UPDATE: A.A. has shut down his blog.
A.A., an Israeli now living in Boston, arranged to pick up a dresser and a couple of bookcases found via Craiglist. He reports on his trek to get them - in Mattapan:
... Mattapan was quite a scary experience. We were stared at. Na'ama said panicky "take your [yarmulke] off!" It was generally an unpleasant experience. What we did not know at the time, but my colleagues and friends were glad to point out in a "are you nuts" kind of a way, was that Mattapan is better known by its endearing nickname of "Murderpan". You can guess why. One of my colleagues said she's glad we made it. ...
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
this is fucking
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 8:50am
this is fucking rediculous... way to type cast an entire neighborhood...
Well, first impressions and all that
By adamg
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 9:00am
However, I suspect if people were staring, it was more out of curiosity than hostility. Heck, if I saw somebody with a yarmulke on my block, I'd probably do a double take (and I'm one of the three Jews here).
Way to live up to a
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:23am
Way to live up to a stereotype by leading your comment with a curse. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth too?
The Irony here
By bobmetcalf
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 9:13am
Is that in the 50's and early sixties, Mattapan
was a Jewish community.
And ...
By adamg
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 9:26am
Stuart Rosenberg is still a Mattapan macher (see this Globe article).
WTF is this guy's problem ???
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:08am
He is from Israel where they have to deal with suicide bombers, rockets fired from neighboring countries, and all kinds of other nasty things that Americans fortunately never have to encounter day-to-day. He comes to a quiet, peaceful American city and goes apeshit because he encounters Strange Black-Colored people? Like there are no Ethiopians in Israel?
[quote]I am pretty confident in asserting that at this moment, the only white people in Mattapan were Na’ama, me, and, as it turned out, Arther, a French student who sold us the furniture. [/quote]
Obviously he has never heard of Tom Finneran.
[quote]If a given neighborhood is south of the center of the city of Boston, then you’re probably heading straight towards SOUTH BOSTON![/quote]
Oh boy, I'm really looking forward to this guy's next adventure getting lost in our city.
By Gareth
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:17am
Tomorrow he'll drive through the Fenway looking for the West End.
OMG you can tell a murder must have happened here. Look at all the schwarzers!
Hrm...well last time I
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:21am
Hrm...well last time I checked there weren't alot of loud, gangsta type black folks in Israel.
Typecasting an entire neighborhood? I see. Wake up. I'm sure Mattapan has nice parts...I'm sure that there is a nice part of having an anal rash as well, though I can't think of one for either right now.
Yes, Mattapanm and Roxbury had a large Jewish population, a long time ago. Then the neighborhood declined and a certain class of people moved in, and a certain class of people moved out, and then urban decay set in during the late 70s and 80s. Would you prefer that the South End annexes the area and adds more Crunch Fitness, Starbucks and Wine bars so as to bring up the land value?
You know, people can piss and moan all they want, and act all bleeding heart liberal they want, but if you take the map of the T subway system and compare racial populations, incomes and crime rates at each stop, I doubt anyone would be surprised. That's the reality of this city, this country, and this world. You can have your cheap two family in Rozzie and your 'authentic' local cuisine; I'd rather take a place where I don't need to worry about my wife getting assaulted or my kid getting hit by a stray bullet because two kids are fighting over a game of Madden 07 or a crack vial.
Answer with as much sarcasm as you like, or inform us all about the 'hidden jewels of Mattapan' right between the crack den and the "Checks Cashed" place.
Hidden jewels of Mattapan
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:30am
Or maybe not-so-hidden, as the first is pretty well-known to locals, but:
1) [url=http://www.hiddenboston.com/Simco.html]Simco's[/url]
2) Mass. Audubon Society's [url=http://www.massaudubon.org/Nature_Connection/Sanct... Nature Center[/url]
More Jewels
By Rozzy Denizen
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:32pm
3) Mattapan Trolley.
Yep, I forgot about that
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:37pm
it was shut down for so long that I forgot it was running again.
Try again...
By bobmetcalf
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:34am
"Then the neighborhood declined...
