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Things go about as well as you'd expect when a high-school teacher invites the Daddy of Email to chat with students

Perhaps Google hasn't reached Martha's Vineyard yet: The Martha's Vineyard Times reports what happened after a civics teacher at the island high school invited repeat Senate failure, Arizona fraudit contributor and anti-vaxxer Shiva Ayyadurai in for a Zoom chat.

Things "went off the rails," when one student questioned his claim to have invented e-mail, the school principal acknowledges. Teachers, unaware of his past comments on pretty much everything, sent an apology to parents.

H/t Ryan Grannan-Doll.

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“He’s beyond left and right, that’s what independent means,” Meuse said to the over 150 students and teachers listening to the talk.

This is hopelessly naive.

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He's beyond left and right, he's alt-right

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are so this-universe. Come on, think outside the dimensions!

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for calling out his BS.

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If only the teachers and administrators showed even remotely the same level of intellectual rigor and didn't subject their students to this trash.

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"We view this as a ‘teachable moment’ and will devote Friday’s class to unpacking student questions and feedback.”

Let's hope it is the teachers and admin who are getting the teaching.

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That we know our boy can't handle without going right off the rails. You would think by now he would have come up with a rational response.

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Not when you have an ego like he does. His type of personality will never not allow him to go off the rails. EMAIL was his claim to fame.. in his mind. And anyone questioning it will face the wrath.

Dude's got issues

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When he was running. Sports Hub prefaced them with a disclaimer saying that his views weren't that of the station. I haven't seen or heard that in any other candidate's ad on a Boston TV or radio station in my 18 years of living here.

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Let the kids hear them, most can detect bullshit when they hear it.

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when they could get someone with at least a plausible connection to reality?

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Give him all the exposure you can. If you ignore him you are in essence agreeing with him Allow him to rant.

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If you ignore him you are in essence agreeing with him

I truly hope you don't really believe this, because it's facile, self-defeating nonsense. Please rethink.

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How would anyone know who the kooks are?.
Let them speak so people can call them out on their bullshit .
More speech is always better.

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We are under no obligation to give people an audience.

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and yet somehow I still know he's a kook.

Not inviting someone to speak is not the same as silencing them. He can speak all he wants, and he can do it somewhere else, on his own website or whatever.

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by an acknowledged great, or I can listen to really shitty music by an no-talent amateur who insists he invented the crash cymbals, doggie squeak toy, and digeridoo at the heart of his repertoire?

And this is so I can understand what unspeakably bad music farted out by a gibbering, flyspecked dipshit sounds like?

Great use of a precious slice of our 18 hours of music class per year, professor.

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Let the kids hear them, most can detect bullshit when they hear it.

Absolutely. I'm sure the kids in the MV schools have lots of free time anyway, so let's bring in the Flat Earth Society, vaccine deniers, the LaRoucheites and the "Trump Won" crowd, just to to make sure they get lots of practice detecting bullshit.

EDIT: In case you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic!!!

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You're giving this guy way more attention than he deserves.

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He needs to be made into a laughingstock. As long as there are idiots like this teacher (and the numerous editors and reporters who gave breathless, unskeptical coverage to his "email" claim in the first place), that means that his sociopathic (and, now, fascist) lies aren't getting enough attention.

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On marriage, Ayyadurai said he did not believe in the modern concept of marriage.

“I think it’s hard enough for two people to come together. I don’t want a third person in my life. If the definition of marriage is having the state issue a marriage certificate, I’m personally not into it and it creates a lot of issues,” he said.

He said all this because he took an L from Fran Drescher by the way

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we dont need to give a conglomerate data aggregation advertisement agency any more free mind-share.

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...of non sequiturs.

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It's a direct comment on the first sentence of the article

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Google pays Adam more than I'd guess most of the frequenters of his website do...

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