Fire anew at Readville scrapyard
By adamg - 8/13/23 - 3:33 pm

Firefighters had to return to the scene of yesterday's scrapyard fire on Wolcott Street in Readville this morning when it reignited this morning. Read more.

11 Yuill Circle proposal
By adamg - 1/11/22 - 11:39 am

The Zoning Board of Appeal today rejected a developer's proposal for a six-unit apartment building on Yuil Circle, a small circular street off Neponset Valley Parkway in Readville's Wolcott Square. Read more.

Simone Biles and a Queer Eye guy on the side of Olympic Pizza
By adamg - 2/15/21 - 3:07 pm

OK, so Olympic Pizza is the only place to eat in Readville for anybody, never mind Olympic athletes (unless you count the Dunkin' Donuts across the street), but now we know where Simone Biles would eat if she made a wrong turn getting off 128 and got horribly lost, thanks to the billboard on the Hyde Park Avenue side of the place (or maybe she really loves their curly fries).

By adamg - 3/27/20 - 12:32 pm

Boston Police report arresting Todor Bodrug, 20, after they say he tried to break into the Rogers gas station in Wolcott Square in Readville early this morning - possibly for the second time. Read more.

By adamg - 2/3/20 - 11:26 am

Claire Sadar reports that sometime this morning, the driver of a big rig coming up from Wolcott Square in Readville wedged his truck right into the underpass for the train tracks there, learning why there's a sign at the end of Meadow Road out of the old Stop & Shop complex that warns truck drivers not to turn left. Needless to say, the underpass, decades old and built of stone, won the battle.

By adamg - 4/14/19 - 11:56 pm

Around 8:40 p.m., a concerned citizen filed a 311 complaint that the light pole in front of the Wolcott Square gas station in Readville's Wolcott Square was either knocked over or fell over tonight - less than a week after it was knocked over and then replaced.

Exposed LIVE arching wires. Someone is going to get electrocuted.

Wolcott Square missing some traffic lights
By adamg - 4/8/19 - 10:08 pm

That woman on the right with the dog who seems to be waving? What she was actually doing this afternoon, roving UHub reporter Jesse de Mello explains, was trying to do a bit of traffic directing as she stood next to the wires that are all that's left of one of Wolcott Square's antiquated traffic lights - which disappeared, once again.

By adamg - 6/26/18 - 10:21 pm

Cappy's Tavern in Wolcott Square has its last last call on July 24 - after 80 years in business - as owner Ray Capobianco retires, Scott Leary and Jim Lafond-Lewis report. Read more.

By adamg - 3/23/17 - 9:15 am

The Bulletin reports the city is currently studying traffic in Wolcott Square - the southernmost square in the city - and could spend up to $1 million to replace the antiquated lights at the complex intersection.

The work comes at a possibly critical time for the neighborhood: Read more.

By adamg - 8/16/09 - 8:57 am
Readville tunnel

The tunnel to Wolcott Square in Readville.