A New York real-estate investment firm has filed plans to convert the seven-story and currently mostly vacant 4 Liberty Sq. at Water and Batterymarch streets into 36 apartments - and for a tax break under Boston's downtown office-to-residences pilot program. Read more.
The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved the conversion of offices in buildings on Washington, Water and Devonshire streets downtown into 95 apartments, under a city tax-abatement program aimed at encouraging that. Read more.
A New York developer has filed plans with the BPDA to replace offices in three adjoining buildings it owns on Washington, Water and Devonshire streets in Downtown Crossing with apartments, under a city pilot aimed at giving tax breaks to building owners who do just that. Read more.
Adam Castiglioni shows us the impending replacement for the failed BeanTown Hogie at 102 Water St.: The second outlet of Curry House on Beacon Street in Brookline.
They have yet to go before the Boston Licensing Board for a food-serving license; once they do, the actual opening will be a week or two away.
Water Street is shut to drivers and pedestrians at lunchtime, and firefighters and EMTS are on standby, as the BPD bomb squad investigates a suspicious package wrapped in duct tape.