Member for 16 years 3 weeks My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 10/29/20 - 12:46 pm Percent of what, exactly? Coronavirus beginning to rage in Boston again; in several neighborhoods, one out of every ten people now testing positive 31 10/29/20 - 10:29 am Boston city councilors Wellesley votes to ban fur sales locally 28 10/29/20 - 8:33 am How many stores? Wellesley votes to ban fur sales locally 28 10/28/20 - 5:49 pm His grandpa Man who says he was overcharged $55 in notary fees sues for millions in damages, but court says, no, he wasn't overcharged 14 10/28/20 - 4:48 pm I'd like the double parking to stop earlier Dominican restaurant in Jamaica Plain seeks to stay open until 1 a.m., to try to recoup the loss of business due to Covid-19 13 10/28/20 - 4:47 pm Takeout at 1 AM? Dominican restaurant in Jamaica Plain seeks to stay open until 1 a.m., to try to recoup the loss of business due to Covid-19 13 10/28/20 - 2:29 pm I think he deserves Man who says he was overcharged $55 in notary fees sues for millions in damages, but court says, no, he wasn't overcharged 14 10/22/20 - 2:47 pm What? School Committee chairman resigns after appearing to mock ethnic names last night 33 10/22/20 - 12:42 pm It was not my intent to mock anybody School Committee chairman resigns after appearing to mock ethnic names last night 33 10/22/20 - 11:16 am Poor Johnny Boston to get examless exam schools for one year 77 10/22/20 - 8:28 am Or, conversely Boston to get examless exam schools for one year 77 10/22/20 - 6:14 am Don't everybody hit the realtors at once Boston to get examless exam schools for one year 77 10/20/20 - 2:22 pm To be clear, we’re not looking to bully or boycott anybody Police union says it isn't boycotting anybody, but calls on its members to boycott somebody 85 10/19/20 - 12:52 pm I don't think that's legal On steps of Boston Latin, parents rally to keep the exam in exam schools; across street, other parents rally against it 89 10/19/20 - 11:33 am Unbelievable? On steps of Boston Latin, parents rally to keep the exam in exam schools; across street, other parents rally against it 89 10/19/20 - 6:18 am Most integrated On steps of Boston Latin, parents rally to keep the exam in exam schools; across street, other parents rally against it 89 10/13/20 - 5:06 pm I feel some Walsh commits to police oversight board with subpoena power 37 10/11/20 - 12:32 pm The pisser is Darn Acme boats never go when you want them to 16 10/10/20 - 11:31 am Not long No exams for exam schools for coming school year under superintendent's plan 75 10/10/20 - 10:22 am Best and brightest? No exams for exam schools for coming school year under superintendent's plan 75 10/10/20 - 10:03 am Thanks for the stats No exams for exam schools for coming school year under superintendent's plan 75 10/9/20 - 12:52 pm I think it means No exams for exam schools for coming school year under superintendent's plan 75 10/9/20 - 10:19 am We don't need no stinkin' facts No exams for exam schools for coming school year under superintendent's plan 75 10/9/20 - 5:14 am One might predict the opposite No exams for exam schools for coming school year under superintendent's plan 75 10/7/20 - 11:55 am Private school applications rise BPS pauses citywide school re-opening a week as city coronavirus rate continues to rise 25 10/7/20 - 2:39 am If ICE won't confirm ICE won't say if it was its agents who stopped a Black jogger on VFW Parkway in West Roxbury 62 10/6/20 - 6:59 pm What's in his tummy pack? Jogging while Black on VFW Parkway in West Roxbury 91 10/6/20 - 6:55 pm Makes you wonder Jogging while Black on VFW Parkway in West Roxbury 91 10/4/20 - 1:55 pm I'd like to complain Citizen complaint of the day: Women at super-spreader party in South Boston not to complainer's liking 53 10/1/20 - 2:16 pm How do you serve tapir tots? Franklin Park Zoo makes history with twin tapir tots 7 9/29/20 - 9:32 am Law by litigation Man gets 30 years for planning murder plot that got his uncle shot to death in a Roslindale parking lot 16 9/29/20 - 9:23 am No Mulligans Man gets 30 years for planning murder plot that got his uncle shot to death in a Roslindale parking lot 16 9/28/20 - 7:22 pm Cool Acela replacement makes first trip to Boston 42 9/27/20 - 3:15 pm In other words Reminder: Boston College is the only local school that didn't cancel fall sports 55 9/25/20 - 8:22 am Waiter Maskless asshole tells Marblehead diners he hopes they die 69 9/24/20 - 9:53 am Make sure Killer candy: Man dies from eating too much licorice 23 9/24/20 - 9:52 am Some do Killer candy: Man dies from eating too much licorice 23 9/23/20 - 4:41 pm Cool idea Plans for large mixed-use complex on Columbia Point called Dorchester Bay City roll into BPDA 40 9/21/20 - 11:23 am Design Seaport developer wants to change several floors in proposed building from office space to biotech R&D due to Covid-19 13 9/18/20 - 9:00 pm Well Oh, right, Charlie Baker is still a Republican 64 9/18/20 - 2:17 pm Boofing Oh, right, Charlie Baker is still a Republican 64 9/16/20 - 2:17 pm Well, don't talk to any journalists about it Lawyer sues Netflix, area publisher and another lawyer for libel over coverage of his role in a Needham guardianship case 12 9/16/20 - 6:37 am Advertising The Census never counted on storrowing 5 9/14/20 - 2:16 pm I suggest merely that it might occur Dover-Sherborn puts off return to in-school learning after dozens of students caught at 'out of control' party 39 9/14/20 - 2:08 pm Twice Dover-Sherborn puts off return to in-school learning after dozens of students caught at 'out of control' party 39 9/13/20 - 8:05 pm Selfish? Boston, Newton join fight against Covid-19 outbreak at Boston College, but say school needs to do more 26 9/13/20 - 6:53 pm krrrkkkh Entire high school forced to start school year at home due to some hard partying students who gave fake names to police 39 9/13/20 - 6:23 pm I'm pro-Hibernian Boston, Newton join fight against Covid-19 outbreak at Boston College, but say school needs to do more 26 9/13/20 - 3:10 pm There’s a whiff all right Boston, Newton join fight against Covid-19 outbreak at Boston College, but say school needs to do more 26 9/12/20 - 4:25 pm Missing the part Boston College Covid-19 numbers still going up 19 Pages« first‹ previous…121314151617181920…next ›last » My articles