By adamg - 4/18/17 - 2:57 pm

Stacy Eblan reports on the Quirky Roslindale Message Board that the Staples on Washington Street is closing on June 11.

The store opened in 2008 in a new building where the Ashmont Home Center used to be. Between Ashmont and Staples came several proposals that never got anywhere, including a chain drug store - stopped by Tom Menino himself to protect the nearby Sullivan's Pharmacy - and a self-storage place.

Exti marker at Brighton Staples
By adamg - 6/29/15 - 1:56 pm

Captain Nemo shows us the marker at the Brighton Staples. Maybe it leads to the CARS OLNY lane on Soldiers Field Road.

Staples back to school
By adamg - 7/20/14 - 7:15 pm

No, no, no, Staples, just knock it off and get rid of that back-to-school stuff.

By adamg - 10/6/08 - 9:09 am

Cleary Squared goes to the new Staples in Roslindale Square, reports that if it wants to retain any customers on the weekends, it's going to have to instill some pride in the sullen, put-upon teens apparently running the place on Saturdays and Sundays.

Dan Miller reports he only goes to the School Street Starbucks because he needs his morning coffee, not because he enjoys "being held hostage by the designated drink maker, who thinks he's Tom Cruise in 'Cocktail.'"

By adamg - 3/20/08 - 6:32 pm
No more Ashmont
By adamg - 9/6/06 - 10:31 am

Susan Senator discovers another circle of hell: