Steve reports that Spare Change Guy is out of jail (one guess what he was in jail for) and on the Red Line and fretting about the fact that he's become a local celebrity.
Ah, so that's where he's been. My last SCG sighting was in South Station (waiting for his commuter rail?) on the last Saturday in April. He had a slightly different schtick, and was asking folks if they would buy him a cup of coffee (though he used the same intonation as he normally does for the spare change requests). A woman, bless her heart, finally treats him to a cup of coffee from Au Bon Pain. But when she sits down to enjoy her own meal, he joins her. Clearly, not what she had in mind! So she found herself a new table. After he finished his coffee, SCG resumed his infamous request of all of South Station's patrons.
And as weird as it may sound, I was fascinated by watching all of this transpire.
Here's the screwed up thing. I saw him on the T today going from South Station to Park on the Red line. Dude was in a nice polo shirt, khakis and new sneakers, and had shaved and was generally clean. I had to look twice before realizing it was actually him.
Holy crap, then I wasn't
Sun, 06/10/2007 - 3:41pm
Holy crap, then I wasn't seeing things when I thought I saw him sitting on the steps of the YWCA building on Clarendon the other day. Aye, me!
Ah, so that's where he's
By Chiquita
Tue, 06/12/2007 - 10:03pm
Ah, so that's where he's been. My last SCG sighting was in South Station (waiting for his commuter rail?) on the last Saturday in April. He had a slightly different schtick, and was asking folks if they would buy him a cup of coffee (though he used the same intonation as he normally does for the spare change requests). A woman, bless her heart, finally treats him to a cup of coffee from Au Bon Pain. But when she sits down to enjoy her own meal, he joins her. Clearly, not what she had in mind! So she found herself a new table. After he finished his coffee, SCG resumed his infamous request of all of South Station's patrons.
And as weird as it may sound, I was fascinated by watching all of this transpire.
By Drew
Wed, 07/25/2007 - 10:00pm
Here's the screwed up thing. I saw him on the T today going from South Station to Park on the Red line. Dude was in a nice polo shirt, khakis and new sneakers, and had shaved and was generally clean. I had to look twice before realizing it was actually him.