4 years 3 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
1/28/25 - 4:58 pm The FAA is important...but Canadian company gets FAA approval to have its drones fly over you in Boston 8
1/19/25 - 7:18 pm How long is BPD going to Driver slams into two pedestrians, killing one, then takes off, on Washington Street in Roxbury 46
1/14/25 - 6:36 pm Unfortunately this project 28-story apartment building wins approval near where the Fenway borders the turnpike 28
1/14/25 - 5:05 pm Regarding your final 28-story apartment building wins approval near where the Fenway borders the turnpike 28
12/17/24 - 5:27 pm I'm not an architect, but Owners of unusual California-style house on Comm. Ave. in Brighton propose renovations - and six-story apartment building right behind it 29
11/20/24 - 3:46 pm What does it take? Proceeds of sale of the liquor license of a defunct Union Street bar with a history of violence will go to family of Chicago man killed by a bouncer outside 4
9/26/24 - 5:17 pm If they won't revoke this Licensing board to owners, managers of defunct, violence-prone Union Street bar: Good luck ever getting another liquor license in this town 7
8/20/24 - 12:08 pm Good. Man who lost his job as police commissioner after just two days loses suit over his firing 12
8/5/24 - 5:27 pm Ummm....instead of Boston to offer rebates to spur e-bike use among people who might not otherwise be able to afford them 48
7/16/24 - 6:58 pm Sweltering riders can't get The heat was extra exhausting with a dead train at Downtown Crossing 17
7/9/24 - 5:11 pm Why should someone from State approves $1.5-billion Eversource plan to bolster electrical supply in Cambridge, Somerville 14
7/8/24 - 7:48 pm I'm curious how this will be State approves $1.5-billion Eversource plan to bolster electrical supply in Cambridge, Somerville 14
6/24/24 - 4:04 pm This conversion plan makes no State to pump $15 million into office-to-housing conversion in Boston 29
6/12/24 - 5:00 pm Sad state in 2024 BPD opens homicide investigation into death of man whose body was found in a shopping cart left sitting in Bay Village in August 13
6/6/24 - 7:13 pm Based on the location, it Something at the Hynes pops like a cork; sideways geyser bursts across the street 3
6/6/24 - 3:54 pm Cops could literally just sit State Police curb number of scooters in Southwest Corridor Park 50
4/26/24 - 9:34 pm I don't have pics, but if you Dumpster fire in the Fens sends smoke through area 23
4/26/24 - 11:08 am I don't think those were news Dumpster fire in the Fens sends smoke through area 23
4/26/24 - 11:06 am Sadly, the reeds still haven Dumpster fire in the Fens sends smoke through area 23
4/25/24 - 5:52 pm What will it take? SOB bouncer admits he killed Chicago visitor outside his bar, gets 17 to 20 years 3
4/22/24 - 4:09 pm What about the buyer? Man with loaded gun and plenty of spare bullets stopped on Comm. Ave. in Allston to sell some drugs, police say 6
4/19/24 - 7:59 pm Yeah, I've seen his videos When mental health and criminal justice intersect: The case of the man charged with going on a rampage smashing car windows 12
4/19/24 - 6:53 pm Thanks for all the background When mental health and criminal justice intersect: The case of the man charged with going on a rampage smashing car windows 12
4/8/24 - 12:16 am Staco is saying it's serious. Woman found stabbed on Newbury Street 6
4/5/24 - 6:39 pm Is the newly-installed Might be time for a new verb: To sumner 6
2/24/24 - 2:04 pm Yeah, the 40-50 age range BPD Police snag suspected Fenway, Back Bay cigarette stealer at Mass and Cass 11
1/28/24 - 12:51 pm I actually think Sumner is Semi stuck in Sumner storrowing 3
1/7/24 - 2:01 pm If we make these hoaxers pay Another hoax murder call in Boston 9
1/6/24 - 1:30 pm Thank you for posting this, Three years later: Where our local Y'all Quedaists at? 17
1/5/24 - 4:17 pm Exactly. If (for whatever North End restaurant owners revive charge the mayor hates Italians in new suit over pandemic-related patio fees and bans 46
1/2/24 - 1:09 am I know it's not the point of Citizen complaint of the day: Spacecraft don't need lights guiding them into the South End 16
12/26/23 - 12:31 pm FWIW, I don't love many of Mayor's home swatted on Christmas day 26
12/17/23 - 1:35 pm I'd love to understand how Citizen complaint of the day: There should be limits on expressing your love of Boston 5
12/15/23 - 1:30 am Glad to see that, after the Male Boston cop who publicly disparaged the rapid advancement of a woman officer in a Worcester suburb wasn't being sexist, commissioner says 14
12/12/23 - 3:20 pm Building more units helps the Six-story apartment building approved for where the CVS used to be on Comm. Ave. in Allston 20
12/12/23 - 1:37 pm "My only problem here is that Six-story apartment building approved for where the CVS used to be on Comm. Ave. in Allston 20
11/3/23 - 12:24 am Anecdotally, I used to always Woman says she mailed 85 wedding invitations at the Roslindale post office, but only three were delivered 43
10/19/23 - 10:16 pm I really hope MBTA Not just the Green Line Extension: Government Center ceiling suddenly needs repairs, too 8
10/18/23 - 11:41 am * Josh Levy Biden nominates acting US Attorney to take the job more permanently 7
10/17/23 - 2:58 pm Police did not specify if the Several reasons not to have sex in an MBTA elevator, including if you already have warrants out for your arrest 20
9/27/23 - 12:31 am I can't wait for subpoenas to Parts of the brand-spanking new Green Line Extension already in such bad shape that trains in some spots crawl slower than most people can walk 19
9/26/23 - 12:23 pm It would be a new, digital ad Billboard company sues to put an electronic billboard on McLellan Highway in East Boston 16
9/26/23 - 12:10 pm The much larger issue here Billboard company sues to put an electronic billboard on McLellan Highway in East Boston 16
9/15/23 - 1:23 am There was also a water main Fire on Lorna Road in Mattapan coupled with water-main break that flooded the street 6
8/23/23 - 10:00 am Can we PLEASE start tolling State kind of mum on details of paying for the turnpike redo in Allston 27
8/18/23 - 12:25 am When almost all your beers Boston's first new queer bar in a long time approved in the Back Bay 21
8/17/23 - 4:23 pm I'm happy to have this bar in Boston's first new queer bar in a long time approved in the Back Bay 21
8/17/23 - 11:50 am I'll never support Kenzie Bok New city councilor Sharon Durkan sworn in in the Public Garden 1
8/14/23 - 9:17 pm He only got 2 years?!? This Man found sitting on a bench at South Bay with a loaded gun while on parole for shooting into a woman's house gets 27 months in prison 12
8/6/23 - 6:13 pm She almost certainly fled the Hitting a man in the Seaport with her car at closing time wasn't enough, so woman got out and began beating him, DA says 11


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