By adamg - 10/6/24 - 10:50 pm

Tristie-Mattea Ortiz reports how two classmates and she sprung into action while studying at the Copley Square library last month when they spotted a pigeon who needed help - he had "a visibly broken wing and missing toe." They were preparing to take it back on the Green Line to try to rehab it in their dorm - luckily, one of them was an avid birder - when they got a call back from 311 and were redirected to the MSPCA in Jamaica Plain, where, on the long trek over, they named the bird Freduardo.

By adamg - 8/29/24 - 12:16 pm

The MSPCA reports Moodini the Roslindale Bull, um, Steer, is now comfortably ensconced at its Nevins Farm in Methuen, where he is undergoing state mandated medical testing and exams before he can be re-homed to an area more suitable for one of our larger mammals than woods out back of a strip mall in New England's largest city. Read more.

By adamg - 12/6/23 - 2:33 pm

In a region now overflowing with guinea pigs, the Boston City Council voted today added the fuzzy animated potatoes to the list of animals that can't be sold in city pet shops. Read more.

Jobee and Remy
By adamg - 10/2/23 - 11:40 am

The MSPCA reports that Jobee, a dog that was among the worst cases of intentional animal starvation the group says it has ever seen, and a second dog, Remy, who was also taken by the MSPCA, have recovered enough that they are now ready for adoption. Read more.

Fuzzy smol animal
By adamg - 8/3/23 - 9:46 am

The MSPCA reports it's waiving adoption fees, which normally run between $10 and $85, for all small animals and small birds at its Jamaica Plain and other locations Friday through Sunday. Read more.

By adamg - 7/13/23 - 11:38 am

The MSPCA reports it organized transportation for dogs and cats from the Central Vermont Humane Society near Montpelier following the floods there earlier this week. The society adds the animals arrived last night - and will be available for adoption here after a two-day quarantine.

By adamg - 10/24/19 - 8:38 am

Jamaica Plain News reports they were removed from a JP triple decker after the families that owned them had to move and couldn't find places that would let them bring the dogs with them.

By adamg - 10/5/17 - 9:27 am

Jamaica Plain News reports MSPCA-Angell has taken in 34 cats rescued from an Irma-ravaged shelter in the Virgin Islands, which it'll adopt out after making sure they're OK.

By adamg - 7/14/17 - 9:32 pm

Transit Police report arresting Pamela Tyler, 51, on a charge of animal cruelty after officers watched her repeatedly beat her young pit bull around 10:30 p.m. yesterday at Dudley station. Read more.

By adamg - 8/31/16 - 2:50 pm

The MSPCA says it's closed its South Huntington Avenue dog park again, this time to protect a mother rabbit and some new baby buns currently nesting there:

We anticipate re-opening the park in two to three weeks after the babies have been weaned and are able to move on. We ask for patience as we prioritize the safety of #wildlife who share this space with the community. We can all live skillfully (and enjoyably!) alongside wild life such as these rabbits.

Via Jamaica Plain News.

Hair elastics on cat's X-ray
By adamg - 3/12/16 - 1:23 pm
Kitty the cat

The MSPCA reports a Siamese cat named Kitty had successful surgery to remove 14 hair elastics from his stomach and intestines.

The society reports Kitty's owner, who was already trying to find another home for the rubber-mad feline, rushed him to Angell Animal Medical Center in Jamaica Plain after discovering numerous hair ties were missing - and the cat showing signs of distress: Read more.

By adamg - 10/26/15 - 6:39 am

The MSPCA and the Animal Rescue League say they will speak for the deer facing death in the hills south of Boston, at a State House rally that starts at noon on Thursday. Read more.

By adamg - 11/24/14 - 6:27 pm

Jamaica Plain News reports the MSPCA is drastically reducing the hours at its dog park at South Huntington and Perkins.

By adamg - 8/27/14 - 4:32 pm

The MSPCA's Boston Adoption Center reports it needs newspapers:

All of our small animals have their enclosures lined with a layer of absorbent newspaper under their bedding, and we clean and replace this daily. As you can imagine, we go through a whole bunch of newspaper, and right now we're nearly out!

You can drop off newspapers at the adoption center at 350 S. Huntington Ave. in Jamaica Plain.

H/t Morgan.

By adamg - 3/3/14 - 5:48 pm
Anesthesia for a parakeet

The Milton owner of an 8-year-old parakeet rushed the "bloodied, barely conscious" bird to Angell Animal Medical Center last month after she turned on a shop vac - not realizing the budgie had crawled into the device moments before.

By adamg - 6/22/12 - 12:41 pm

The MSPCA reports Mace the pomeranian mix is now short a couple of toes, which had to be amputated after getting mangled at the top of an escalator at the For

By adamg - 7/24/11 - 9:14 am

The MSPCA reports it's rescued 26 Cairn Terriers from a South Shore hoarder.

By adamg - 2/28/11 - 4:13 pm

The MSPCA reports on a truckload of puppies and adult dogs that bypassed legally required checks and quarantines to wind up crammed into cages in a Norfolk County ho

By adamg - 5/19/10 - 1:24 pm

Wicked Local West Roxbury reports the MSPCA is investigating the death of Mojo the cat on

By Brains_yummm - 8/27/08 - 5:34 pm

To any cat owners in the Fort Hill area of Roxbury: Somebody out there is taking it upon themselves to kill a few of our cats.

In the past 2 days I have walked by 2 cats on the side of the road, both with wounds to their heads - locations: