Zoo New England is announcing that both its zoos will re-open their outdoor exhibits to the general public on June 4 - but that you'll have to first go online to buy timed tickets in advance - no more just showing up. Also, you'll have to wear a facial covering, follow a one-way path through the exhibits and stay six feet away from other groups. Read more.
By adamg - 3/22/20 - 12:21 pm
Greg Cook talks to Pete Costello, assistant curator at the Stone Zoo, about caring for animals when visitors are banned:
"Some of the animals are noticing that there are no guests here," Costello says. "They're super focused when the keepers walk by."
Among these are the white-cheeked gibbons. Zoo keepers procured a bubble machine to occupy the apes.
By adamg - 8/21/18 - 12:18 pm