Wrong. Try it this way: Then the neighborhood was
redlined and blockbusted by a lot of shady real
estate agents with the collusion of the local banking
community and political infrastructure.
Mattapan's recent history
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:38am
And if you want to learn a little more about it, try this book:
[url=http://www.amazon.com/Death-American-Jewish-Commun... Death of an American Jewish Community[/url], by Hillel Levine and Larry Harmon
Just the other day
By Gareth
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:36am
I was telling my little boy not to fight over the crack vials. There are enough for the kids to share.
Oh, did I mention it's absolutely horrifying here in Roslindale? Just the other day a suburban momma's boy like you came to visit, and we made him into authentic local cuisine. Did you know that cracker tastes best with a mustard-based ('yellow') barbecue sauce?
Generational Welfare
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:41am
Awesome - do you pay for it with your welfare check that comes out of my tax money?
I enjoy crackers with my gouda cheese.
Oh, yes
By Gareth
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:54am
Everybody who lives in Boston gets welfare, didn't you know that? Personally, I just back the Cadillac I bought with food stamps up to the bank and shovel the money right into the trunk. Then I try to shoot faster than the neighbors on the way home. It's just like Grand Theft Auto. Don't come to Boston! It's scary! Especially Roslindale!
'Checks Cashed' place
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:52am
I don't like them either, since they are rip-offs. But do you also stay out of Central Square in Cambridge, or Union Square in Somerville, just because it has one of these storefronts?
Google Maps even shows them in Watertown Square and Waltham Center. Unfortunately, you'll find them anywhere where you find immigrants who don't trust our banking system.
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:19am
All the places you've listed are holes I wouldn't normally go to anyhow...so whats your point? Oh look, there's a farmers market in Union square, it must be progressive and up and coming!
Howse that Ikea going? Oh wait, Slumerville thinks it is too good for some chain stores; it might take away from the Panache of the Assembly Square Mall.
So tell me, brave anonymous person
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:30am
If you consider Cambridge, Somerville, Watertown, and Waltham to all be 'holes', what kinds of places do you like?
As for Union Square: [url=http://www.somervilleartscouncil.org/programs/arts... events attract large crowds of people every summer and fall.
We don't want an
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:30am
We don't want an Ikea!
There's an Ikea in Stoughton now?
We want an Ikea!
Actually, I only stay out of
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:29am
Actually, I only stay out of Union Square because I don't speak Portuguese, and don't want to get stabbed.
Faca com ele
By Gareth
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:54am
Boiola nem sabe falar
By Nick
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:17pm
You're kind of a sucky person, aren't you?
Amen, anonymous!
By Jason
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:24pm
That Marshmallow Fluff festival in Union Sq. last summer was a motherfucking bloodbath.
I'm seriously wondering
By Mollynotloggedin
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 1:00pm
I'm seriously wondering where this anon, if this threadlet is all the same anon, lives, to be so secure in its criticism of almost every neighborhood in the area.
Well, anon? Where DO you live? Is it actually anywhere in the Boston area, or are you posting from your nice safe bunker in Montana?
By Bostonian
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:21am
This is an amazingly ignorant comment with not too thinkly veiled overtones of racism. I hope, at the very least, that you have been to Mattapan and are speaking from some personal experience, rather than pure ignorant bigotry.
Interesting, because I don't
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:00pm
Interesting, because I don't recall him saying he ran into "loud, gangsta type black folks." Aside from people staring, there's no actual elaboration on why it was such an "unpleasant experience." Certain class? I'd offer that Mattapan, Roxbury, and Dorchester have some of the most diverse socioeconomic ranges in the city. It is not an-all poor or lower class neighborhood. But it is unfortunate that even locals can still be apparently biased against certain neighborhoods without seemingly ever visited them (in reference to your nice parts comment) much less people who just moved here days ago.
History of the downturn
By Anonymous
Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:02pm
Anyone who lives in Dorchester/Roxbury/Mattapan, or for that matter, anyone who has an opinion about their Boston neighborhood compared to the above mentioned three, should really read "death of an american jewish community" by Hillel Levine and Larry Harmon. The depth of the book goes beyond the title.
