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Pair of dumbasses try to burn Pride flag on Roslindale porch; are foiled by water dripping onto the flag from AC, and are caught on camera
By adamg on Fri, 07/12/2024 - 8:56pm
Their ingenious burning plot foiled, the assholes on somebody's porch on Tyndale Street at 2 a.m. on Thursday instead ripped the flag down, WCVB reports, adding somebody tried to pull the flag down the day before and when that failed, kicked the house.
Free tagging:
Imagine being so pathetic ...
That you feel you have to shit on other people for not being like you to feel anything.
And then you fail.
An Editorial Standards Question
Adam-wondering why the losers in question are called “dumbasses” and “assholes” here, but you used the equally accurate yet (imho) stronger “dickheads” in your twitter post?
Hoping the Tyndale St residents are okay and getting neighbor and community support.
Free speech
If it's free speech to burn the US flag, then I have no problem with burning any other flag.
End of Story.
If you burned my American flag in an attempt to intimidate me because I’m American then maybe.
If you burned a pride flag on your own property and it was your flag you probably aren’t getting charged with a hate crime
Yeah, not how that works
You are free to set fire to any flag you own.
Burning someone else's property? Not protected speech.
Using your own flag to set fire to someone else's property would also not be protected speech.
How to say you dont understand the constitution
Without saying you dont understand the constitution. Talk about trespassing and setting someone else’s property on fire as a first Ammendment right.
First of all congrats, but this nothing at all to do with that
If someone wants to take their own pride or any other flag they own -including the US flag- and burn it in public as a form of protest they have every right under our Constitution to do that, as long as they're not violating other laws (fire laws, etc.). Just as anyone passing by has the right to tell them why they think that the flag burners are jerks for burning a flag as a form of protest. The issue here is trespassing, destruction of property, and an attempt to intimidate the homeowners. Take your red herring elsewhere.
Thanks for the invite
What is your address that you've invited folks to visit where they can burn a flag. Let's say an Olympic flag. That is nice and colorful. No ethnicity or patriotism is offered. Oh, you object to someone coming on to you property, burning a flag at your house, causing your house to burn, endangering your life and the lives of any person or creature (dog or cat, fish maybe?) on your property?
I always get a thrill when a person ends their comment with phrases such as "End of Story," or "Enough!" As though they are proclaiming that what they wrote or said is the end all be all and the rest of us just need to understand that they are God's representative and what they proclaim is FINAL!
I suspect that I know who you are voting for, assuming you vote.
as xkcd said
If the only thing you can say for a position is "I have the free speech right to say this," that means you can't actually support or defend your position. Yes, you have the free speech right to insist that two plus two is five, but everyone else has the right to say that you are wrong, and quite possibly trolling.
There's a problem...
...when it ain't your fucking flag.
I love karma….
I love karma….