Update, 4 p.m., Friday: NWS now has upped the possible amounts for Saturday/Sunday's storm to 6-8 inches. And Matt Noyes says a foot is not out of the question. Still, even though this storm is passing right over the 70/40 Benchmark, which almost guarantees the ugly, we didn't go to the season's first Four Slicer because of Saturday - it's no howling-winds, power-outages kinda nor'easter. Instead, we're urging you to stock up on the fixin's now because it the storm could be followed by two (or, who knows, more?) storms within a few days. And even then, while we're not talking about Loon Mountain snow levels, be prepared than not, no?
Update, 5:30 p.m., Thursday: Anytime the National Weather Service mentions The Benchmark, we begin eyeing our stocks of milk, bread and, especially these days, eggs. And folks, our Alert trigger finger is very twitchy right now, just wanting to flick the Alert from the current 3 Slices to 4 Slices/High, because, yes, NWS is mentioning The Benchmark (a point in the ocean south of the Islands over which the meanest storms pass) in its latest discussion of what could happen Saturday night.
"This placement, if it holds, would be favorable for a significant snowfall over much of southern New England as long as everything lines up."
So right now our Alert trigger finger is lining up, but we have nine other fingers to hold it back for a bit.
Update: Wednesday:We've gone to 3 Slices/Elevated not so much because we're expecting a semi-wallopping but because we could get three whole storms in just a few days. The NWS now says we could see three inches of snow on Thursday (with the dividing line between "2 to 3 inches" and 3 inches running east to west right through the Greater French Toast Region, like, along Park Drive, so bring some extra tall galoshes if you're planning on seeing a movie at Landmark Center, or whatever they're calling the Sears building these days), followed by ice and rain (fun!), then topped off by another storm Saturday night.
And then, something might be happening Tuesday, or Wednesday, or maybe both - or maybe neither.
The French Toast Alert System has been developed in consultation with local and federal emergency officials to help you determine when to panic and rush to the store to buy milk, eggs and bread. NOTE: This season's alert still honors the many years of forecasting by Harvey Leonard, who retired in 2022.
1 Slice / Low: No storm predicted. Harvey Leonard would have sighed and looked dour on the evening news. Go about your daily business but consider buying second refrigerator for basement, diesel generator. Good time to replenish stocks of maple syrup, cinnamon.
2 Slices / Guarded: Light snow predicted. Subtle grin appeared on Harvey Leonard's face. Check car fuel gauge, memorize quickest route to emergency supermarket should conditions change.
3 Slices / Elevated: Moderate, plowable snow predicted. Harvey Leonard would have openly smiled during report. Empty your trunk to make room for milk, eggs and bread. Clear space in refrigerator and head to store for an extra gallon of milk, a spare dozen eggs and a new loaf of bread.
4 Slices / High: Heavy snow predicted. Harvey Leonard would have broken into huge grin, can't keep his hands off the weather map. Proceed at speed limit before snow starts to nearest supermarket to pick up two gallons of milk, a couple dozen eggs and two loaves of bread - per person in household.
5 Slices / Severe: Nor'easter predicted. This is it, people, THE BIG ONE. Harvey Leonard would have made repeated references to the Blizzard of '78. RUSH to emergency supermarket NOW for multiple gallons of milk, cartons of eggs and loaves of bread. IGNORE cries of little old lady you've just trampled in mad rush to get last gallon of milk. Place pets in basement for use as emergency food supply if needed.
Busy person? Follow the French Toast Alert System on Twitter or on Facebook; stay up to the moment with the proper panic level. Busy developer type person? Use the French Toast Alert data set to build those state-of-the-art iPhone apps. Put the French Toast Alert System on your site! Copy and paste the following where you want the alert to show up. It's 124 pixels wide by 126 pixels high: <script src="https://www.universalhub.com/frenchtoast.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Become the alert: Buy an official French Toast Alert T-shirt and run around updating your neighbors:
Toastaphon: Toast image derived from this French Toast sammich photo by Bunchofpants.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
French Toast alert T-shirts??
