20 years 1 month

Not just a user of Universal Hub, I'm the founder! Been doing Internetty Boston stuff for ages now (long enough that I started out with a gopher, and who remembers that?).

You can reach me at [email protected].

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/28/24 - 3:25 pm Or search YouTube Woman sues Chinatown restaurant over stay in burn unit caused by hot soup she says poured into her lap 16
10/28/24 - 3:12 pm Added Woman sues Chinatown restaurant over stay in burn unit caused by hot soup she says poured into her lap 16
10/28/24 - 11:48 am Looks like ... Tinderboxachusetts: Boston area wakes up to the smell of smoke from brush fires erupting all over 11
10/27/24 - 7:30 pm His name is Chicken The larger breeds sometimes forget to stay off Storrow Drive 13
10/26/24 - 1:18 pm Boston Public Health Boston cop, security guard charged with running illegal underground club in Jamaica Plain 18
10/26/24 - 1:11 pm Ah, yeah, Kiko Pulido's old place Boston cop, security guard charged with running illegal underground club in Jamaica Plain 18
10/25/24 - 6:03 pm Yeah, but ... Developer adds direct connection between proposed Audubon Circle apartment building and stop on the D Line 9
10/25/24 - 9:29 am Convenience City Council to hold emergency Friday meeting to try to deal with property-tax issue 19
10/24/24 - 4:06 pm Nah Man who was charged with molesting a woman and open self fondling on an international flight to Boston agrees to plead guilty, delete photos of the woman 15
10/24/24 - 1:33 am Sentencing memorandum is just a suggestion Man gets three years for holding up Hyde Park, Mattapan letter carriers, one at knifepoint 6
10/23/24 - 11:33 am Yes. Back Bay resident says proposed Newbury Street pot shop behind his home wouldn't be a good doobie, sues to block it 17
10/22/24 - 11:20 am They've already banned cars Concord homeowners lose bid to keep people off a path that has been a public way since before the Revolution 52
10/21/24 - 7:46 pm Yep Concord homeowners lose bid to keep people off a path that has been a public way since before the Revolution 52
10/21/24 - 7:44 pm No, he didn't hang out there ... Concord homeowners lose bid to keep people off a path that has been a public way since before the Revolution 52
10/21/24 - 9:27 am Yeah, that's why I didn't put the specific address USS Constitution fires on Charlestown, but not intentionally 24
10/20/24 - 7:31 pm Thanks, but I have another suggestion Supreme Court tells Carlisle residents still upset about face masks in 2021 to give it a rest 7
10/19/24 - 6:25 pm Star Market/Shaw's as well Boston schedules walk-in flu and Covid-19 vaccination clinics 11
10/19/24 - 12:41 pm Oh, you'd be surprised ... Roslindale Square could get daily jazz - and lettuce wraps 23
10/19/24 - 12:35 pm The photo ... Roslindale Square could get daily jazz - and lettuce wraps 23
10/19/24 - 12:31 pm If he does win ... Boston cop who was fired because of Jan. 6 tweets calling Democrats and some Republicans traitors sues over that and city's denial of a religious exemption for Covid-19 shots 22
10/19/24 - 8:44 am Faulkner Hospital had issues Thar she blows, again: For second time in a month, major neighborhood road flooded at rush hour, this time in Jamaica Plain 2
10/18/24 - 3:09 pm Given that the new bridge is being built by a contractor Ted Williams has a tunnel and soon Bill Russell will get a bridge 27
10/18/24 - 2:14 pm Fixed Ted Williams has a tunnel and soon Bill Russell will get a bridge 27
10/17/24 - 12:51 pm It's something you had to apply for ... Three local newsrooms get grants to get even newsier 5
10/16/24 - 10:48 pm Yeah, and it's also stupid Local women's soccer team apologizes, no, not for new name, but for lame, unintentionally transphobic ad campaign 28
10/16/24 - 7:18 pm Thanks In Hyde Park, it could soon be time to Stop & Shots 21
10/16/24 - 7:03 pm She certainly has experience suing the city ... Boston has four valuable all-alcohol licenses to give out over the next year: A North End restaurant owner is asking for two of them 27
10/15/24 - 11:25 pm Try again Hudson restaurant closed today due to threats over the Nazi re-enactors who had dinner there over the weekend 44
