The Boston Licensing Board today approved plans by the Burger King at 944 Bennington St. in East Boston's Orient Heights to keep its grills on and its oil hot 24 hours a day to serve deliveries to people who need sustenance whenever, especially people working or landing early in the morning at nearby Logan Airport. Read more.
Boston Restaurant Talk reports that the Wahlburgers in the new wing of the South Bay mall has closed down. Over in the original wing of the mall, meanwhile, an Applebee's and an Olive Garden remain open.
So, Nu? Boston Restaurant Talk reports that Nu Burger, which was in the Time Out food hall in what used to be the Sears Building in the Fenway until it was shut due to Covid-19, has moved into temporary space inside Anoush'Ella at 35 West Newton St. in the South End.
Both places are owned by Nina and Raffi Festekjian; the move means you'll be able to chose between burgers and Mediterranean fare on West Newton Street now.
Drew Starr asks:
Does anyone in Boston or within delivery distance of Back Bay make a patty melt on par with Friendly's?
Boston Restaurant Talk reports that Mr. Bartley's Burger Cottage can be yours for $475,000. The idea is that you'd keep it as is, but, you know, Harvard Square ain't what it used to be.
For one thing, you can't just drive there because the state's shut the Castle Island parking lot and all the spaces along Day Boulevard. Also, as Boston Restaurant Talk reports, no more of that crowding into the small place to wait for your order and stuff.
The Boston Licensing Board holds a Zoomed hearing Wednesday on a Burger King franchisee's proposal to finally open its built-out eatery at 892 River St. Read more.
The Boston Licensing Board said today it would hold off a vote on letting a Burger King franchisee open an outlet on River Street on the Hyde Park/Mattapan line after aides to several elected officials said they could not support the proposal until at least after the franchisee meets with Belnel Road-area residents, who say they don't want to see a burger place open until 2 am. in their backyard. Read more.
A Burger King franchisee goes before the Boston Licensing Board on Wednesday for a food-serving license to open an outlet in the Shops at Riverwood on River Street on the Hyde Park/Mattapan line - with a proposed closing time of 2 a.m. Read more.
The Boston Licensing Board yesterday gave Tasty Burger a license to start slinging burgers and chicken on buns at 48 Winter St., near Tremont, but deferred action on its request for a separate beer and wine license, which would have set it up for a high-end burger war with the beer-selling Mooyah around the corner. Read more.
A lawyer who successfully argued his client was owed damages after biting into a tooth-destroying bit of bone in a hamburger at a Medford Wendy's went too far in a closing argument that urged the jury to strike a blow against big corporations everywhere and protect the little people, the Massachusetts Appeals Court ruled today. Read more.
Cambridge Police report arresting a former Shake Shack worker they say grew enraged when his final paycheck wasn't ready for him and threw "a plastic container filled with straws" at a manager - in addition to throwing "several items around the store, which included smashing a hot sauce bottle, customer's orders of burgers and fries on the floor and a tray with cup of sodas toward the kitchen work area." Read more.
Boston Restaurant Talk reports the new owners of the old Grassfed are finally getting near to opening, and that they are renaming it the Joint.
Mooyah, next to the Jackson Square T stop, looks to be an Ex-yah now. Not only was it closed this afternoon, it's been stricken from the Mooyah Web site.
The outlet opened a little more than a year ago, several months after the second Grass Fed, in Forest Hills, closed. The original Grass Fed, on Centre Street, got a new owner, but has itself been closed for several months.
Boston Restaurant Talk reports that Grass Fed on Centre Street will be shutting down, with its owner hoping to transfer its current alcohol license to the owner of the burgeoning Chilacates chain. No word on what sort of food the new place will serve; Chilacates already has an outlet on Centre Street, across from JP Licks.
Sure, Grass Fed in Forest Hills just shut down, but now word comes that Jackson Square at the other end of JP will be getting a burger joint. Jamaica Plain News reports a small chain called MOOYAH (which sounds like what they should've shouted every time you placed an order at BurgerFi in West Roxbury, only it wasn't, and now they're gone, too) plans an outlet at Columbus and Centre.
Grass Fed Forest Hills served its last burger today, about a year after it opened up in the old Tonic space across from the T stop. The original Grass Fed, up on Centre Street, remains open.
Oh, don't worry, it's not that Councilor Frank Baker doesn't love Wahlburgers as much as everybody else - how could he not? - it's just that given how scarce liquor licenses are in this town, he doesn't think it's fair that the Boston Licensing Board give them a license for a South Bay Mall add-on where construction has barely started. Read more.
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