By Yam
Wed, 12/12/2007 - 1:27pm
I would buy them for everyone if they existed! I swear!!
Sweet merciful syrup!
By adamg
Wed, 12/12/2007 - 1:36pm
What a great idea! Let me investigate.
French Toast Alert T-shirts now available
By adamg
Wed, 12/12/2007 - 10:50pm
Boston French Toast Alert Tshirts by agaffin
View other Boston T-Shirts
By S.
Thu, 12/13/2007 - 8:19am
Will that t-shirt make my butt look bigger?
Only if ...
By adamg
Thu, 12/13/2007 - 8:38am
You eat it with lots of butter and syrup.
By anon
Sun, 10/28/2012 - 6:06pm
I know for SURE your butt will look bigger if you have been eating all that French Toast! What they heck - go for it!!
By Anonymous
Sat, 12/15/2007 - 7:07am
The T-Shirt has a red logo that says elevated, but elevated on the chart is yellow. I would want a severe logo on the front with the whole chart explanation on the back.
If I had a million dollars ...
By adamg
Sat, 12/15/2007 - 10:36am
... I'd hire a copy editor.
Changed on the link above. If you bought one of the "Elevated" shirts and want the real "Severe" shirt, e-mail me and I'll get you the right ones.
Even if you don't have a million bucks...
By Diane Lee
Sun, 01/27/2008 - 6:07am
Adam Gaffin:
Perhaps, I can help?
I am a proofreader of web pages; checking spelling, grammar, links and anything that looks "strange." I am technically not a copy editor because I don't have the skills to edit hard copy lay-outs.
I do have a reference whose e-mail I will be glad to give you in private email.
On your contact page I couldn't find a way to join without installing MS Outlook which I didn't wish to do.
Diane Lee
"Contact" link
By Ron Newman
Sun, 01/27/2008 - 9:11am
is just a e-mail link. It doesn't have anything to do with MS Outlook.
By Foxed
Fri, 12/18/2009 - 12:38pm
But-but-but... if you have Outlook on your computer, and alot of PCs do, it automatically opens up a Compose screen in Outlook. If you haven't set up Outlook, it'll make you set that up first.
I'm not sure about other web-browsers, but in Chrome, you can right-click and "Copy e-mail address" (even without highlighting the link!). Then paste it in your To field.
And if
By eeka
Sun, 12/26/2010 - 12:01am
you can't figure out that you can copy a mailto: link rather than clicking through for it to open Outlook, you have no business copy editing web pages!
Fixed it for you
By Sock_Puppet
Sun, 12/26/2010 - 6:46am
You had all kinds of funny brackets all over the place. What a mess! I just cleaned that all up for you. You should see if you have a few stuck keys on your typewriter.
By eeka
Sun, 12/26/2010 - 11:01am
By ladyk
Wed, 11/07/2012 - 9:23pm
My Shirt
By Info Search
Wed, 01/23/2008 - 11:30am
So how do I get mine??
Avi W.
french toast t's
By knitnzu
Thu, 12/13/2007 - 8:39am
Oh yes, those are just wonderful! Make 'em Make 'em! I do remember french toast as an evening meal, probably Saturday or Sundays, because Fridays were Beans and Franks (unless we had some extra cash, then we got some steak). Or has it been so long that I've been away and I've got Friday's and Saturday's meals mixed up?
French toast Ts
By Anonymous
Sat, 12/29/2007 - 11:48am
Hey Knitnzu - you got em mixed up if you grew up Catholic - no meat on Fridays, remember?
We call that supper breakfast
By Christine Langhoff
Sun, 12/13/2020 - 8:12pm
We call that supper breakfast.
By Dave Daniels
Thu, 12/13/2007 - 9:41am
Finally, an alert system that actually MEANS something. Now this is a system I can wrap my fork around.
