The Harvard Crimson talks to City Councilor Liz Breadon (Allston/Brighton) about the city's proposed budget for capital projects, noting that supposed projects to build a new Jackson-Mann school and community center are still only marked as "to be scheduled" and that the neighborhood is dead last in proposed capital projects, behind even smaller neighborhoods.
Liz Breadon
The City Council yesterday formally recognized Eid Al-Fitr, the end of the Muslim sacred month of Ramadan - after Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson (Roxbury), who is Muslim, gave an impassioned plea on behalf of the people of Gaza. Read more.
The Boston City Council today approved a $13.3-million federal homeland-security grant without the normally required hearing after Councilor Ed Flynn (South Boston, South End, Chinatown, downtown) warned there was no time left, that surrounding communities that would share the grant need the money now. Read more.
In a region now overflowing with guinea pigs, the Boston City Council voted today added the fuzzy animated potatoes to the list of animals that can't be sold in city pet shops. Read more.
The Daily Free Press brings us up to speed on incumbent Councilor Liz Breadon and challenger Jacob deBlecourt - who said a good summation of his platform would be "more housing and fewer rats."
City Council President Ed Flynn today submitted a proposed ordinance barring councilors and others who work in council offices from attacking and bullying council staffers. Read more.
City Councilor Liz Breadon (Allston/Brighton) today proposed banning local pet shops - including one in her district - from selling guinea pigs, which she says are beginning to overwhelm local animal shelters, and which are now even showing up on Boston streets as strays. Read more.
Here's Councilor Liz Breadon (Allston/Brighton) responding to Councilor Frank Baker (Dorchester) and his comments accusing her of working to destroy Catholic life in Boston by proposing a council redistricting map that does not follow Dorchester Catholic-parish lines: Read more.
Dorchester Councilor Frank Baker today declared full on religious war against Councilor Liz Breadon (Allston/Brighton), who is in charge of drawing up a city-council district map. Read more.
The City Council's redistricting committee held a public hearing today that went for three hours. You can watch the whole thing above. The tl;dr version below: Read more.
The Boston City Council agreed today to look at creating a public alternative to private broadband providers, saying events of the past couple of years have proved broadband has become a necessity that private business may be unwilling to provide at a price that all residents can afford. Read more.
The Dig takes a look at the politics of eviction - comparing the list of landlords moving to evict the most tenants in Boston with the list of landlords giving money to candidates for mayor.
John Barros blasted Kim Janey for the potential BPS busing disaster next week: Read more.
City Councilors Lydia Edwards (East Boston, Charlestown, North End) and Liz Breadon (Allston/Brighton) say that letting people testify before city boards remotely has worked so well they want to keep it going even after we return to some pre-pandemic normalcy. Read more.
City Councilor Liz Breadon (Allston/Brighton) reports that Boston College has agreed to hire a BPD detail to roam Brighton on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights to bust up any gatherings of hardy partying Eagles as part of its plan to keep the college and the surrounding neighborhood from turning into a Covid-19 hotspot. Read more.
Workers at the Boston Transportation Department have begun inventorying city-owned traffic cones and barrels as they ready for a coronavirus-related effort to claim parts of some city roads for expanded sidewalks to allow for greater social distancing among pedestrians - including patrons at restaurants that would be forced to reduce their indoor seating once the governor gives them the OK to re-open their dining areas - a BTD official told city councilors today. Read more.
City Councilors Michelle Wu (at large) and Liz Breadon (Allston/Brighton) want the Boston Transportation Department to begin looking at carving out some asphalt for pedestrians, bicyclists and people in wheelchairs so that they can better socially distance themselves as they go out for some air or a trip to the local market. Read more.
The City Council will take a look at how to keep moderate-income families in Boston. Read more.
Somebody's been circulating a flier in a senior-citizen building on Wallingford Rd with a high percentage of Chinese-American residents:
— CPPA (@CPPAction) November 5, 2019
At a debate at WGBH tonight, Craig Cashman and Liz Breadon made one of their last pitches to voters on why they should replace Mark Ciommo, retiring as the District 9 (Allston/Brighton) city councilor after 12 years. Whoever wins will serve two years.
Among the issues they discussed: Read more.
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