I live in the most diverse zip code in the entire U.S.--02125. Would not move out for anything, and don't like any stereotypes, especially the ones about what determines property values (for worse or better). And let's talk about the behind-the-scenes blockbusting that's happening today in my neighborhood.
Yeah, clueless
By bobmetcalf
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:28am
Re-read the orginal post. Culturally clueless
(and offensive) and also map-challenged:
"If a given neighborhood is south of the center of the
city of Boston, then you’re probably heading
straight towards SOUTH BOSTON!"
Oh, the horror, the HORROR! Mr Kurtz, him dead!
Bad news is that he was buying furniture, so looks like
his presence here near SOUTH BOSTON is long term.
Would have been better for all involved if he was
heading towards EAST BOSTON to board a plane back to
Yes, that 'go back where you
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:39am
Yes, that 'go back where you came from' attitude shows how classy you re. Let me guess, Framingham State or Mass Bay?
Hey, no one said Southie was paradise. Every time I go there, I bring out my track suit and buy a handful of scratch tickets so as a blend in.
Maltese Falcon moment
By bobmetcalf
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:49am
Bogart in the Maltese Falcon to the cheap hood:
"The cheaper the gunsel, the gaudier the patter."
On UH it goes like:
"Expect a real tough guy to post as Anonymous"
You realize it is just as
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:32am
You realize it is just as easy to create a fake identity here as to post anon right?
You realize
By Gareth
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:33am
that you can't log on and post with my username, right?
By anon
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:13pm
Your account is still anonymous, since we have no clue who the fuck you are and you can make up any username you like. Furthermore, nothing stops people from creating multiple accounts and playing sock-puppet games, since we can't see your IP, when you created the account, etc.
True, but ...
By adamg
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:23pm
I can look up IP addresses (yes, they are logged). Requiring logins would cut down some of the clutter, at least.
Requiring logins would be an excellent idea
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:25pm
Please do it.
By Gareth
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 1:13pm
By "we" do you mean you and the other incoherent, foul-mouthed twits, the many heads of the juvenile hydra known as anonymous? Nah, of course you don't have a clue. Gotta agree with you there, kid.
Or by "we" do you mean the regular contributors to this site? Because we who regularly contribute to this site do care who wrote a snotty, obscene drive-by, and we do come to know each other, just a little bit, over time. I don't much care where these folks live, or what their full names are. We don't get together for drinks or to sing kumbaya, or plot world domination. But we consider each other to be people and known entities to some extent.
You? Meh. You're just an annoying gnat blown through on the breeze.
Furthermore, yes, something does stop people from creating multiple accounts and playing sock-puppet games. It's called Adam.
And if you want to see when I created the account, that's entirely possible. You see that part where my name is a hyperlink, and yours isn't? Them's fer clickin.
North = good, South = bad?
By Rozzy Denizen
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:28pm
"3. Same goes for LA, Chicago, and almost any other major city. Keep north.
4. Does anybody know of any research out there explaining the phenomena of southern parts of cities being the bad neighborhoods?"
Where does he get this shit? So he listened to a Jim Croce song and read an article about the Rodney King riots and therefore all cities are bad in the South? In both cases, keep heading south and you again reach some pretty high end neighborhoods. And of course, it should go without saying, but there's nothing wrong with Mattapan. I am often the fourth white guy in that neighborhood. I even take the bus to Mattapan Square at times!
"South" Boston
By adamg
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:34pm
The southiest of "South" Boston, southier than even Mattapan, is Hyde Park, which has some of the biggest, most expensive single-family homes in the city (up on Fairmount Hill). And "North" Boston certainly has poverty - Charlestown and East Boston are not (yet) exclusive yuppie enclaves.
"He is from Israel where
By Lyss
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 9:23pm
"He is from Israel where they have to deal with suicide bombers, rockets fired from neighboring countries, and all kinds of other nasty things that Americans fortunately never have to encounter day-to-day."
Yes, my teenage cousin who is in the Israeli Army can attest to that. But he's also less likely to get mugged or shot in a drive by.
