The two outages that left part of Roslindale without lights or air conditioning yesterday were caused by "an underground cable fault" underneath Belgrade Avenue, an Eversource spokesperson said today. Read more.
There are places to be courteous and let someone in ahead of you, but a Boston rotary is not one of them. A really peeved roving UHub driver from Roslindale is worried somebody's going to get killed if people don't stop stopping in the middle of a rotary to let somebody else into the flow of traffic (reminder for outatownas: People already in a rotary have the right of way): Read more.
Cheryl-Anns' in South Brookline, closed since a 2021 fire, is kvelling this morning that it's gotten the final town permit it needs and it will re-open promptly at 7 a.m. on Friday - just in time for the shabbat rush.
The Zoning Board of Appeal this week unanimously approved plans for a 124-unit apartment at the old Clay Chevrolet site at 361 Belgrade Ave. at West Roxbury Parkway in Roslindale. Read more.
MassDOT officials tonight showed off preliminary plans for the replacement for the West Roxbury Parkway bridge over the train tracks between Holy Name Rotary and Belgrade Avenue - plans that include a new center turning lane and a bicycle lane in either direction, even though the bike lanes will initially be of little use since the parkway doesn't currently have any marked bike lanes. Read more.
MassDOT plans to replace the bridge that carries West Roxbury Parkway between the Holy Name rotary and Belgrade Avenue over the Needham Line train track sometime in 2024, following a July inspection that found it in "poor" condition. Read more.
The Dedham developer that once would have built a charter school at the old Clay car dealership and garage on Belgrade Avenue yesterday filed detailed plans with the BPDA for a five-story residential building with 124 units and 86 parking spaces - and green space on what is now a parking lot. Read more.
A couple of guys from Providence came up to West Roxbury Wednesday night to steal catalytic converters, but they only managed to saw one off before they crashed in the big, scary rotary at West Roxbury and VFW Parkways, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. Read more.
Gretchen Van Ness took a photo of one of the US Open signs that have sprouted along all the parkways and rotaries that surround the Country Club of late - showing one of the problems of holding an event that attracts tens of thousands of people to a relatively remote area full of rotaries and other oddball intersections. Read more.
An early morning fire means no more challah, bubkies and other baked items for awhile at Cheryl-Anns' Bakery, 1010 West Roxbury Parkway in South Brookline. Read more.
A disgusted citizen files a 311 complaint about a Masshole at the rotary where West Roxbury and VFW parkways meet in West Roxbury: Read more.
A man who claims to support the police got about 30 people to join him outside the E-5 police station in West Roxbury, where for two hours this afternoon, they shared a relatively small space on the sidewalk with a similarly sized group of people who want to defund police, each side screaming and bellowing at the other and only occasionally trying but failing to punch out some opponents. Read more.
Some Abington guy is organizing a "back the blue" rally in front of the E-5 police station, scheduled to start at 5 p.m. A group that disagrees is organizing a You Can't Hide Behind Your Flag: Rally Against Far-Right Hate Group America Backs the Blue for the same location. Read more.
Update: Suspect arrested.
State Police report they are looking for a motorist who stabbed another driver in the chest at VFW Parkway and Centre Street in West Roxbury after some sort of confrontation and then continued on his way.
The stabbed driver was taken to a local hospital and is expected to survive, State Police say. They did not release a description of the suspect's vehicle.
WCVB reports that residents who have always thought they lived on West Roxbury Parkway near Weld Street woke up this week to find new city street signs IDing their street as Park Front Road and now they're having trouble getting deliveries, so they've resorted to putting up paper signs reading "West Roxbury Parkway." Read more.
Bena Apreala, who was stopped by three ICE agents on VFW Parkway in West Roxbury last Tuesday, ran up and down West Roxbury Parkway today, accompanied by Black Lives Matter supporters, including two passes around the Holy Name rotary, where they were cheered by participants in the now weekly Monday BLM vigil. Read more.
A group of about 12 Trump supporters, led by a screaming homophobic immigrant hater from Gloucester, spent two hours in the Holy Name Rotary in West Roxbury, mostly surrounded by roughly 50 Black Lives Matter supporters. Read more.
Former at-large City Councilor and 2013 mayoral runner-up John Connolly shares his feelings on the Blue Lives Matter rally in front of the E-5 police station: Read more.
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