Imagine all these lights blinking on and off over and over
By adamg - 1/14/24 - 11:15 pm

A concerned citizen files a 311 report about the blinking lights along Chester Park on Massachusetts Avenue: Read more.

By adamg - 8/19/21 - 10:06 pm

Tyler Brown pleaded guilty yesterday to a series of charges, including armed assault with intent to murder for an incident in May, 2020 in which he shot repeatedly at Boston police officers in the area of Chester Park on Massachusetts Avenue, one at close range - while on probation for a double stabbing in Chinatown in 2014. Read more.

By adamg - 12/15/19 - 12:13 pm

A peeved citizen files a complaint about overflowing trash cans in Chester Park on Mass. Ave., with an addendum about one particular can:

An entire roasted turkey (!!) has been places next to it, along with a million plastic forks. Help?

By adamg - 5/27/14 - 7:36 am

A concerned citizen reports on conditions in Chester Park:

Nstar placed nice little red flags out here in Chester park about two weeks ago. Hope they didn't need them. First, someone "collected" them and made neat little piles of flags here and there. And then they got mowed and shredded.