Belmont Police Chief James MacIsaac shows us what happens when a truck driver doesn't stay to the middle of the Belmont Center Bridge.
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Ad:Belmont Police Chief James MacIsaac shows us what happens when a truck driver doesn't stay to the middle of the Belmont Center Bridge.
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Magoo sez
By MisterMagooForYoo
Sat, 08/21/2021 - 6:06pm
Hokey smokes and macaroni and cheese. That’s the most storrowed truck Magoo has seen this side of the Charles River. Magoo.
Sign assessment: 2/10.
By anon
Sat, 08/21/2021 - 7:40pm
Sign assessment: 2/10.
nothing on any of the approach roads, just a sign on the bridge itself. And it doesn't make it clear which part of the arch has a 10'3 clearance. All the way at the curb edge?
northbound: https://goo.gl/maps/JobAeQysGi8gRgEdA
The other traffic engineering mystery of Belmont Center is who is supposed to have right of way at the 3-way intersection south of the bridge. I've seen lines of cars take any of the left turns barging through without slowing down.
No lie detected. It's crazy
By anon
Sat, 08/21/2021 - 11:29pm
No lie detected. It's crazy-town over there.
Things Belmont doesn't do
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 08/22/2021 - 4:37pm
Solar panels
Paving their roads
Fixing leaking sewers that turn their waterways into sewers
Now you want them to put up proper signage, too? They are too rich and special for that!
The road surface seems OK to me
By Tim Mc.
Sun, 08/22/2021 - 7:58pm
At least along the roads I use on a regular basis. Somerville is much worse in that regard.
Oh, honey
By lbb
Mon, 08/23/2021 - 9:46am
I could show you some Belmont roads that would shatter your spine. It's like a religious obligation for them not to pave.
Belmont DPW...
By octr202
Mon, 08/23/2021 - 4:07pm
...hasn't quite figured that it's in the middle of a busy metro area. Seems to be managed as if it were a tiny town out in the Berkshires. (Which I probably shouldn't say - there's probably a lot of towns out in the Berkshires that are way better at maintaining their municipal infrastructure!)
As a town resident, I look on with envy that Watertown can do a full street repaving AND replace sidewalks (the whole lot, both sides) in a few weeks to maybe a month. Meanwhile it takes Belmont all summer to repave and spot repair about 10-12 blocks worth of streets. That's assuming they actually finish the handful of streets they started this spring.
During this pandemic period, we actually do more of our walks into Watertown - less chance of twisting your ankle trying to use the sidewalk.
Oh, and Belmont Center is straight from the old "if you don't know where you're going, why are you even here" school of thought. Should really just come with a "Caution: You figure it out" warning sign.
Lots of high school construction
By Ron Newman
Mon, 08/23/2021 - 5:11pm
along with its neighbor Arlington and almost-neighbor Somerville
Go Penske!
By jmeltzer
Sun, 08/22/2021 - 8:06am
Go Penske!
I will be so very proud of Boston …
By Lee
Sun, 08/22/2021 - 10:22am
…. if “to Storrow” spreads nationwide and eventually makes it into Webster’s Dictionary.
I’m going to try to use it 5 times today.
I was there.
By Frelmont
Thu, 07/18/2024 - 1:19pm
I heard a gawdawful screeching scraping sound and saw this truck slowly “powering through” the arch.
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