16 years 5 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/17/24 - 11:49 am That's on the commuter rail Green Line trolley derailed in Somerville because driver was going too fast, ignored stop signal, feds say 28
8/9/24 - 12:42 pm A partial explanation Boston starts using Google AI to rejigger traffic-light timing to reduce road congestion 23
3/24/24 - 8:19 pm I thought this was pretty rare Storrowing crisis in Vermont's rural Northeast Kingdom 10
2/17/24 - 10:03 pm Doesn't have to be long-time subscribers Longtime Globe readers getting something back for their subscriptions 20
2/5/24 - 2:16 pm Not in house MBTA might actually soon roll out, finally, its new, nearly $1-billion fare system 66
11/10/23 - 2:12 pm Swings are not a top choice Gronk to spike ball forever in rebuilt Esplanade playground 33
8/30/23 - 2:08 pm "If at all possible, people Exploding manhole shuts Harvard Square 10
8/1/23 - 11:42 am Still done occasionally Mobile triple deckers never really worked out 20
7/31/23 - 7:24 pm "Geothermal" is ambiguous No fossil fuels in new or rebuilt city buildings, Wu says 16
7/19/23 - 1:01 pm ABCC might overturn Licensing Board to hold emergency hearing on whether North End restaurant owner is fit to run the place; he's currently on the lam on an attempted murder charge 41
5/21/23 - 10:53 am Do other cities notice? Day after Brighton taco place is closed for possible salmonella outbreak, its West Roxbury outlet is also shut, for general grossness 13
3/28/23 - 9:21 pm Okay when everything goes well If you're wondering why there aren't any new UHub posts on Twitter, why, yes, there's a reason 21
7/27/22 - 12:46 pm Technically.... Pfizer, Covid-19 vaccine partner sue maker of failed vaccine to keep it from claiming they stole from its patents 6
6/17/22 - 10:12 pm You're exaggerating MBTA announces cuts in subway service due to short-staffed central operations center 37
6/8/22 - 2:58 pm Nitpick about N95 Dorchester elementary school put into 'safe mode' after pair of anti-mask protesters show up and refuse to leave 40
2/7/22 - 10:55 am Interesting potato timing Canadian province tries to whip up potato hysteria in Massachusetts 33
1/10/22 - 10:11 pm Check the numbers - typo? Now more people in Massachusetts hospitals with Covid-19 than at the peak of last winter's surge 28
12/16/21 - 12:03 pm Yes, it definitely was here by then First omicron cases identified in Boston 5
12/8/21 - 10:57 pm Demand is peaky, because of MBTA to cut bus service because it can't find enough people to drive them 33
12/8/21 - 10:52 pm Some easily-found info about the wages MBTA to cut bus service because it can't find enough people to drive them 33
8/20/21 - 3:09 pm They did have priority access Like Boston firefighters, T union will fight vaccine mandate unless members get something in return 67
5/25/21 - 12:57 pm High School proximity Extending the Green Line: The video 25
4/16/21 - 7:21 pm Totally! No snow in Boston, they said ... 16
10/27/20 - 12:57 pm Is $1000 per month a lot for Insurance companies can't be forced to reimburse Massachusetts patients for medical marijuana use, at least not until the federal government legalizes it, court rules 14
9/28/20 - 7:18 pm Not recently, but way back Alewife Bertucci's closes 38
11/24/19 - 9:27 am Not sure if I should be proud The recipe for New England poutine 14
11/5/19 - 4:14 pm Trains are pretty big. MBTA votes to start work toward electrification of commuter-rail system 33
10/7/19 - 1:54 pm ABCC will eventually post it State rules Cambridge screwed up trying to discipline a restaurant over tea candles 22
8/10/19 - 11:04 pm No. Cumby's wants to run packies, lots and lots of packies, oh, God, so many packies 20
3/22/19 - 1:52 pm why was that space still empty? Boston's first marijuana dispensary could be moving from downtown to the Back Bay 8
2/10/19 - 1:52 pm NHTSA reports that 37,133 Pedestrian dies in Somerville hit and run 34
1/7/19 - 12:20 pm We just made it Durgin-Park going out with a bang as nostalgic Bostonians seek one last meal there 14
12/10/18 - 10:44 am Did that really happen? Hoo, doggie, did this guy own the libs today 68
5/30/18 - 11:53 am And a more straightforward one Brighton market gets in trouble after somebody drops a dime on a tweet 52
5/30/18 - 11:14 am Here's one Brighton market gets in trouble after somebody drops a dime on a tweet 52
5/29/18 - 6:10 pm Yes Brighton market gets in trouble after somebody drops a dime on a tweet 52
5/29/18 - 12:19 pm Looks like two violations Brighton market gets in trouble after somebody drops a dime on a tweet 52
11/20/17 - 10:27 am "The vending machines will CharlieCards 1.0 to be replaced by CharlieCards 2.0 91
2/20/17 - 12:20 pm Empirical evidence suggests Giving addicts a safe place to shoot up a step too far? 38
7/27/16 - 5:27 am It's definitely an annoying Faneuil Hall sick of fake monks preying on tourists 54
2/24/15 - 2:19 pm It does have an occupancy Local UI expert now hates her Nest thermostat 34
2/6/15 - 3:22 pm I was in one one of these Man says his laptop's battery life sucks, so he sues 26
5/27/14 - 12:25 pm That she was a veteran Memorial Day parade not all roses in Somerville 41
4/12/14 - 4:17 pm Too bad the "Putnam Cafe" The coolest map of independent coffee shops in Cambridge you'll see all day 21
3/13/14 - 12:54 pm They're the already Late-night weekend T service starts March 28; is 24-hour service a possibility long term? 105
2/3/14 - 5:37 pm The RFID chips (from MiFare) Sudden burst of expiring CharlieCards? 37
12/7/13 - 1:54 pm Malt powder can be found at High-gluten flour and malt powder 8
10/11/13 - 5:44 pm I went on one of their Segway Segway operator tries to get out from under city fines, zoning denial through bankruptcy 29
9/18/13 - 4:56 pm Old trick A traffic cone is a T fare evader's best friend at Back Bay 27
9/3/13 - 1:02 pm This always boggles me; it's There is such a thing as a free lunch, at least for BPS students 69


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