French toast alternatives
By adamg
Fri, 12/14/2007 - 12:39pm
Tomato soup and grilled-cheese sandwiches.
No no no no no
By Anonymous
Fri, 12/14/2007 - 1:19pm
The beauty of the french toast system is that the three necessary and sufficient ingredients are bread, milk, and eggs: the three perishables that always disappear when snow is announced. If anything, it should somehow also tie-in with toilet paper...the one non-food perishable that disappears just as fast when bad weather is on the way.
As Chris Crocker would tell us:
By Water Tanks
Mon, 01/21/2008 - 12:14pm
LOL, wonderful shirts. What a great idea!
Dave C.
You know, I was just
By Suldog
Wed, 01/23/2008 - 12:15pm
You know, I was just thinking - shouldn't it be "Freedom Toast"?
great minds think alike
By Brett
Wed, 02/04/2009 - 6:23pm
I had the same thought a few days ago.
Sidenote: jeez, Adam's been laid off barely a day and the slacking has already started :) We're currently at "green", but "elevated".
French Toast Alert by email
By wellbasically
Fri, 02/15/2008 - 1:09pm
I was caught at Roche Bros in W Roxbury during a rush on the French Toast section, so many people that they brought in palettes of eggs and just left them in the middle of the milk area.
Also that Roche Bros in W Roxbury harbors a mysterious virus that makes you age 6 months for every minute you're in there, like that episode of Star Trek, so there were a lot of confused and desperate people in dairy.
So I would really appreciate getting the Alert by email.
Sweet Merciful God, when will this end
By wellbasically
Thu, 02/28/2008 - 3:07pm
Another one? That's three this week!
No Kidding
By Melaleuca Frank...
Thu, 03/06/2008 - 3:13pm
No kidding, needs to cool down a bit!
harvey l?!!!
By The fatal femme-bot
Wed, 12/10/2008 - 11:30pm
screw leondard, dick albert is the man!
No joke
...besides adam!
Adam, Can you fix the alert
By Anonymous
Thu, 02/05/2009 - 7:56am
Can you fix the alert system so that the delicious french toast isn't tainted by the alert level color?
This is too funny. I'm a
By anon
Tue, 03/03/2009 - 5:11am
This is too funny. I'm a retail manager, and you should see the idiots go crazy when snow is predicted. My personal favorite as a drug store manager were: the emergency condoms.
Code Blue?
By Dave
Sat, 04/11/2009 - 4:39pm
I've been seeing snowflakes since around 3 or so.
By Maggard
Thu, 12/03/2009 - 2:15pm
We really need a Facebook craplet for French Toast Alert status.
Anyone care to toss one together?
By VCDrake
Mon, 03/01/2010 - 8:42pm
Yeah, I want this as a FB app, so it can sit as a box on my page.
Sidebar Widget
By Foxed
Fri, 12/18/2009 - 12:53pm
So, I use Windows Vista... and Google Desktop. I'd really think it was neat to have a sidebar widget for French Toast alerts...
The French Toast Alert System
By Tim
Wed, 02/03/2010 - 8:40am
I must say the french toast alert system is funny. I currently live just out side of Washington, DC & trust me when I say, these people don't know how to drive in good weather. When that 4 letter word (snow) is put in the forecast. They go from "green" to "RED ALERT". There is nothing else to consider for these people. Example, this past Dec. we got about 18" of snow. These people that have cars with about 4 to 6" of clearance are out driving & are getting stuck & they can not understand why. DUH!
Hurricane French Toast Alert?
By anon
Tue, 08/31/2010 - 8:18pm
Can the French Toast Alert system be applied to Hurricanes? Earl is on the way!
Hmmmmmm.....interesting question.
