By adamg - 8/2/23 - 10:26 am

The Boston Licensing Board today approved a new "manager of record" for Monica's Trattoria, 67 Prince St., to replace Patrick Mendoza, who is unable to fulfill the job's duties on account of being held without bail for at least four months on charges he tried to murder somebody on Hanover Street last month. Read more.

By adamg - 7/26/23 - 2:57 pm

Boston Municipal Court Judge Paul Treseler today determined that Patrick Mendoza, 54, was dangerous and ordered him held for 120 days, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. Read more.

By adamg - 7/25/23 - 10:35 am

The Boston Licensing Board this morning voted unanimously to suspend Monica's Trattoria on Prince Street until it can hold a hearing on a proposed new manager. Read more.

William Ferullo
By adamg - 7/20/23 - 4:57 pm

To nobody's great surprise, Patrick Mendoza did not appear at a Boston Licensing Board hearing today on his fitness to own and run a liquor-serving license at Monica's Trattoria on Prince Street now that he's been charged with trying to murder somebody on Hanover Street. Read more.

By adamg - 7/18/23 - 11:28 pm

The Boston Licensing Board has scheduled a hearing at 4 p.m. on Thursday to consider Patrick Mendoza's has the "character and fitness" to operate a liquor-serving establishment now that he is facing charges that include assault with intent to murder for an incident last Wednesday on Hanover Street. Read more.

By adamg - 10/15/22 - 11:51 am

Live Boston reports things got a bit out of hand shortly before 3 a.m. at Salem and Prince streets. While one police officer applied a tourniquet to the man's wrist, others were busy arresting a suspect. Read more.

Handmade sign that asks people to stay off reseeded land at North End park
By adamg - 6/18/22 - 12:52 pm

An irate citizen filed a 311 complaint to ask that the city immediately remove some handmade signs at DeFilippo Playground in the North End that ask people to keep their dogs off a reseeded and replanted garden area: Read more.

By adamg - 5/22/22 - 1:04 pm

A disgusted citizen files a 311 complaint to demand the city replace the pink trash barrel of Prince Street, and not just because now there's trash all over the street: Read more.

Turkey on Beacon Hill
By adamg - 4/22/22 - 9:21 am

Dr. Jessica Dello Russo reports that, at first, she thought this bird on Ridgeway Lane on Beacon Hill might be a decoy to scare off the pigeons, a modern update on those fake owls that never really work:

Really clever, as it even has camouflage effect with brown shading blending in with brick. Then it MOVED!

Menacing gopher
By adamg - 7/9/21 - 11:39 am

A concerned citizen files a 311 complaint about a havoc-wreaking gopher at DeFilippo Park in the North End: Read more.

By adamg - 8/5/20 - 9:07 am

Boston Police report a woman walking on Prince Street near North Square around 2 a.m. on Sunday was approached by a man who tried to grab her - but she screamed and he ran away.

He's described as Hispanic, 25-35 years old, and about 5'6" with short hair.

By adamg - 5/26/20 - 9:26 am reports that the Prince Street Dog Park is once again open, but with some new rules - Only ten people are allowed in at a time, they have to stay six feet apart and all the balls and common water bowls have been taken out. Also, don't be piggy at the dog park: If you've been there awhile and there are other people and pets waiting to get in, say your woofy goodbyes and take your leave.

By adamg - 11/28/17 - 12:24 pm

The Board of Appeal today approved restaurateur Frank DePasquale's proposal to expand his Assaggio restaurant at 29 Prince St. with a kitchen for a new dining service in which patrons would work with chefs to prepare their meals. Read more.

By adamg - 6/6/17 - 12:56 pm

Stephanie Hogue remembers Prince Postale:

Prince Postale was a neighborhood within the neighborhood, where you befriended people you might otherwise never meet. North Bennet Street School students, life-long North Enders, transplants, the young and the rest of us, all participated in the wacky, wonderful improvisation that was Prince Postale. So raise your coffee or your tea, your burrito or your slush, and let’s applaud the Postale, where everyone really did know your name or would before you left.

By adamg - 1/16/14 - 9:56 am

A pipe sprung a leak this morning at Prince and Thacher, which will lead to road closures in the area to let BWSC crews do what they need to do.