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By adamg - 7/3/12 - 11:43 am

The Boston Police Patrolman's Association took down several years' worth of online back copies of Pax Centurion, which has recently lost some advertisers over its longstanding racist, homophobic and sexist content.

Here are a couple of tastes of what you'll miss (both are largeish PDF files, so give them a moment or two to come up):

By adamg - 6/29/12 - 9:47 am

UPDATE, Friday afternoon: Houghton-Mifflin just announced it won't advertise anymore in Pax Centurion, the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association newsletter, known for its offensive comments about people and groups it doesn't like:

BPPA newsletter does not reflect the values of HMH and we will discontinue our advertising in this publication immediately. HMH's ad in BPPA newsletter was intended to support the scholarship fund that benefits families of Police Officers and EMTs.

By adamg - 6/28/12 - 11:53 am

Pax Centurion, the newsletter of the local patrolmen's union, is no fan of Police Commissioner Ed Davis. The feeling's mutual. Reacting to a flurry of tweets about the bi-monthly publication, which started yesterday after Simmons College said it regretted advertising in the newsletter, Davis tweeted this morning:

By adamg - 6/27/12 - 5:20 pm

Simmons College says if only it had known what the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association was printing in its bi-monthly newspaper, it never would have taken out ads in it. In response to a complaint about "highly offensive" content in the newspaper, the college marketing team wrote today about the full-page ad the college took out in the current issue of Pax Centurion (in addition to past full-page ads):

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