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By adamg - 10/19/21 - 2:53 pm

A former Boston resident now living in Taunton was arrested today on charges he collected more than $67,000 in fake pandemic unemployment claims even as he was working at a full-time job where he got a promotion and at least two raises. Read more.

By adamg - 8/31/18 - 2:38 pm
Part of an old MBTA Blue Line car in downtown Taunton

For more than five years, what looks like half of a Blue Line car has sat on a small vacant lot at 14 Weir St. in downtown Taunton. Its owner, a local landlord, had once hoped to turn the cast off MBTA replica into a diner of the sort that used to line the streets of the one-time silversmithing hub. Read more.

By adamg - 10/16/08 - 8:46 am

Mats Tolander has a career at USA Today ahead of him - check out his summary of that coot-vs-teens fight down in Taunton (but also click on the link to the Globe story to see how it's not quite the black-and-white incident it first seemed to be).

By adamg - 10/19/05 - 2:38 pm

According to Morgan Quitno Press, we are wicked smaht, almost as smart as Vermonters. But Karl wonders:

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