Fuck this guy.
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:27am
This racist bullshit has plagued the city for centuries. Time for it to stop. This guy is an embarrassment to the human race.
Aren't you being more racist
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:40am
Aren't you being more racist towards Jewish people? I bet you laugh at their hats, don't you?
Not at all
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:43am
I'm Jewish and I find this guy's post to be embarrassing. We're supposed to strive for learning and intelligence, being People Of The Book and all.
Why don't you open The Book
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:02am
Why don't you open The Book and be helpful instead? Maybe offer some insight into why a stranger to our fair city shouldn't be weary of meeting a stranger in Mattapan?
Use this map to give directions.
Welcome to Boston. These comments are prime example of the intolerance in this city - hypocritically denouncing intolerance while fully supporting it.
Why do you live with all the
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:20am
Why do you live with all the goyum then?
Not sure what you mean
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:25am
as there are plenty of Jews here in Somerville, enough to support both a shul and a chavurah.
"social strata"?
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:46am
"Na’ama noted that it is strange that I have to deal with claims of segregation in Israel/the PA day in and day out on college campuses in Boston, when the city itself is divided by social strata, which is inevitably (inevitable for the US, 2008) also a racial segregation"
Oh wow. Nothing like comparing religious/ethnic segregation via ghettos with giant barbed-wire-topped concrete walls and machine gun turrets to..."social strata".
friggin idiot
By bostnkid
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:25am
i wonder if the people from mattapan take off their hoodies when they venture into milton.it must be scary for a young black guy to be surrounded by all those "people".
i personally hope this guy has to go back into mattapan and gets his ass beat.maybe he could tour the whole city? get a beating by a black guy in mattapan, a gay guy in the south end, irish drunk in southie, new jersey student in brighton, punk rocker in allston, clean cut irish catholic CM hockey player in west roxbury....I could go on and on.
Well, I'm very careful about
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:29am
Well, I'm very careful about driving through certain neighborhoods of Newton and Brookline. We Lock the car doors and don't stop for red lights just in case someone tries to hijack the car with a machine gun: "I claim this automobile in the name of Israel!" It's happened. I read it on the internet somewhere.
Newton and Brookline are
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:35am
Newton and Brookline are great; the only two cities where doubleparking is a competitive sport!
i personally hope this guy
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:34am
Yeah, that'll help the perception of the neighborhood.
At least then Universal Hub would include a google map of where it happened.
Yeah, because all Irish in
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:35am
Yeah, because all Irish in Southie are drunk... you're a real winner. Oh wait, I'm sorry! We're applying the double-standard when it comes to ethnic stereotypes! I forgot.
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:03pm
Joke> **WHOOSH**>>
You> >-<
not a bright bulb, are you
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:23pm
so clever!!!
get some balls dude
By bostnkid
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:54pm
post a name so we know which jerk is which.
Irish drunk
By Budayduh
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 3:27pm
Yes the Irish are all drunks and they live in South Boston. Typical bigotry from a blogger boy of the tree-lined streets of some Junior League suburb.
How many of you have lived in Mattapan?
By Suldog
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:42am
I did, off of River Street. Lower Mills, actually, but just feet from the border. 37 years. Many thousands of hours in Mattapan Square and environs. Ate at the Burger King, shopped at the Purity, bought smokes at Sunny's Cigar, bowled at what became Lane's, drank at The Brown Jug and Tom English. OK, that's my cred. Here's my opinion.
Mattapan could easily be a scary place for someone who doesn't know the area. You could be black, white, asian, whatever. Some sections of it are not safe. I wouldn't have any trouble walking any of it because I know it. However, I wouldn't send someone I love there, by themselves, unless I knew where they were going and how well they could handle themselves should a rough situation occur.
Are there wonderful people and places in Mattapan? Of course. Are there horrible people and places in Mattapan. Of course. And prejudices exist all around us, including in Mattapan and among its people. What it comes down to is percentages, just as with any other place. Having lived there, and because of my own ethnic makeup, I can tell you that it has a higher percentage of people and places I would consider dangerous than, say, Wellesley. Not a big surprise.
