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Police search for kids, some elementary-school age, attacking and robbing people along the Southwest Corridor in Jackson Square

State Police report they and Boston Police are looking for "a group of around 10 juveniles, ranging in age from elementary-school age to teenager" they say have been attacking people along the Southwest Corridor Park in Jamaica Plain.

In addition to attacking people, they have been stealing phones and other electronics from their victims, State Police say.

State Police do not say when the attacks started, but one bicyclist who regularly uses the Southwest Corridor path reports two over the attempted attackspast month: On Sept. 25, Matthew Wilding tweeted:

What’s the deal with teenagers harassing cyclists on the bike path behind Jackson Sq? It’s never happened to me in 17 years and it’s suddenly happened twice in two weeks.

Another bicyclist reports today:

I rode through there last week and had maybe a 10 year old throw a broken metal Razor scooter at the back of my bike. Came close to going through the back wheel and made some good scuffs on my frame.

State Police say that they and their BPD counterparts have stepped up patrols in the area - State Police are responsible for the Southwest Corridor, Boston for the surrounding areas. And they add that until they or BPD catch up with the kids:

Pedestrians who travel in that area are urged to be aware of their surroundings at all times and to not to openly display phones or other electronics. Anyone who feels that his or her safety is threatened should call 911, as should anyone who observes suspicious people or activity.



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Add this to the list of reason the Staties should hand over their arbitrary control of certain areas within Boston.

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She was cycling the path and was high fived by some kids. The next thing she knew she felt something on her arm. It was paint, but thankfully nothing too permanent. Odd at the time, but now it seems more sinister.

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A couple years back I witnessed a downtown "night rides" where kids walked up to the line of bikers for high fives and grabed hands to knock folks over.

Just seems so senseless...

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The ol’ Clotheslining trick. That’s awful.

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The same teens have been causing trouble at the station. I was told last week they surrounded and threatened the lone Transit officer on duty. They had a meeting the other day because of all the fights and robberies at the station and now have two transit officers on duty at the station.

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Well this is troubling as a bicyclist that commutes through that area every day. What time of day are these attacks happening?

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Magoo doesn’t high five strangers. One never knows when one will give one a stink palm. Magoo.

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In dot and it’ll not end too well for the infringer.

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Not everything is about Dorchester.

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Not everything is about CARS!

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Why did you bring up cars?

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It is so very tough! Lived a life on the streets with scars to show for it ... but at least the caps lock doesn't stick!

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Then go to the police with it.

Otherwise, that's called "spreading rumors".

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Where do you think they are coming from? Pond st Roxbury.. Bromley Heath has been a problem for 50 years.

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like she said, if you have evidence, go to the police. if you don't have evidence, throwing out accusations based on our imagination is not how we're supposed to do it in america.

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That's a dated meme and a bias.

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Of the kind of garbage that kept re-electing Dapper.

And people say gentrification has no upsides.

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A fool just like you

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A few tips. If you ever find yourself in this situation just turn the other direction and flee as soon as possible. Hard to get by someone in a bike if they are determined to knock you over.

If they do catch up to you grab the biggest one you can comfortably habdle and pound the hell out of him. It’s a deterrent and these kids only understand street justice.

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Hit me over the head with pipes, then what do I do?

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I see a lot of bicyclists commuting coming home during rush hour down the corridor, stopping at Jackson at the light, and then headed home toward Stony Brook. Jackson is my stop to and from work. I've lived in JP for many years and learned a lot about the real JP from being married to an old school JP guy for many years. Jackson will always begiven a bad rap because of crime fueled by poverty. Bromley Heath is the landmark. The best thing these bicyclists/daily commuters can do (and maybe already do) is have a "group commute" and meetup daily for safety. God knows what kind of life the kids live when they are separated from their mob mentality and go "home". It's fucked up.

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Before you judge these kids, have you been in their shoes? Have you been so broke you can't do shit but watch your neighborhood be taken over by yuppies and hope your family doesn't get pushed out to brockton, Lynn, or fitchburg? The capitalist system doesn't care about these kids, why should they do shit else but hustle a come up?

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I grew up in a single family, female led household, where my parent was regularly molested by a stranger living in the same boarding house. Low income, best schooling possible was public, familial past of active alcoholism and violence.

So yea, I've been there.

I agree that capitalism doesn't care about these kids. Capitalism is not a creature with a conscious. The beneficiaries of capitalism however are at fault by permitting ugly circumstances that give a lot of kids reason to choose anarchy. The presence of a creature such as Trump is proof.

Yet violence against another person is not less wrong; it is not the level of evil that Trump etc. are, but it is a form of evil that begets evil, violence that begets violence.

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and study real hard. Get a part time job. The you would not have to rob and assault people.
Are you for real justifying these assault because they are poor?? Your the problem.

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Someone's life being shit doesn't mean they get to harass, attack, steal, destroy, and fuck up everyone else's day.

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I'm sure everybody is wondering young people get to this point in their lives.

There is no one single reasons. Overall young people sense of what's right and what's wrong is constantly being skewed. Some of our children are increasingly becoming more violent.

My question to everybody: Can the court of law hold a Minor's parents responsible for their children's law breaking actions? Can we start sentencing the parents for what their children's do and when they break the law? I believe parents of bad law Breakin children should be forced to do community service along the side with their bad ass kids.

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I bet most of these kids don't 2 parenst or even 1 parent probably brought up by Grandmother who is too old to do anything anyway.

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They want their racist stereotypes back.

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And has request you learn to use google. The stats are readily available.

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Around the projects and Jackson Sq. Mobs used to swarm cars on Columbus Ave back in the '70s. Pull people out, beat them. Several people were killed.Happened every summer. Kid in the Curley School would routinely abandon school and mobs of them would riot and attack people on Centre St. Nothing new.