By anon
Tue, 08/31/2010 - 9:36pm
It's something that should be looked into.
french toast alert
By Studebaker Hawk
Fri, 09/03/2010 - 10:06am
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery..as a dj of "no repute" on a public station in NJ (wdvrfm.org on the web I have been announcing french toast alerts for about 10 years...but i love your t-shirt and am a proud owner of one (gift from my Boston based daughters)
I guess great minds think along the same lines...have a great day...enjoy the french toast this afternoon!
Studebaker Hawk(tm)
time to raise the alert!
By DotLover
Thu, 12/16/2010 - 6:11pm
at least to elevated!
By Wen
Wed, 01/12/2011 - 9:42am
Don't forget to fill the bathtub with water too!
By Denise
Fri, 01/28/2011 - 6:00pm
Adam! I mentioned on FB that we've had 7 storms already (per channel 5). A friend of mine (who lives in the Caribbean I might add) suggested that we start naming the storms like they do for hurricanes. Instead of the boy girl names, you could use breakfast dishes (French Toast is obviously already being used). Blueberry Pancakes; Blintzes; Scrambled Eggs. You could make up a new list each fall.
If there's a "Blizzard of '78" type storm, that name can be retired. What do you think?
7 storms? I've only seen 4
By Ron Newman
Sat, 01/29/2011 - 11:12am
on December 26, January 11-12, January 20-21, and January 26-27
How large?
By Kaz
Mon, 01/31/2011 - 12:09am
There were a few in there that only dropped a dusting or an inch or two that you don't have listed. I'm guessing they're counting those too.
Speaking of the Blizzard of '78
By Dave
Mon, 01/31/2011 - 5:46pm
This year is very reminiscent of '78, with large January snowfalls leading up to a potential early February biggie.
(click for bigger)
Anybody notice what's wrong with this picture?
Clicking for bigger doesn't
By chicken
Mon, 01/31/2011 - 8:00pm
Clicking for bigger doesn't make it bigger?
Really? Sorry. It does for
By Dave
Tue, 02/01/2011 - 12:43am
Really? Sorry. It does for me unless I have a zoom level > 100% on my browser. In any case, what I was looking for was the fact that the caption says 128 in Dedham when it's actually Canton looking towards Westwood.
By MassMouse
Sun, 01/30/2011 - 8:28pm
At first, I thought this was a thread about a new breakfast place. Now that I "get it" I am literally laughing my hiney off. Maybe I've been inside for way too long....
that's wildly different from
By anon
Wed, 02/06/2013 - 12:09pm
that's wildly different from the 1-2" NWS is calling
Ignore their 7-day forecast, which seems to lag
By adamg
Wed, 02/06/2013 - 12:16pm
Instead, look at the latest Winter Storm Watch:
Link doesn't work....
By Michael Kerpan
Sat, 11/09/2013 - 8:55pm
... for me, at least. And the only winter storm watch I could find on the NOAA site was for Alaska.
Snow blower started, first
By kvn
Sat, 11/09/2013 - 5:59pm
Snow blower started, first pull , didnt have to plug in the electric starter, plenty of firewood, have direct deposit , let it snow !
another storm
By briannefitz@gma...
Sat, 02/15/2014 - 1:42pm
this site has been the absolutely best thing about a rather dreadful Boston winter. I laugh every time I open it up
Reason for mentioning Orange, the mythical town, not so mythical
By issacg
Fri, 01/02/2015 - 12:36pm
I think that the reason the NWS in Taunton likes to highlight Orange is because it is near the northern and western extreme of the WFO Taunton County Watch Area (CWA) and it has an airport that more or less regularly reports weather conditions. The airport in North Adams (Harriman and West) is within the NWS Albany CWA.
They would probably talk more about Keene, but it's Keene, in New Hampshire, and therefore "up there" or "in ski country" so far as most of the WFO Taunton audience is concerned.
By gschoch
Thu, 01/15/2015 - 4:39pm
On Gallivan Blvd it is snowing quite hard out right now!
