brighton center is pretty much from st elizabeth's, down washington st. all the way to oak square. this is about a 5 blocks north of washington street. no big deal just never considered this as part of brighton center.
Some residents opposed the proposal, partly because it would be out of character with the largely residential street with 70 students but especially over the issue of rats.
Largely residential.......along with the large Saint Cols school right there on the same street. Not sure what "12 commercial structures" he's referring to that are new, the rat issue has been pretty bad since 2020 as restaurant dumpsters became less bountiful compared with residential areas but I have a hard time seeing it as valid opposition to a small school being built.
And for the record we're about 3-4 blocks from here, so I'm full on YIMBY for this project. Build it.
There was the development that recently completed about a block from here, used to be Brighton Beer Garden.
Then further up over the Pike there are several projects going up but I don't know where the "12 commercial structures" comes from other than the Bruins/Celtics area?
EDIT: And there is another project going up in Brighton Center next to one of the banks/Jim's deli area.
I might be wrong but I swear a roommate years ago spoke about it.
Anyway, now its just a 4 story residential structure.
Also, my god look at this!,-71.1527575,3a,75y,148.57h,86.99t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1syLf242Jb8vfAwjikXRBA9Q!2e0!5s20070901T000000!7i3328!8i1664
not exactly brighton center
this is behind st columbkille's school and church and a few houses away from a path that goes down into faneuil park/mckinley field.
True, it's not the intersection of Chestnut Hill and Washington
But close enough? Or is what little Brighton street cred I once had faded away?
brighton center
brighton center is pretty much from st elizabeth's, down washington st. all the way to oak square. this is about a 5 blocks north of washington street. no big deal just never considered this as part of brighton center.
Largely residential.......along with the large Saint Cols school right there on the same street. Not sure what "12 commercial structures" he's referring to that are new, the rat issue has been pretty bad since 2020 as restaurant dumpsters became less bountiful compared with residential areas but I have a hard time seeing it as valid opposition to a small school being built.
And for the record we're about 3-4 blocks from here, so I'm full on YIMBY for this project. Build it.
There's been some new development along Market Street...
...but none of it terribly recent, I think? And not real close to there.
(I blame the IV)
Somewhat close I agree
There was the development that recently completed about a block from here, used to be Brighton Beer Garden.
Then further up over the Pike there are several projects going up but I don't know where the "12 commercial structures" comes from other than the Bruins/Celtics area?
EDIT: And there is another project going up in Brighton Center next to one of the banks/Jim's deli area.
Ah yes, the Brighton Barf Garden
What replaced it?
Haha I also recall there was a basement speakeasy?
I might be wrong but I swear a roommate years ago spoke about it.
Anyway, now its just a 4 story residential structure.
Also, my god look at this!,-71.1527575,3a,75y,148.57h,86.99t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1syLf242Jb8vfAwjikXRBA9Q!2e0!5s20070901T000000!7i3328!8i1664
Well that's...gaudy.
right across the street from brighton beer garden
which i remember as McMahon's and the 19th Hole (and later rosie o'grady's) is 375 market street complex which is a new building.,-71.1526489,3a,75y,290.61h,102.62t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMXwgEIQ2Hk6p8m5sX1PDAw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192