Feds raid Cambridge apartment; charge man as pill maker for local drug gangs, seize more than 10 pounds of fake Adderall pills
A former Everett man now living in Cambridge was arrested yesterday on charges of possession of more than 500 grams of meth with intent to distribute and defrauding a federal Covid relief program.
Schuyler Oppenheimer, 34, was arrested during a raid at his apartment on Parker Street in Cambridge, at which FBI agents say they seized more than 10 lbs. of counterfeit Aderall pills made of a mixture containing methamphetamine, according to an affidavit by an FBI agent on the case. Also seized, according to the affidavit: A loaded handgun.
Some of the seized pills (from the affidavit):
In addition to the federal charges, Oppenheimer currently faces charges in three different Massachusetts and Rhode Island courts for allegedly violating domestic-abuse prevention orders. In December, 2013, he was sentenced in Middlesex Superior Court to 4-5 years on a variety of heroin-distribution and gun charges, as well as reckless endangerment of a child.
In the affidavit, the FBI paints Oppenheimer as an experienced pill maker who purchased substantial amounts of pill presses, dies, inert pill ingredients and drugs, much of it shipped illegally from China, often under the guise of legitimate items, such as a series of pill molds shipped to him in April that were listed as "PLASTICS, STATUETTES AND OTHER ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES" on their customs forms, with a value of just $150.
Oppenheimer allegedly worked with, among others, a North Shore operation run by Vincent "Fatz" Caruso and his mother, who specialized in selling large amounts of fake Percocet pills fashioned out of fentanyl. Caruso, his mom and two associates, arrested in an FBI operation dubbed "Operation Street Sweepah" in 2021 are now in federal prison.
OPPENHEIMER is known to be a current and historical large-scale manufacturer and supplier of pressed pills containing fentanyl and methamphetamine. I am aware that OPPENHEIMER is skilled in the mechanical processes involved in the physical production of counterfeit pills, and also the compounding and adulteration of the controlled substances used in the counterfeit pill production process. Moreover, OPPENHEIMER is believed to historically have been a technician for other large-scale pill producers in Massachusetts, such as Vincent CARUSO, a/k/a "Fatz", who was charged in 2021, and has since pleaded guilty and was sentenced for operating a large-scale drug trafficking organization specializing in the distribution of pressed fentanyl pills.
The investigation has revealed that OPPENHEIMER also has skill and expertise in advanced chemical processes related to controlled substance production. In particular, this affidavit makes clear that OPPENHEIMER has undertaken efforts to source and procure fentanyl precursor chemicals and import them into the United States in bulk quantities. Such precursor chemicals can be used to synthesize fentanyl and other synthetic opioids in clandestine laboratories.
According to the affidavit, federal agents have had Oppenheimer under surveillance for at least two years - which included going through his trash at his former home in Everett several times. Those "trash pulls" provided evidence of his drug making and dealing, including samples and residue of drugs, ledgers detailing purchases and sales of pill-making equipment, menus for mixing dyes and other ingredients to make realistic-looking counterfeit pills and the pills themselves. Agents also obtained copies of his email and text communications, including with a supplier in China.
In addition to all the alleged drug operations, Oppenheimer fraudulently more than $40,000 in loans-turned-into-grants from the federal Paycheck Protection Program, which was aimed at helping small businesses keep workers, but which individuals could also apply for as sole proprietors, the affidavit states. According to the affidavit, Oppenheimer submitted two applications based on fake tax returns.
The affidavit provides one possible reason he did this: The pandemic put a damper on his drug business. He began a March 13, 2022 text exchange with a Chinese drug supplier:
Hi, Mark,
I hope all is well! How has business been lately? The coronavirus had slowed my business for a while but it is starting to pick up again. I have a couple things I am
looking for and I am hoping you are able to help. I am looking forward to hearing back from you soon!
Innocent, etc.
Complete affidavit (3.1M PDF).
I’m curious where he got his “advanced skills” in chemistry. Not being savvy myself it seems somewhat complicated.
Many places
Could have learned on the job from a former high school science teacher ...
But he also could have picked them up from community college courses, working as a tech in pharma, etc. He might have an undergrad chem degree or just a knack for it and for self-education/training.
Sounds like the feds weren't being specific about them. These aren't as magic as the affidavit makes it sound, either. You just need a firm grasp of some fundamental concepts, fairly tight operating procedures and practices, and a good recipe. Helps a lot to maintain a rigorous practice if you aren't getting high on your supply.
Magoo sez
Nana Nana boo-boo. Looks like the long arm of the law got you sucka. Magoo reckons you’ve been looking over your shoulder for a long time and good olde sheriff Magoo gotcha. Magoo tinks you best take a long walk off a short pier right into the cell cage. Woot woot. Magoo.
Oh Magoo...
You've done it again.
This evil grim reaper is one
This evil grim reaper is one of many responsible for perpetuating homelessness, addiction, draining funds for and burdening public health resources, ambulance services, emergency room overload, crime, violence, etc. And who knows how many overdoses and or deaths. Yep. Take a good look. BUT....how can any power stop who he"s working for?
Now was the guy's name really Oppenheimer?
or is it that Heisenberg was already taken?
not a descendent of J. Robert.
Who didn't defraud COVID Relief Fund?
Drug dealers operate like a typical mainstream corporation.