New warning tier
By Scott R
Mon, 01/26/2015 - 11:59am
Adam, why isn't there an 'Extreme' or 'XTREEEEME!' level to this warning system
Beware The 7 Day Forecast!
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 03/07/2015 - 1:19pm
Predictions of above freezing weather on day 7 are not probable!
Come on Adam
By Waquiot
Sat, 03/07/2015 - 1:59pm
We want Green! Take the level down.
Time to set it back to Green
By Ron Newman
Wed, 04/01/2015 - 10:09am
It's sunny today, and all I see ahead is more sunshine and more rain.
Hazardous weather warning cancelled?
By Ron Newman
Sun, 12/27/2015 - 8:07am
As of right now, Sunday 12/27 at 8 am, the page you linked to says:
No Active Hazardous Weather Conditions
issued by NWS Roxbury MA
"Big Bust Potential" ?
By Ron Newman
Wed, 01/20/2016 - 12:33pm
Does 'bust" mean "disappointingly small storm" ?
Nice mention on CNN main page
By JonThompson
Thu, 01/21/2016 - 7:32am
Nice mention on CNN main page Adam! ;)
By adamg
Thu, 01/21/2016 - 7:40am
French Toast Alert
By Rochelle
Wed, 02/10/2016 - 12:46am
How many rolls of toilet paper should I buy for each level of alerts?
I keep editing this comment
By tenguix
Thu, 01/17/2019 - 4:14pm
but it never gets any funnier.
By karenz
Wed, 07/06/2016 - 11:06pm
I support french toast in the summer!
I love it!!!
By MassMouse
Fri, 07/08/2016 - 10:11am
I have the alert posted on my desk, and keep it updated during those horrific weather times.
What about using French Toast
By Bill
Fri, 09/02/2016 - 11:40am
What about using French Toast doneness colors instead of the green, blue, yellow etc colors? So you could have French toast colors from practically raw to practically burnt with golden brown being in the middle? Love this site. Keep it up!
Neither End Of That Scale Sounds Very Appetizing!
By Elmer
Mon, 03/13/2017 - 12:15am
[sup] ( and half a snowstorm is not better than none! )[/sup]
The Waffle House Index
By Steven Buehler
Fri, 09/08/2017 - 12:16pm
Down here in the South we have what's called the Waffle House Index. Waffle Houses NEVER CLOSE, PERIOD. The Index condition states that if the weather or disaster is severe enough that the local Waffle House decides to close, WE'RE ALL DOOMED. It's armageddon.
A copycat who gives no credit....
By jzp
Sun, 03/11/2018 - 12:04pm
Sheesh - this guy http://frenchtoastalert.com/
It's official.
By Karl
Mon, 03/12/2018 - 9:03am
There will be NO SPRING in 2018. Summer may be shorter too. Already 2018 is competing with '15 and '78 in overall snowfall during the winter, using the standard that it's not over until the snow is completely gone and no more snowstorms are in the forecast. The calendar is meaningless. And yes, this incoming storm as of 3/12/18 is going to stick. Why? When the storms come, the temperature drops low enough for it to stick, and won't rebound for at least a week, assuming there isn't another storm within that week, which is a very low probability. All we can do is hope it ends by June 21 (the ACTUAL beginning of summer, only corporations use Memorial Day for that). Yes, I did say the calendar doesn't matter, but that's only for determining the start of a non-existent season. tl, dr: Just another rant about the awful winters here and the fact that I can't move out. And I have the First Amendment right to complain.
We already started having Spring
By anon
Mon, 03/12/2018 - 9:11am
But it appears that she's been brought on part-time with a shifting schedule, like a fast food worker.
and here we still are on March 20
By Delle Ave Kid
Tue, 03/20/2018 - 11:37pm
...getting the storms we're supposed to see a month ago.
Happy spring equinox?
