Girl at the Embrace on the Common
By adamg - 1/20/25 - 6:57 pm

Stephen C. Bedell captured the scene at the Embrace on the Common on the most appropriate of days.

Fireworks over the Soldiers and Sailors Monument
By adamg - 12/31/24 - 11:17 pm

Our own Ron Newman took in the early First Night fireworks, over the Soldiers and Sailors Monument on Boston Common, this evening.

By adamg - 12/24/24 - 5:37 pm

Boston Police report a keen-eyed cadet working with C-6 officers "spreading holiday cheer" by delivering toys to deserving South Boston kids this morning spotted somebody who seemed to be a bit weighted down with packages - specifically, a woman who already had "notoriety among concerned locals" as a package thief. Read more.

By adamg - 12/18/24 - 3:57 pm
Wanted for purse larceny

Update: Suspect arrested.

Boston Police report they are looking for a woman they say rummaged through people's belongings at a toy drive at a Brighton restaurant Sunday evening until she found a purse and then made off with it. Read more.

Bill Rodgers at annual Somerville Jingle Bell 5K run
By adamg - 12/16/24 - 11:33 am

Michael Halle was at the starting line for yesterday's Bill Rodgers Somerville Jingle Bell Run and Walk, along with Bill Rodgers himself. Read more.

Santa crossing Washington Street to the Forest Hills T station
By adamg - 12/9/24 - 11:06 pm

Roving UHub photographer Joyce Falk Onyango had to stop when the Santa-crossing lights came on on Washington Street at the Forest Hills T stop yesterday.

Giant Christmas bow on the
By adamg - 11/30/24 - 9:58 am

Handmaid snapped both ends of the city's largest Christmas bow, on the Flour and Grain Exchange building on Milk Street downtown.

Marty plushies
By adamg - 11/30/24 - 9:45 am

Cynthia Donovan walked into her local Stop & Shop yesterday and saw all these plushie Marties for sale. No batteries needed, but they also don't stand there flashing yellow in impotent rage because they have no hands to pick up that stray lettuce leaf that is blocking their path.

By adamg - 11/1/24 - 12:16 pm

The city today announced the expansion of the Open Newbury street closing to two Sundays during the holiday season next month.

The street will be shut to motor vehicles on Dec. 1 and Dec. 8 in what had previously been just a summertime program to let pedestrians have free reign, if even just for part of a day, between Berkeley Street and Massachusetts Avenue, and between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

The DeMasi-Marx family on Tyndale Street with Home Depot giant skeletons dressed as DeathKings
By adamg - 10/31/24 - 5:08 pm

The DeMasi-Marx family gathered around their 12-foot Home Depot skeletons this afternoon, before the start of the annual Tyndale Street Halloween fest in Roslindale. Read more.

Skeletons and other Halloween creatures on Appleton Street in Cambridge
By adamg - 10/31/24 - 9:49 am

Roving UHub photographer John McMahon managed to survive a trip down Appleton Street in Cambridge. Read more.

By adamg - 9/5/24 - 9:44 am

The city Office of Civic Organizing is offering $250 grants to neighborhoods that want to really go all out for Halloween this year. Read more.

By adamg - 8/31/24 - 11:08 am

Miles Grant notes the odd exclusion in a Globe list of "10 movies about work to stream this Labor Day weekend" - they have "Monsters, Inc.," but not anything like, oh, "Norma Rae" or "On the Waterfront." Fortunately, people of a more labor-ish bent on Labor Day have Deadline's list of "15 Movies About Labor Unions And Strikes."

Halloween decorations at Dedham Lowe's
By adamg - 7/20/24 - 10:09 am

Is it Halloween season already? As Gary C. found out, the Dedham Lowe's thinks so.

Sailors in front of Old Navy in Downtown Crossing
By adamg - 7/4/24 - 10:23 pm

BostonPilot captured some of the Navy sailors in town for July Fourth.

Codzilla and the USS Constitution
By adamg - 7/4/24 - 10:09 pm

Matt Frank went down to Castle Island today to watch Old Ironsides on its trip around Boston Harbor and got a good view of both it and Codzilla.

Fifers in Lexington
By adamg - 4/15/24 - 9:30 pm

Ron Newman took in the Patriots Day parade through Lexington today (alas, the recreation of the Battle of Old North Bridge was canceled due to flooding). Read more.

By adamg - 4/11/24 - 2:18 pm

Ari Ofsevit, who reports he missed qualifying for the Boston Marathon this year by 24 seconds, provides details of what he calls the MBTA's "somewhat impressive" service additions for Monday.