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Rep. Mike Capuano Votes Against Impeachment; New Local Website Expresses Outrage

There is a new Cambridge-based website for people upset about Rep. Mike Capuano (Cambridge, Boston, Somerville) not supporting impeachment in the vote brought against Vice President Dick Cheney yesterday, by Rep. Dennis Kucinich. It is CapuanoTraitor.com. The vote was broadcast on CNN. An excerpt from the site reads:

There is no middle ground when you know a crime as great as the overturn of the Bill of Rights is in progress, especially if you are in the branch charged with stopping that crime.

The site presents arguments for why Capuano should be in of favor impeachment, and other links and items of interest.

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Cheney is a traitor.

Capuano is a fool.

Cheney has trampled the constitution and done more to damage democracy in America than possibly even Benedict Arnold.

Capuano was acting well within the legal bounds of the constitution.

Do I have sympathy for the outrage of those who disagree with him? Yes. But calling him a traitor is more than a little anti-democratic. Vote his ass out of office, write him nasty letters, but don't call the man a traitor just because he voted against the interests of many of his constituents. Democracy is about process and rule of law, not about viciously attacking those who disagree with you or getting your kind of dictator into office instead.

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I like Mike Capuano. I don't agree with everything he does, and this is an example of where I disagree with him. That doesn't make him a "traitor" and it doesn't (by itself) incline me to vote against him in the next election.

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Bush and Cheney have overturned the Constitution, specifically the Fourth and Sixth Amendments, against their oath to "uphold ,protect, and defend" it, which is their PRIMARY duty or the Founders wouldn't have made it the central part of the swearing in ceremony. That's treason. Capuano swore the same in his own oath. If watching treason against the Constitution take place without acting to stop it is not collaboration, then what is it? This is not just another vote on which good people can disagree, it's the fundamental law of the land and rights that men died for. Capuano has been lobbied over and over to do his job and help impeach a lawbreaking president. Read the site. He won't do it.

There will not be time to vote him/them out after Bush stages a "false flag" attack to draw us into war with Iran. Leftie paranoia? Try Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, who is the one who said this. A staunch Reagan Republican!

It's unfortunate that Bush has brought us to this, but I won't stand by and watch my rights dribble away without pointing to the guys who enabled it.

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That same bill of rights provides numerous protections against "guilt by association" being a crime.

Calling Capuano a traitor because he didn't vote the way you wanted him to qualifies as guilt by association.

The ends do not justify the means. Repeat.

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...because he won't obey his oath to "defend the Constitution of the United States," as he swore to do, by impeaching this Constitution-breaking president and vice president, by signing on as a co-sponsor of H.Res. 333 and supporting impeachment. They are OUR rights. I ain't giving them up.

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...for the record it does pain me to level this harsh charge against an American. Capuano has done some good things, and I never really had a problem with him before. But I see no choice when they can now sweep Americans off the street without charges and without a trial for as long as they want, and congressmen refuse to do their duty. Disobeying your oath to protect the Constitution is not within the "legal bounds of the constitution." The oath is in the Constitution itself,in Article Six, and by law entering congressmen are required to swear it:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

It's a harsh charge, but these are harsh times. If Capuano were to change his tune on impeachment I'd immediately pull this site and call him a hero. But the kind of country my kids and grandkids will grow up in is in the balance. This is dead serious business nothing more nothing less.

Ralph Lopez

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