By adamg - 2/9/25 - 11:11 am

Juliet Hurwitz recounts her year as a server at the Cask 'n Flagon.

By adamg - 2/8/25 - 9:40 pm

Carl Bergstrom details the impact of a federal rule announced yesterday that could mean the immediate loss of hundreds of millions of dollars paid to research universities, including funds already budgeted -  a key part of the Project 2025 that the Liar in Chief swore he knew nothing about.

By adamg - 2/8/25 - 7:55 pm

The Quincy Patriot-Ledger introduces us to the ten-foot-tall statues of two Catholic saints that Mayor Tom Koch is paying to have installed at the front of the city's new public-safety building - St. Florian pouring water on a flaming building for the firefighters and St. Michael standing on the head and neck of a guy screaming in agony to represent police. Read more.

By adamg - 2/8/25 - 6:41 pm

Unlike some of its neighbors, Boston doesn't think tonight's snowstorm warrants an emergency declaration, so just use common sense, clear your sidewalk and remember that, even if you don't live in the South End, you can't just save that parking space you shoveled out. At least, not legally.

By adamg - 2/8/25 - 2:09 pm

All the commuter-rail lines in and out of South Station - save the Worcester and Kingston lines - are now reporting delays, possibly because a train slipped just a bit off the rails. Based on the delay times posted by the T, we're guessing it's the 1:17 p.m. outbound Fairmount Line train, which the T reports "remains stopped after South Station and is 45-55 minutes behind schedule."

Amtrak reports "lengthy delays" due to "a disabled commuter train blocking the tracks in the area."

By adamg - 2/8/25 - 1:32 pm

Boston Police report BPD, State Police and FBI investigators looking into a human-trafficking ring at a Mattapan Square apartment arrested six people Thursday - including one man who tried to flee by jumping out a window, and the man whose car he jumped into in a vain escape attempt. Read more.

By adamg - 2/8/25 - 12:29 pm

A Cambridge college student and a Salem video-game designer are among seven people who have sued to block a new government policy that only allows passports to have gender designed as "M" or "F." Read more.

Car flipped on VFW Parkway
By adamg - 2/8/25 - 11:53 am

A driver somehow flipped his car on VFW Parkway inbound in West Roxbury just before the intersection with Centre Street around 10:30 a.m. He was able to get out of what was left of his vehicle and declined medical attention.

By adamg - 2/8/25 - 11:28 am

WBZ reports on restaurants in East Boston, which has a large immigrant community.

By adamg - 2/7/25 - 8:36 pm

Brookline Police report arresting a local man they say teaches at the Josiah Quincy Upper School in Boston's Chinatown on charges he convinced at least six girls, aged 12-17, in other states to send him nude photos of themselves over the Discord network. Read more.

By adamg - 2/7/25 - 4:40 pm

The MBTA announced today that New Bedford, Fall River and other South Coast points will get commuter-rail service starting on the morning of March 24 - for the first time in 65 years. Read more.

By adamg - 2/7/25 - 3:49 pm

A concerned citizen files a 311 complaint just in time for all the snow we could get over the next week: Read more.

By adamg - 2/7/25 - 2:42 pm

The University of Massachusetts legal office today notified workers at all of its campuses today on what to do if somebody from ICE - or any other government agency - shows up and starts asking questions about students or other employees: Tell them nothing and send them to the UMass Office of the General Counsel (OGC) or, if they have a warrant, to the campus police. Read more.

Rendering of proposed replacement for Stats
By adamg - 2/7/25 - 2:19 pm

The owners of the one-story Stats Bar and Grille in South Boston's Perkins Square want to replace it with a five-story building with a ground-floor restaurant and four floors of apartments. Read more.

Fingers coming through the seat
By adamg - 2/7/25 - 1:35 pm

A Newton man is scheduled for an appearance in federal court today on a charge that he managed to slide his fingers in between the back and cushion of the seat of a 17-year-old in front of him to finger her buttocks while flying back from Puerto Rico to Logan with his family. Read more.

By adamg - 2/7/25 - 9:49 am

A federal judge yesterday sentenced Aizavier Roache, 31, to 4 3/4 years in prison for selling at least six guns he'd obtained from a pal who bought them at gun shops in South Carolina. Read more.

By adamg - 2/6/25 - 4:21 pm

The city of Quincy today moved its battle against a new Long Island Bridge into court, asking a judge to overturn the state's approval of Boston's proposed bridge reconstruction, which would let Boston rebuild the addiction-treatment facilities it used to run on the island. Read more.

By adamg - 2/6/25 - 2:38 pm

The Daily Free Press reports on an effort by Warm Up Boston to stop DCR from clearing out the encampment and tossing whatever belongings people there couldn't take with them when told to move.

By adamg - 2/6/25 - 12:40 pm

The president yesterday signed one of his executive orders, this time to ban transgender athletes. Our Charlie Baker, now head of the NCAA, immediately complied, expressing gratitude for "a clear, national standard" he can get behind. Read more

By adamg - 2/6/25 - 12:12 pm

Update: Fourth suspect, Jabrell Reynolds, 18, of Roslindale, charged.

Boston Police report arresting two men and a teenager on charges they stole an Uber Eats delivery person's car at gunpoint on Archdale Road in Roslindale's Archdale development shortly before 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday.  Read more.