French Toast Alert Dataset
Thu, 03/22/2018 - 12:14pm
Can you confirm if the French Toast Dataset is uptodate? It usually just says "Guarded" and the last time it appears to be updated (change of french toast alert status) was around March 13.
Which file are you talking about?
By adamg
Thu, 03/22/2018 - 12:38pm
The xml or js file? If so, maybe there's a problem I need to look into, because the actual Alert has changed several times in that time period.
Sorry for the delay, just saw
Tue, 04/03/2018 - 5:55pm
Sorry for the delay, just saw this. I meant the xml file.
XML doesn't match this page
By Ron Newman
Wed, 04/04/2018 - 6:44am
http://www.universalhub.com/toast.xml says
but this page says "Guarded"
I Propose a New Benchmark
By jinzilla20
Thu, 11/22/2018 - 11:02am
It seems like we get at least 1 major Nor'Easter each Winter. Sometimes multiple. Therefore, I propose a new benchmark, when the City of Boston is absolutely crippled and can't easily withstand another blow. Think February 2015. March 2018 also flirted with this, though there was enough time/melting between storms to recover:
6+ Slices: EXTREME. Multiple Category 4-5 events in a short period of time with another one scheduled to hit... imminently. Harvey Leonard appears genuinely terrified, making multiple references to the Feb 2015 Snow Blitz, widespread Power Outages and the National Guard. Supermarkets are long barren & the MBTA has been out of service for weeks. If you don't already have a stockpile of bread, eggs, milk & emergency rations to last until May, consider evacuating to somewhere warmer, where your survival skills will come in handy when a mere dusting shuts down the area. THIS IS NOT A DRILL, PEOPLE. WE'RE PRETTY MUCH F*CKED.
And following that
By jmeltzer
Fri, 01/18/2019 - 9:38am
7 Slices: The Boston Yeti is reading the weather, after saying that Harvey Leonard is currently under sedation. Things are about to get really funky.
Latest update should be "1/17
By jmeltzer
Fri, 01/18/2019 - 9:32am
Latest update should be "1/17" not "11/17"
Is there a discount for buying all 5?
By Don't Panic
Mon, 11/04/2019 - 1:53am
I want the whole set!
Mon, 11/04/2019 - 5:52pm
Need to send out a tweet announcing the arrival of the 2019-20 season...
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 01/27/2022 - 8:10pm
Sat, 11/12/2022 - 7:56am
Fresh loaf of challah from local bakery: check
Two dozen eggs: check
Gallon of milk, just opened this morning: check
Bring it on!!
Mon, 11/14/2022 - 10:06am
Is Harv still our guy or will we need to name a new French Toast King/Queen?
In his honor
By adamg
Mon, 11/14/2022 - 4:51pm
This season will still feature what Harv would have done. Next season, we'll have to come up with somebody else.
For five slices
By jmeltzer
Wed, 01/25/2023 - 4:44pm
all you need now is "Harvey's back."
Wrong today...
By Karl
Mon, 01/16/2023 - 7:52am
The last minor storms in Jan 2023 were labeled Blue, but this obvious Yellow today (Jan 16, 2023, incorrectly labeled Green) is clearly more snowfall than either of the earlier Blues this January. I think this gizmo's broken. And I'm just north of Boston, whereas the "jackpot" was Plymouth County and The Cape, but there is more than Blue level falling today.
So far today
By jmeltzer
Sat, 03/04/2023 - 10:48am
only a slice of stale Wonder Bread, but the day is far from over :-)
No movies at Landmark Center (401 Park Drive) anymore
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/06/2025 - 8:36am
Regal closed the cinema there two years ago. I don't know if it is still sitting there empty, waiting for a new owner to reopen it, or if it has already been demolished or turned into something non-cinematic.
French Toast? In this economy?
By Oxenfree
Thu, 02/06/2025 - 1:28pm
This time next year we may be facing a different picture when it comes to French Toast fixin's, between unpasteurized milk and egg shortages. Make 'em if you gottem!
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