By adamg - 1/7/23 - 1:25 pm

Mayor Wu and state Rep. Aaron Michlewitz this week announced the city will build a new community center next to the Mirabella Pool on Commercial Street. Read more.

By adamg - 8/16/22 - 2:39 pm

With the clock ticking on the end of the Orange Line, the news that many people trying to get into or out of Chinatown will have to hoof it to the nearest alternative is not sitting well with Mayor Wu, City Councilor Ed Flynn and three state legislators, who today asked the T to extend its bus-shuttle service to at least the Chinatown or Tufts Medical Center stops, in particular for seniors, the disabled and students. Read more.

Varano supports mayor's proposal
By adamg - 3/29/22 - 2:55 pm

Mayor Wu today announced changes in the fee plan for North End dining: Restaurants can pay month by month to put tables on public sidewalks and parking spaces and small restaurants, restaurants without liquor licenses and those not on the main drags of Hanover and Salem streets can get "hardship" reductions in the fees that meant to pay for extra trash pickup and safety measures in the restaurant-dense neighborhood. Read more.

By adamg - 9/8/21 - 4:34 pm

With voting already underway, there were dueling endorsements from state reps today. Read more.

By adamg - 1/10/21 - 2:57 pm

The Boston Sun reports that Jon Santiago of the South End, just coming off his first term in the House of Representatives, is looking at maybe running for the mayor's chair that Marty Walsh could soon vacate. Read more.

By adamg - 4/24/19 - 7:53 pm reports that state Rep. Aaron Michlewitz wants to keep the narrow streets of "the inner North End" scooter free. The City Council last month approved regulations proposed by Mayor Walsh to set up a system to let companies begin renting scooters in the city.

By adamg - 12/14/15 - 12:16 pm gets the scoop.

J. Michael Here runs down potential candidates for the soon-to-be-vacant First Suffolk and Middlesex senate district.

By adamg - 4/18/15 - 11:02 am

Several legislators, including our own reps Aaron Michlewitz (D-North End) and Jay Livingstone (D-Back Bay) have filed legislation that would prohibit the IOC

By adamg - 7/12/13 - 9:43 am reports that Aaron Michlewitz, who represents the increasingly student filled North End and Beacon Hill, says the BRA needs to consider

By adamg - 2/17/13 - 3:21 pm

State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz will support efforts to make "Roadrunner" the official Rock Song of the Commonwealth.

By adamg - 10/16/11 - 12:41 pm reports several state reps are shepherding an "emergency" bill that would, immediately on passage, l

By adamg - 7/14/11 - 1:00 pm reports that for the second time, Gov.

By adamg - 6/16/09 - 9:13 pm

Aaron Michlewitz easily won election today to the state rep's seat vacated by Sal DiMasi, according to city returns.

By adamg - 6/12/09 - 9:39 am

Funny but true: Aaron Michlewitz didn't actually get elected state rep from the North End and the South End last month.

By adamg - 5/19/09 - 10:15 pm

Aaron Michlewitz won the Democratic primary today to replace Sal DiMasi, according to city election results.

By adamg - 5/18/09 - 12:12 am

Josh Dawson is a member of the Ward 5 Democratic Committee (Back Bay, Beacon Hill and Bay Village). And he's a bit perturbed over the way 3rd Suffolk state-rep hopeful Aaron Michlewitz may have gotten questions from a Ward 5/Ward 4 debate in advance:

... It's disappointing that our Committee's reputation could be tarnished for a short time because of this mess. As a member of the Executive Committee, I will push to have a meeting as soon as possible to discuss this situation and fix any problems with the forum/endorsement process, so we can get back to doing the things that make our Committee great ...

He also says that despite what ward Chairman Rob Whitney seemed to tell the Phoenix, neither he nor at least three other members got the questions in advance.

By adamg - 5/12/09 - 1:06 pm

The South End News reports on some e-mail between state Rep. Marty Walz and 3rd Suffolk candidate Aaron Michlewitz before an April 21 debate. Michlewitz told the paper he wouldn't say whether he received questions in advance but that the real issue is somebody is violating his and Walz's privacy.

By adamg - 5/11/09 - 10:44 pm

Latest campaign reports show he's raised $115,000 so far in his race to replace his old boss, Sal DiMasi. Next in line: Susan Passoni, with $51,000.

If you want to see where the candidates are getting their money (and how they're spending it), click on PP next to their names on the link above.

By adamg - 4/27/09 - 8:53 am

Bay Windows reports some 3rd Suffolk gays are crushing on Aaron Michlewitz as he runs to replace his former boss, Sal DiMasi:

... But despite the long list attributes that Goldman admires in the candidate, he couldn't resist returning to Michlewitz's pretty face when he introduced him to the crowd about 40, which included gay and straight supporters, later in the evening. ...

Meanwhile, independent 3rd Suffolk candidate John Keith has some fans among the architectural set. This ArchBoston post imagines a Boston under a Mayor John Keith (you listening, Mr. Menino?):

... A bright newcomer named John A. Keith came out of nowhere to defeat Menino. Keith fired the entire BRA, then personally selected a small brain-trust of like-minded free-thinkers --free, that is, from the stifling effects of unexamined book knowledge and academic norms. When they talked, these folks sounded much like some members of ArchBoston.

They went to work to fix Downtown. ...

By massmarrier - 3/24/09 - 7:57 am

The third in a series of shows with candidates to replace Sal DiMasi is today (Tuesday, 3/24) at 2:30 p.m. The presumptive leader in the 3rd Suffolk House race is on the Left Ahead! podcast.