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Dorm fridges and microwaves getting unloaded at Emerson

Roving UHub photographer Patrick Snyder couldn't help but noticing all the dorm fridge/microwave combos being unloaded on Boylston Street by Emerson College today.



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Back in the day, they gave us a can of stereo and a cold stare at my college.

Voting closed 19

The biggest college scam out there.

When Microwaves and Fridges were not energy efficient and more heavy weight, there was a point to these MicroFridges. But now.. not so much.

But Colleges and Universities still tell kids they "need" these because of some archaic thinking.

And of course these things cost 3x as much as your standard mini fridge from BestBuy. Big scam.

Voting closed 19

I had to look this up (I'm so old that we only had ice and fire in my dorm room).

I gather that one of the innovative features of this dual appliance is that when you're using the microwave it shuts the fridge off.

I imagine that one of the other "archaic" features of the university may be the electrical supply, which this feature is intended to be easy on.

Voting closed 24

But thats not innovative. Why do you want to shut the fridge off? Their answer: to save "power" and draw.

I renew my point about if this was 1978, you'd have a point because fridges were not as energy efficient now. But now, not so much.

I have a danby mini fridge in my 'dry bar' in my living room. I have a power meter connected to that thing. It draws less than an amp of power and uses less than 1/2 kwh a day. So little power is used.

Microwave.. MiniFridge microwaves are 800watts, you can barely cook a hot dog in one of those. So those use little power.

If the college excuses are "but our power system cannot handle".. Its 20fucking24, are your dorm rooms from the 1920s and have old ass wiring feed all the dorm rooms with a single 15amp circuit? Doubt it. And the power issues, if they are valid, seem to be a college facilities related issue, not a student one. And considering how much college tuition costs...Upgrade your dorms... again its 2024, not 1974.

This is a plain old scam. Someone is making big money off of these appliances... and its perfectly legal to do.

Voting closed 26

I'd bet that many different models of fridges and microwaves would work fine for all current installations of wiring in the relevant college dorms.

But do you suggest that there are no models of fridges and microwaves, new or used, that could cause problems, by themselves or in aggregate?

Because otherwise there's a limit in there somewhere, above which there are problems (e.g. shorts, blackouts, breakers flipped) and below which there are no problems.

The easiest way to ensure the limit is not passed is to specify a limited number of models which are allowed (or, more probably, to generate a specification that a limited number of companies respond to).

Also, too, students don't need either a fridge or a microwave in their dorm room. Spoiled brats.

Voting closed 16

Having a fridge and microwave enables students to buy the cheaper meal plans and save money making themselves the meals that aren't on their plans. For many students on tight budgets (i.e., the large proportion who are there on need-based financial aid), this makes the difference between eating vs. starving part of each semester.

Voting closed 15

Having access to a fridge and microwave is not the same thing as having to own it in your dorm room. Most dorms I'm familiar with - including the five Emerson dorms - have lounges and kitchens with fridges and microwaves available for every student to use. If students want to save even more money they can use the stovetops in the kitchens to cook instead of nuking processed junk food.

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I'm with you on this. There is a need for people to have their own.

Ever share an office fridge with a lot of people? Yeah same thing in those community fridges... old food that isnt thrown out, people take your food, and on and on and on.

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It was fine, every place I did it. It's an opportunity to learn how to build community and responsibility.

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And medicine.

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That argument doesn't hold water.

Why? Tube televisions and computer monitors.

We know every dorm room had at least one of those. And we all know Tube-based displays are horrible for power consumption.

Now everything is high efficiency LCDs now that use very little power. And I am sure most dorms don't even have a TV anymore because everyone streams on their laptop (which is something else that uses less power than its ancestor.. the desktop computer)

Again if it was 1984, the argument would have some value because other electronics or devices would consume alot of power to overload circuits when combined with an not-so-energy efficient fridge and 1980s microwave oven. Yeah it would happen.

Today not so much. We just have more energy efficient devices in use today. So the argument about power is moot now.

Fine, you want to restrict models because of fire hazards. OK then allow DANBY made refrigerators that you can get anywhere. DANBY makes the MicroFridge you see in the pictures above so why not ANY DANBY fridge, not just the micro fridge. You could even have an approved list of manufacturers for this purpose.

I'll say it again, there is no reason to restrict students like this anymore. The reasoning behind it is based upon outdated principals and devices. But someone is making mad cash off renting these things to students so it'll never go away. Gosh for bid we actually cut off leeches of companies who are just making a buck by having a monopoly.

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I don't even buy the power argument. Most of Emerson's dorms are modern - the little building was just renovated, 2 boylston place was just built a few years ago, Piano Row isn't very old, and Paramount was updated like 15 years ago. I lived in dorms nowhere near as modern and we still brought our own regular minifridge and microwaves.

Voting closed 14

Does this mean that the school is providing these fridge/micro combos??? Back in my day, you had to bring your own fridge, and no one had a micro, unless there was one in a common area for everyone to share. And god forbid you had a toaster oven.....

Voting closed 21

I think this is a rental company for microfridges.


They offer a service where you order one and they deliver it to your dorm room. Looks like this is integrated with the school as when I select Suffolk University it has a specific model for that school.

At a cost of 236/year (school year).

Just further proves my point.. my Danby in my dry bar cost 120 bucks and its mine forever.......

Voting closed 24

There were rules about them having to be cleaned and unplugged over long breaks.

My son had one because he's lactose intolerant and liked to bike to Trader Joes and stock up on stuff he could eat. Didn't have a microwave, though - he used the one in the lounge.

Voting closed 14

Because Umass Amherst gets it and has updated its policies.

I am sure there's lists and some restrictions but you aren't forced to get one from one vendor, which is really my gripe about this. Its a forced monopoly. Yes student housing has been deemed as 'private housing' so the school can do as they please.. so we have a forced monopoly.

I get some of this, particularly with the rental company is to reduce waste and solving the "its the end of the school year and I live in idaho but going to school in Boston, what do I do with my fridge during the summer" problem that happens.

Even still there are ways to solve that pretty easily.

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