
By brianjdamico
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 1:31pm
I guess you haven't been over there in a while then...
Glad to see that bad behavior
By Republican
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 4:49pm
Glad to see that bad behavior gets you rewarded in MA. She’s got it made for sure. Lucky her. Very privileged.
By lbb
Tue, 07/27/2021 - 10:01am
...I'll bite. What "bad behavior"? Bring receipts.
Opening question
By SatansFist
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 9:38pm
I do hope the nomination hearing opens with: so in the Ellis case, can you please explain how his GF’s prints were on the clip if he was not involved?
She’s been the DA that long?
By brianjdamico
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 10:43pm
She’s been the DA that long?
I'm just happy it won't be a
By Matt Frank
Mon, 07/26/2021 - 10:46pm
I'm just happy it won't be a snap election. With over a year to go it will give candidates a chance to actually run
To be earnest, Boston Globe
By Notfromboston
Tue, 07/27/2021 - 12:50pm
To be earnest, Boston Globe covered the highlights of this DA's short tenure pretty well.
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