4 Liberty Sq.
By adamg - 12/11/24 - 10:10 am

A New York real-estate investment firm has filed plans to convert the seven-story and currently mostly vacant 4 Liberty Sq. at Water and Batterymarch streets into 36 apartments - and for a tax break under Boston's downtown office-to-residences pilot program. Read more.

By adamg - 8/13/24 - 1:49 pm

The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved the conversion of offices in buildings on Washington, Water and Devonshire streets downtown into 95 apartments, under a city tax-abatement program aimed at encouraging that. Read more.

By adamg - 2/21/24 - 3:59 pm

A New York developer has filed plans with the BPDA to replace offices in three adjoining buildings it owns on Washington, Water and Devonshire streets in Downtown Crossing with apartments, under a city pilot aimed at giving tax breaks to building owners who do just that. Read more.

Impending Indian restaurant on Water Street in downtown Boston
By adamg - 1/18/17 - 1:13 pm

Adam Castiglioni shows us the impending replacement for the failed BeanTown Hogie at 102 Water St.: The second outlet of Curry House on Beacon Street in Brookline.

They have yet to go before the Boston Licensing Board for a food-serving license; once they do, the actual opening will be a week or two away.

Water Street shut
By adamg - 5/21/15 - 12:10 pm

Water Street is shut to drivers and pedestrians at lunchtime, and firefighters and EMTS are on standby, as the BPD bomb squad investigates a suspicious package wrapped in duct tape.