By adamg - 5/26/23 - 2:14 pm

WBUR updates us on the latest round of MBTA repair shutdowns, which include shutting down the brand-spanking-new Green Line Extension for the first two weekends in June, because it turns out the T started running trains on it even though it wasn't completely done. The work involves various stuff along the tracks, not the still unopened community path in Somerville.

By adamg - 4/28/23 - 10:04 am

This Web site will answer the question immediately (hint, the answer right now involves Betteridge's Law).

Handmade Green Line Extension on a T map
By adamg - 2/23/23 - 9:44 pm

Neal spotted this hand-drawn Green Line Extension on a system map at Haymarket the other day.

Jessica Dello Russo, meanwhile, shows that Haymarket could stand some guerrilla leak sealers and mold-remediation experts, too: Read more.

By adamg - 2/8/23 - 12:18 pm

The MBTA reports delays of up to 15 minutes on the Green Line due to some sort of switch problem at Lechmere, you know, the brand-new Lechmere that's the linchpin of the brand-new Green Line Extension, not some superannuated Orange Line station somewhere. Read more.

By adamg - 12/13/22 - 2:59 pm
Cover of a book about Jumbo

When the first Green Line train pulled out of Medford/Tufts early yesterday morning, somebody dressed in a furry elephant suit was onboard. Read more.

On the first Green Line train out of Medford/Tufts
By adamg - 12/12/22 - 9:42 am

Emily Wean reports she managed to get on the first ever Green Line train out of Medford/Tufts at Ball Square shortly after 4:45 a.m., even though the train was crowded. Read more.

By adamg - 12/11/22 - 1:21 pm

WBUR recounts 32 years of effort to get the Green Line Extension built.

By adamg - 11/17/22 - 10:35 am

MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak announced this morning that the Medford branch of the Green Line Extension, the long one, the one with more than one stop, will start taking passengers on Dec. 12. In recent days, the T has been running test trolleys up and down the line.

By adamg - 11/2/22 - 2:12 pm

At 1:51 p.m. Jill Rodgers sent a Green Line cri de couer from a trolley sitting motionless on the viaduct between Lechmere and Union Square, you know, the part of the Green Line that was shut down for a month to make it work all nice and smooth and stuff. Read more.

By adamg - 8/16/22 - 10:41 am

While 'neath the streets of Boston, Anna Seda on cello, Jacob Deck on Celtic harp and Ben Rechel on bass play their updated version of the classic Boston song: Read more.

By adamg - 8/15/22 - 12:04 pm

State and Boston officials today detailed their latest efforts to provide alternatives for Orange Line riders and Green Line riders north of Boston for the month-long shutdown that starts Friday night - and to caution that eliminating train service that normally handles 100,000 people on weekdays will affect everybody else in the region as well. Read more.

By adamg - 8/12/22 - 4:53 pm

Shuttle buses, more commuter-rail service and the 39 bus! All that and more.

By adamg - 8/5/22 - 11:15 am

The MBTA announced today that it hopes to finally, actually, really, no kidding, open the Green Line Extension all the way into Medford by "late November," just in time for you to go over the river and through the woods to visit the Medford house where Lydia Maria Child's grandparents lived, prompting her to write the famous Thanksgiving song. Read more.

By adamg - 3/21/22 - 9:11 am

Some thought it might never happen, but at 4:50 a.m., after decades in the making, the first trolley to take passengers rolled out of Union Square in Somerville. Read more.

Test trolleys on tracks between Union Square and Lechmere
By adamg - 12/16/21 - 8:53 pm

Adam Nichols captured some of the action tonight on the Union Square stub, where Green Line operators have begun driving trolleys to test things out and get familiar with the new line. Read more.

By adamg - 10/21/21 - 2:53 pm

The MBTA announced today that the first scheduled service on the Green Line Extension to Union Square won't be until at least March of next year. Read more.

By adamg - 6/21/21 - 9:34 pm

The Somerville Transportation Equity Partnership reports officials announced today that the Union Square stub line is now scheduled to open in December instead of October and that the main part of the extension is now scheduled to start up in May, rather than the previously announced December.

By adamg - 5/26/21 - 9:36 am

Remember when it was about to get cancelled because it was going to cost too much? CommonWealth Magazine reports the project is now forecast to come in under budget, only in part thanks to $103 million in federal recovery aid for mass-transit projects and possibly enough so to let Cambridge and Somerville recover the $45 million they ponied up to keep the project going.

By adamg - 5/24/21 - 11:14 am

Here's a detailed drone-based video of the work towards extending the Green Line past Lechmere. If you want to skip stuff about the history of the Green Line and work on the existing sections, skip to 4:50 (and yes, the narrator is not from around here, as you can tell by his pronunciation of "Tremont" and "Zakim" but it's still a cool video).

By adamg - 6/13/20 - 12:21 pm

Nathaniel Stinnett watched some of the demolition of the steel part of the Lechmere viaduct this morning. It's coming down for the realignment of the Green Line towards the new Not-Lechmere station being built as part of the fabled Green Line Extension.