12 years 11 months

part time troublemaker, good time appreciateur, loud, foul mouthed, jaded romantic....eating and dancing her way through Boston-ish.

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
8/1/16 - 9:11 am Riders need what now? Bill would let Lyft, Uber keep picking up at airport and convention center 22
12/31/13 - 9:50 am Trolling Kenneth Edelin, Boston doctor at center of abortion controversy after Roe v. Wade, dies at 74 59
12/31/13 - 8:53 am Don't Feed the Trolls Kenneth Edelin, Boston doctor at center of abortion controversy after Roe v. Wade, dies at 74 59
12/30/13 - 9:05 am How about... Stay out of the ATM near the Landmark Center Best Buy 13
8/5/13 - 2:22 pm But bunnehs... Somebody is killing rabbits and leaving them on a Cambridge resident's porch 15
7/2/13 - 9:42 pm In the name of Innocent until proven a dumbass: South End man charged with submitting bogus Marathon-victim money request 17
6/28/13 - 1:02 pm I am gutterally offended. Needs more bacon, oh, and sugar, and throw some lard in while you're at it 4
6/27/13 - 9:44 am Tire-d The automotive angle to the Bulger trial 4
6/12/13 - 6:37 pm Shenanigans. Fenway Irish bar going nerd 11
6/6/13 - 4:49 pm ATN Adieu Fenway watering hole dries up this weekend 5
5/9/13 - 2:14 pm Kids are resilient. Martin Richard's sister, Jane, has undergone 11 operations since bombings 5
5/6/13 - 2:04 pm Live music is still quite alive in Davis End of the line for Davis Square bar? 8
5/2/13 - 3:00 pm To smoke or not to smoke. Investigators say smoker started fire that killed BU student, but probe into death continues 28
5/1/13 - 2:53 pm It's nice when the Feds imply college stupidity Three pals of alleged Marathon bomber arrested 17
4/27/13 - 10:02 pm gah. double He might be alive because a Shell station on Memorial Drive only takes cash 91
4/27/13 - 9:27 pm Take it elsewhere... He might be alive because a Shell station on Memorial Drive only takes cash 91
4/26/13 - 9:42 pm Hospital roullette He might be alive because a Shell station on Memorial Drive only takes cash 91
4/26/13 - 12:04 pm this means Tsarnaev well enough to be moved to a prison hospital 5
4/24/13 - 10:21 am Agreed...but(t) City says irresponsible dog owners forcing it to lock up Mission Hill ball field 77
4/19/13 - 9:32 pm whoops, double post The cost of shutting Boston for a day: $333 million 13
4/19/13 - 9:29 pm new MasterCard Commercial - the Boston Version The cost of shutting Boston for a day: $333 million 13
4/19/13 - 8:44 pm HE'S ALIVE AND IN CUSTODY Got 'im 58
4/19/13 - 8:31 pm If the boat's a rockin... Got 'im 58
4/19/13 - 3:36 pm Aloof must be bliss People emerge from homes in Boston neighborhoods 17
4/18/13 - 4:35 pm Well Ah do DEclare Pissant West Virginia high-school principal learns you don't mess with Wellesley College 13
4/17/13 - 5:43 pm Furries defeat terrorism If you need to hug something warm and furry 1
4/16/13 - 8:31 am Housing match tool/map Bostonians offer room to runners 8
4/15/13 - 8:01 pm Post it up people Bostonians offer room to runners 8
4/15/13 - 7:12 pm Working link? Bostonians offer room to runners 8
4/15/13 - 7:04 pm Officials are asking for any tips, pics, or vids Explosions, deaths on Boylston Street 60
4/15/13 - 5:34 pm For now Explosions, deaths on Boylston Street 60
3/28/13 - 9:59 am Bumbles bounce Police say bouncer punched out another bar customer in December 4
2/16/13 - 4:31 pm bunneh.bunneh.bunneh In Cambridge, they're breeding like rabbits 15
2/14/13 - 3:38 pm Persistence should pay off Bandit sneaks into T station but gets hung up on escalator 5
2/8/13 - 3:46 pm They forgot the butter. The Groveland Diner French Toast Blizzard Survival Kit 2
11/6/12 - 9:27 am Because I'm an owl, that's why Giving a hoot about the T 13
10/31/12 - 1:35 pm puppy bags Furor on Red Line over strollercat 43
10/31/12 - 12:13 pm It's a good day for a witch hunt, but Furor on Red Line over strollercat 43
10/31/12 - 11:19 am And all the cats join in.... Furor on Red Line over strollercat 43
10/8/12 - 2:25 pm Missing...some completed sentences. Body found in Charles River 10
10/3/12 - 12:17 pm My hawker's fine. Davis Square Red Line riders shocked to learn of death of beloved Metro hawker 5
9/26/12 - 11:53 am the Trail of Tears... Ever get the feeling all those sob-story guys and girls get together to make up stories? 57
9/20/12 - 11:15 am It's not breed, it's upbringing Terror at Dorchester park when unleashed dog pack runs amok 39
8/31/12 - 1:12 pm Just b/c you're smrt enuff to get into Colege.... OK, everybody, out of the Storrow pool 11
8/30/12 - 11:21 am It's called GhettoMaster for a reason Whole Foods looks to buy six Johnnie's Foodmaster stores 58
8/30/12 - 11:12 am Well that batch of meters... Chocolate-chip parking meters in the Back Bay? 7
8/23/12 - 12:58 pm Kendall has a barrier Woman, son learn the hard way why you need to be on the right platform at Kendall 39
8/23/12 - 12:17 pm That 5th step's a doozy Woman, son learn the hard way why you need to be on the right platform at Kendall 39
8/17/12 - 3:34 pm step up Harvard Another rape reported on Harvard campus 7
8/15/12 - 3:30 pm 3:14pm Alewife back open Cambridge meter maid shuts down Red Line 20


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