17 years 2 weeks

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
4/12/12 - 10:37 am Please, move far away... Citizen complaint of the day: Stop staffing golf courses with fuddy-duddies 53
6/23/11 - 12:52 pm Then again... New coupon with Crest White Strips: Are you Bulger's moll? Extra 20% for you! 9
6/3/11 - 4:21 pm The Happy Smile Super Challenge Family Wish Show. Dice-K Tommy John Surgery Haiku Contest 4
4/3/11 - 8:55 pm Please come to Boston (West Roxbury) for the springtime... Henry the Ice Cream Man just came down our street 6
4/2/11 - 12:04 pm Wait... Alleged victim of Groupon 'shopping frenzy' sues over expiration dates on discounts 28
9/15/10 - 12:01 am You're right, you don't get it. Results 39
8/20/10 - 12:33 pm You've got to be kidding me. Is that really the message WGBH wants to send? 13
3/2/10 - 3:53 pm Lowest Common Denominator Another candidate for Mike Rush's seat in West Roxbury 7
10/21/09 - 11:58 am Yet another winning arguement... Is Spring Street Dunkin' Donuts replacing Roche Bros. as Westie political hangout? 2
9/22/09 - 11:38 am MY TURN: Getting in on the misinformation hijinx. Election Day reports 118
8/9/09 - 7:20 am Aren't we all just a ray of freaking sunshine? The ultimate in locavore dining 11
6/17/09 - 3:00 pm Opportunity Walks Later, Mrs. Mallard moved to West Roxbury, where she had fewer problems crossing the street 12
2/21/09 - 3:00 pm BRAVO! Hear ye, hear ye, the court is now in RSS 1
2/3/09 - 5:45 pm Fashionable and practical U-Hub: You Want Boston? I Got Your Boston Right Here! 29
1/28/09 - 11:29 am I know... Send out your receiver, Tom, here comes the long bomb 19
1/28/09 - 11:18 am HELLLOOO? Satire? Send out your receiver, Tom, here comes the long bomb 19
1/26/09 - 1:21 pm And apparently they survive much longer... What has ten legs and gives you the creeps? 1
12/11/08 - 9:40 am D-Nooooooo... DeNo's 3
7/10/08 - 5:21 pm What? No cruller? Thermos brings part of downtown to a halt as bomb squad rushes in 9
7/10/08 - 5:19 pm Oh god, please tell me it isn't decaf! Thermos brings part of downtown to a halt as bomb squad rushes in 9
7/8/08 - 2:59 pm Is it really? New England Coffee is not cool 8
7/1/08 - 5:40 pm uh huh... Good to know: English no longer required skill for copywriters 12
6/23/08 - 4:30 pm Still has some freshness left... Dear Roger: Enough already 34
6/23/08 - 4:17 pm He's got the look... Even champions have to renew their licenses 14
6/16/08 - 10:27 am Hill of beans? Reading Jemele Hill on espn.com is like reading Mein Kampf 25
6/15/08 - 12:37 pm I did... More crowded than Roche Bros. the day before Thanksgiving 11
6/14/08 - 11:39 am oooh, that's a fun family More crowded than Roche Bros. the day before Thanksgiving 11
6/13/08 - 11:07 am Roger that Time warp in Natick 22
6/10/08 - 9:23 am cute, but notorious Cutest Red Line photo ever 2
5/27/08 - 2:34 pm Correction Where in the world do you get parts for it? 8
5/19/08 - 6:57 pm Not a great start to the week... It's true: Connections can get you into a hot restaurant on a busy night 14
5/16/08 - 6:38 pm The Blog Borg? Weirdest RSS problem ever 8
5/13/08 - 11:06 am will trade brewing equipment for carpet steamer Contents under pressure 9
5/13/08 - 10:00 am go to the top... Great food ruined by awful service at posh Newton eatery 8
5/12/08 - 11:05 pm Walk This Way Bicycle fans allegedly try to teach motorist a lesson - with their fists 88
5/11/08 - 9:44 am What's on display is art. The website...not so much. Cool idea has annoying Web site 18
5/9/08 - 7:05 pm Quick, where's my black turtleneck? Cool idea has annoying Web site 18
5/5/08 - 3:32 pm Taking up space indeed When the Natick Collection of Overpriced Stuff goes under, suburbanites will have only themselves to blame 57
5/5/08 - 8:24 am Stil Crazy... When the Natick Collection of Overpriced Stuff goes under, suburbanites will have only themselves to blame 57
5/3/08 - 9:26 am Not to be confused with the Judean People's Front... The Brookline Stairway Liberation Front 3
5/2/08 - 11:55 am CPA* (crunchy pedestrian alert) Fires in the holes shut Harvard Square 14
4/30/08 - 12:03 pm What about the President of Red Sox Nation? People chosen by Boston Magazine as Boston's most powerful people declare themselves Boston's most powerful people 14
4/15/08 - 1:57 pm Large Mouth Deval Patrick captured doing something fishy in Jamaica Plain 5
4/11/08 - 4:57 pm cheep! Sullivan Tired 15
4/11/08 - 1:11 pm * cough* *hack * * wheeze * Sullivan Tired 15
4/11/08 - 11:56 am Child labor Sullivan Tired 15
4/8/08 - 5:30 pm 02132? 02131? Hey, JP and Rozzie bloggers 40
4/8/08 - 12:41 pm RSS "feed" Hey, JP and Rozzie bloggers 40
4/8/08 - 12:36 pm Beer, pizza, baseball... Hey, JP and Rozzie bloggers 40
4/8/08 - 11:56 am Capacity 35 Hey, JP and Rozzie bloggers 40


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