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The Corridor has always been a potential area of violence. New Year's Eve, 2010 maybe, a friend was robbed in the Corridor around 11:30 PM. I've ridden around teens who lay their legs across the Corridor to force bikers onto the grass. I'm surprised there are not more near and actual violent incidences.

The enforcement of laws should be the work of police. But these kids (black, white, brown) push a person's boundaries toward wishing there was just vigilantism was not an oxymoron.

On the other hand everyone today reads that crime is okay if you're wealthy, and especially if your skin is white/pink or in the case of Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas merely painted with melanin.

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I don't think these kids were from Moss Hill. Why throw in Ben Carson and Justice Thomas?

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in that area at 11:30PM? That's not safe no matter who is out roaming the streets

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People work at them to pay for their living expenses when they don't have a trust fund or don't live with their parents.

Some jobs end later in the evening. That means people have to commute at times when the T is shit and they just want to take the quickest way home. Some people do this using bicycles.

My son commutes this way and he often closes shop. The buses are over an hour apart, if they are running at all at that hour. He finds it much easier to bike. Cars are too expensive an option unless he wants to live at home.

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Much more often in Somerville or Cambridge than in JP, but I've been there at that hour.

The most important things a cyclist needs at that hour are a good headlight and tail light.

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Sir, please take an Uber rather than bike late at night through an area experiencing an uptick in crime against cyclists.

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Especially on New Year's Eve when there usually are many other people outside. That is the nature of New Year's Eve. Especially in the South End.

But why not ride at 11:30 on any night? Does the adage, "Nothing good happens after midnight" apply? If so 11:30 is still before midnight.

Assuming that the Corridor - or anywhere - is unsafe at 11:30 justifies a full on curfew. If the safety is so low then perhaps Boston needs to be a city where anyone out of doors after 11:29 PM is subject to arrest.

As for Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas they are equal in moral crimes to their "greatest" white father, D. Trump. In other words their belief in their personal superiority is the equivalent Fred Koch's belief in his "racial" superiority or some of his sons' belief in their divine superiority (i.e., they were rich because God wanted them to be rich).

Skin color of Carson and Thomas differs from their white masters but their insides are the same.

A side note: If Thomas can persuade the court to his and Trump's thinking where libel laws are concerned, libel law will be weaponized to turn criticism of public figures into civil or if not criminal violations.

Just like Russia. Criticize Putin? Get ready for prison.

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Any identifying characteristics so we can spot these “teens?”

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They are riding expensive bike on their cell phones

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...riding a bike on your cell phone. I have a pretty large phone but it would be a hell of a challenge.

(you dumbass bigot)

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Why are they not also asking parents of kids living in the area to check up on them at certain times of day to see where they are and what they are doing?

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Hello Son: Where are you and what are you doing? Well we just beat some guy up and robbed him of his bike and money. But I am only 2 blocks away.

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Get it

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And while it is OK to not be a parent - in fact, it is pretty cool - it is not okay to spew racist bullshit and make assumptions about the families of these brats.

Plenty of working two-income families raise great kids, but some of those (and some with a parent at home) have kids who run wild and are enabled by their parents who make excuses for them. It also is not uncommon for two-income families to not realize that their kids have been caught up in bullshit like this, or to be too busy and distracted by things like paying rent and putting food on the table to be able to supervise. You would know that were you ever in charge of kids.

If you didn't notice, the drive for antibullying laws for schools was NOT the result of things happening in diverse or poor school districts, either - it was toxic rich bratholes with enabling parents that brought us those laws. And the biggest scandals since? RICH PEOPLE IN 95% WHITE PLACES.

You don't have to have kids to grow up and grow a fucking brain - you just need to grow a fucking brain and get over your pathetic basement-dwelling self and your ridiculous - and sad - superiority complex. You aren't special.

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Your right the anti bullying especially on social media is done in the suburbs probably mostly white students. In the inner city schools ( which I was BPS the whole way) they don't bully you on social media etc. they ASSAULT YOU. That's why they have METAL DETECTORS AND SCHOOL POLICE IN BPS. It's not easy being a teacher or a student in BPS.

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Your right the anti bullying especially on social media is done in the suburbs

Ironically, she is going to respond to your post (or mine) with some severe cyber bullying... on this urban social media platform.

Not for the sake of irony, of course. She cannot go two posts without cyberbullying someone.

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You are right or bring Trump or capitalism into. I am amazed at some of the F bombs
I mean you have a bunch of thugs assaulting people and on this website you have people defending them. Did you ever walk in their shoes, etc Society never did anything for them. Maybe if their parents did something they wouldn't be out on the streets. Can't keep blaming everybody when you sit on the couch all day

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Dish it out but can't take it?

Throw around tripe but whine when it gets tossed back in your hole?

Today and every day, the role of the victim will be played by the abusive knownothing twits!

I'd tell you two to get a room, but since you seem to be talking turns keeping that right hand warm ...


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Ride/walk on the busway between Centre and Heath Streets, NOT on the SW Corridor.

The source of the problem is the opportunity offered by the poorly-lit and anonymous bottleneck between JS MBTA and Bromley-Heath (the labyrinth of which offers ample egress options to a would-be assailant.)

The busway is: public, (more likely than not) populated, well-lit, and offers more latitude for evasion. Most importantly, nobody will be lying in wait for you there.

I've been doing this for over ten years with no issues, but in the unlikely event that an MBTA staff member or police officer reminds you that you aren't allowed to ride a bike in the busway, politely get off your bike and explain your concerns.

Worst-case scenario is also the best-case scenario, which is that you wind up having a civil discussion with an authority figure in a well-lit, public area.

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