That a person from another country might find it intimidating? Also not a big surprise.
If you all got down off of your soapboxes and relaxed, you'd probably enjoy the day more. Chill.
Lower Mills represent!
By Lissa Harris
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 2:13pm
Yeah to all of that.
I'm off River Street myself. Love me some Flames and some Chez Vous and some Franklin Park of a Sunday in June. I used to run a lot of errands up and down Blue Hill Ave for a caterer I worked for in the area. And yes, chunks of Mattapan are legitimately scary, especially if your pastiness can be seen from space.
By Suldog
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 2:32pm
"... especially if your pastiness can be seen from space."
Indeed. My complexion can best be described as "fish belly" :-)
It's not a mark against any particular race or ethnicity. Some white folks might feel less safe in certain areas of Mattapan in the same way that some black folks might feel less safe in certain areas of Southie. It's just the way it is, unfortunately.
double yup
By Lissa Harris
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 3:04pm
It does indeed cut both ways. My mom's fiance is a ranked chess player who spent thirteen years getting his PhD from Harvard. He has a story about a black chess player he knew who was visiting Boston for a tournament. The guy insisted on rolling up all the windows in the car whenever they drove through Southie. Wouldn't so much as set foot on East Broadway.
Crime? Try infestation.
By Arborway
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:39am
I hate to detract from the emotional debate going on regarding crime in Mattapan, but I'm surprised that no one has pointed out the greater danger from bedbugs.
Used furniture is something I once happily picked up from yard sales, sidewalks and secondhand stores...but not anymore. I never brought home any new roommates with my past acquisitions and, I'd like to make sure that never changes.
right, bedbugs only affect black people? *rolls eyes*
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:59am
Bedbugs are just as much or more of a problem elsewhere. Allston has huge problems with them, and a coworker who was a student at MIT was living through hell as MIT struggled to kill an infestation in her dorm. It was a months long saga of fumigations.
So again, let's cut the bullshit racism, eh?
Read it again, please
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:01pm
Arborway is saying it's a bad idea to buy used furniture anywhere. Allston is probably worse than Mattapan. He didn't say a thing about race.
Anonymity reduces reading comprehension
By adamg
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:02pm
I guess.
If you read the Israeli guy's post
By bobmetcalf
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 12:59pm
He bought the furniture from a white guy...so
wtf are you talking about?
I pointed this out on his
By Molly
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 2:46pm
I pointed this out on his blog, but folks, he's lived here for ten days.
Ten. Days.
Culture shock will get you every time; can't we just chalk it up more to that than to his being inherently racist?
(I'm not saying he's NOT racist; I don't know...I'm just saying there's the possibility of a more benign explanation.)
By Suldog
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 2:49pm
And wouldn't it be nice if all of us - whatever color we might be - gave him a big warm "hello!" ? Might go a long way towards defusing some stereotypes, for those of you worried about such things.
I understand that when you
By pahkcah02
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 4:23pm
I understand that when you blog you are posting your opinion for the entire planet to read. Without my knowledge or permission, a couple of my blog posts have been plastered across the main page of Universal Hub. This has lead to an onslaught of strangers whom I don't know to judge me because they didn't like one particular blog post.
I don't know who this Israeli in Mattapan is and I certainly don't agree with his opinions. However, he is entitled to his take on Mattapan, albeit a negative one at that. Honestly, this guy probably doesn't even know that Universal Hub picked up his piece, nor that a bunch of strangers are tearing him a new asshole for posting his thoughts.
If you don't like what he or anyone else writes, comment directly on their blog or do a tactful and respectful rebuttal on your own site. Don't viciously attack someone under the cover of anonymity - that's just plain mean.
So, wait...
By Gareth
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 5:35pm
You get the part where when you put something up on teh internets, you are posting it for the entire planet to read... and you don't get the part where other people get to choose where they talk about it?
I guess I approve of you not being the guy who gets to make up the rules.
Unless the entire text of your blog post was copied here...
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 5:42pm
Adam doesn't need your permission to cite it and link to it.