12 years 9 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
4/2/14 - 2:11 pm Where did they move to after Eating downtown 15
10/22/12 - 1:49 pm Rumor is that this might be Employer mourns loss of man dead of still unexplained head trauma in the Financial District 5
8/9/12 - 4:08 pm Still the slumlords who own Move over, Allston: Fenway could be the new rat champion 28
8/9/12 - 1:37 pm Not surprising, went for a Move over, Allston: Fenway could be the new rat champion 28
8/8/12 - 10:48 am Yeah I'm assuming there will BU hockey player's guilty plea in sex-assault case clears way for possible NHL career 42
8/2/12 - 9:33 am Yeah, really hoping those Clammers to sue Massport, jet-fuel company over spill they say ruined their clam beds near Logan 11
8/1/12 - 5:09 pm YUPPIES, can't have em, Fate of Southie Tasty in hands of Boston Licensing Board 18
7/31/12 - 11:45 am Exactly, unless you come 2 PETA fnords up Fenway with one of those stupid bricks 20
7/27/12 - 10:22 am I'm wondering how the Some would say it never left 5
7/24/12 - 9:52 am Tickets can already be had Kill it, kill it with fire, now 3
7/23/12 - 11:38 am Goes back to the argument of BU removing more than one hundred public parking spaces from Kenmore Square 99
7/23/12 - 9:20 am Part of me thinks the person Citizen complaint of the day: Drag-racing Segways on Long Wharf 8
7/20/12 - 10:26 am I think the citizen Citizen complaint of the day: Vandals mar large public sculpture in Charles Circle 13
7/18/12 - 9:52 am Have to start prepping for Bud Light truck driver learns warning signs at Storrow Drive entrances are there for a reason 5
7/17/12 - 9:19 am Agreed, it's a little Southie contingent of the BSC Welcoming Team not so welcoming 71
7/16/12 - 8:40 pm Shouldn't there be an Police: Man with gun goes berserk in Mattapan Square after getting beaten with baton at check-cashing place he was trying to rob 3
7/12/12 - 4:54 am Just used Uber for the first I click, you click, we all click for ice cream 20
7/10/12 - 9:05 pm Everytime I see this I'm glad Globe runs cool story about T workers using ancient machines to keep antique Orange Line running; then the trains die 19
7/6/12 - 9:13 am Yeah, maybe after the ALCS, Will Sox fans rise up in revolt against the local media this weekend? 16
7/2/12 - 10:00 am If they know some of the Breakdowns and ticket problems on first workday after fare increases 21
6/13/12 - 9:26 am It's a little obnoxious and Globe seeks to run .Boston 12
6/12/12 - 9:35 am Not surprising, Middleborough Oh, FFS: Town bans swearing in public 25
6/11/12 - 9:17 am A game of chicken where As T readies more service cuts, municipal leaders gather to push for more transit funds 8
6/8/12 - 5:04 pm Yeah sorry not 40, but Delta Remember those old locomotives from Maryland 26
6/8/12 - 1:54 pm No I completely agree, I'm Remember those old locomotives from Maryland 26
6/8/12 - 12:35 pm It shows how bad and Remember those old locomotives from Maryland 26
6/7/12 - 5:41 pm It's summer, no college Tonight could be greatest Boston sports victory since Varitek split the uprights 7
6/7/12 - 11:30 am I agree, I think there is a Brighton to get commuter-rail stop again as part of New Balance project 22
6/4/12 - 9:37 am Can't even tell what exactly After all these years, some revenge for those turnpike signs with the arrow through the Pilgrim hat 9
6/1/12 - 12:09 pm Yep started in Davis Square No more Bertucci's at Atrium Mall 13
6/1/12 - 9:22 am Isn't there supposed to be a No more Bertucci's at Atrium Mall 13
5/30/12 - 9:28 am Don't forget the historical Citizen complaint of the day: The living statues are out of control 24
5/30/12 - 9:25 am Is the cemetery a place Turkeys are the gremlins of the animal world: Don't feed them after midnight, or ever 7
5/29/12 - 2:23 pm Definitely a good idea to Good thing she didn't want a live My Little Pony 33
5/29/12 - 2:21 pm Better to let 1 guilty man No ifs, ands or butts: Court rules cops can't pull your underwear down in public if the lumps in it are soft 22
5/29/12 - 1:39 pm The issue is that the cops No ifs, ands or butts: Court rules cops can't pull your underwear down in public if the lumps in it are soft 22
5/29/12 - 10:10 am That's the issue. It's Rising rents mean Central Square could lose its Clear Conscience 23
5/25/12 - 10:04 am Do air bags have any Thieves continue cutting air bags out of South Boston cars like there's no tomorrow 4
5/24/12 - 5:45 pm Glad MA avoided that, maybe Schilling strikes out 18
5/23/12 - 4:47 pm Does this include all of Restaurant next to Symphony Hall could get new owner, major overhaul 3
5/23/12 - 1:16 pm It's more than a southie Adams Village now more caffeinated 8
5/22/12 - 12:13 pm I'm not saying they're Lenny from the West End remembers the old neighborhood 25
5/22/12 - 10:13 am It really was the biggest Lenny from the West End remembers the old neighborhood 25
5/21/12 - 9:59 am I should probably switch, If you see something, click something 9
5/21/12 - 9:07 am Seems fairly useless since as If you see something, click something 9
5/19/12 - 10:50 am - 2 year old zoetropes MBTA Bingo 35
5/18/12 - 5:29 pm He will have plenty of time Honor-roll student charged with gunning down man in Forest Hills pot deal 19
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