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Gas tank

By adamg - 8/4/24 - 1:40 pm
Seagull in front of the Dorchester gas tank

Lee Toma spotted a gull panting in the heat at Tenean Beach in Dorchester yesterday afternoon. If only there were a way for the bird to cool down there. And, yes, the gull looks way bigger compared to the tank than it really is, so don't have any nightmares about giant gulls.

Headline inspired by Sarah E. Bourne.

By adamg - 7/29/22 - 11:42 am
Gas tank on Dorchester Bay

Joe Blankenship went for a walk along Dorchester Bay this morning.

By adamg - 6/6/21 - 10:56 am
Mary McCann with Dorchester Gas Tank birthday cake

Mary McCann lives in Arlington, but is originally from Dorchester's Neponset section. When she flew down to Florida for her birthday this weekend, daughter Maureen wanted to make her feel right at home.

By adamg - 2/1/20 - 1:23 pm
Birthday cake that looks like the Ho Chi Minh gas tank in Dorchester

Adam Balsam shows off the birthday cake he made for his son Arlo on his fifth birthday yesterday. He adds:

I spent way too long on Ho Chi Minh.

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