10/15/24 - 7:53 pm I assume you mean the restaurant in Hudson ... Longtime Fenway nook suddenly closes 15
10/15/24 - 3:43 pm You keep using that phrase Hudson restaurant closed today due to threats over the Nazi re-enactors who had dinner there over the weekend 44
10/14/24 - 1:23 pm Hold that thought 311 complaint of the day: Owner of immobile car in JP gets a ticket, puts it on the passenger seat, gets another ticket and then the process repeats 21
10/14/24 - 10:08 am Except ... Scooter driver critically injured in crash with SUV on River Street in Hyde Park 15
10/13/24 - 11:41 pm Motor scooter Scooter driver critically injured in crash with SUV on River Street in Hyde Park 15
10/13/24 - 10:23 pm And better that they just stand around waving stupid Trump flags Supporters of the Shah never die, they just become Magats and wave flags around in Coolidge Corner 17
10/11/24 - 4:29 pm Yes Convicted crack dealer charged with Dorchester barbershop murder 5
10/11/24 - 12:19 pm Thanks for spotting that Left hand, meet right hand: MBTA warns commuter rail could quickly collapse if MassDOT demolishes Charles River bridge for its Allston turnpike project 25
10/10/24 - 3:09 pm Fixed Boston officially renames Bussey Street in the Arboretum as Flora Way in honor of enslaved woman who lived nearby 5
10/8/24 - 10:51 pm That only applies ... Women's clothing to make way for apartments in Uphams Corner 5
10/8/24 - 12:43 pm A word to our Esperanto-speaking guests Judge won't bar events at South Boston Lithuanian club as lawsuit against it proceeds 8
10/7/24 - 11:04 pm Hah, no ... Boston stops using rodenticides that can also kill raptors and pets, looks at expanding rat birth-control pilot 31
10/7/24 - 2:06 pm I mean, sure ... Simmons students rescue a pigeon at the BPL 26
10/6/24 - 5:29 pm And? Somerville library shut after domestic terrorist called in bomb threat shortly before the start of a drag-queen story hour 21
10/6/24 - 4:52 pm If he's enterprising ... Man with gun loaded with 26 bullets tried suicide by cop in Fields Corner, but the cops declined and instead talked him down, police say 6
10/6/24 - 4:46 pm Link works now 311 complaint of the day: Don't they know this is the City that Always Sleeps? 24
10/6/24 - 1:36 pm Even in a city, people have a right to some quiet South Boston Lithuanian club to owners of neighboring condo: We're not doing the bad stuff you claim, we were here first and what did you expect moving near West Broadway? 42
10/4/24 - 9:31 pm One difference between the two California man charged with calling Somerville, Cambridge companies and threatening to head over with an AK-47 and kill everybody 15
10/4/24 - 12:30 pm Now I wonder ... See the sights of Boston: Take the El 16
10/4/24 - 12:29 pm Did you happen to notice the part ... See the sights of Boston: Take the El 16
10/4/24 - 11:41 am Stop the presses Gov. Healey solves a gnawing problem: Orders that Nibi the beaver not be tossed into a stream somewhere 10
10/3/24 - 5:19 pm Collective name for a mass of butts? Neighbors of South Boston Lithuanian club sue over what they charge are excessively loud events, drunken, drugged revelers and harassment 31


My articles
Post datesort ascending Title
1/8/25 - 3:25 pm Quincy official spent city money on personal stuff, including 153 lbs. of bourbon steak tips, recordings of him singing to his wife and a Prius for a woman who was not his wife, feds charge
1/8/25 - 2:27 pm Boston City Council to consider eliminating parking minimums for new development; not all councilors agree, though
1/8/25 - 11:47 am The City that Always Sleeps: Residents, some businesses and BU fight proposed 3 a.m. closing time for Kenmore Square taco place
1/8/25 - 11:17 am Court rules state can so tell towns with train stops to rezone for some higher density development
1/8/25 - 9:57 am City raises cane over stench at BU-adjacent chicken-finger joint
1/8/25 - 9:15 am Man gets life after admitting he killed a mother of six daughters, two of them his
1/7/25 - 5:13 pm One way or another, the gang knew it would have its pound of flesh
1/7/25 - 2:27 pm Nearly fatal double stabbing at Mass. Ave. diner started when man kept insisting on dancing with one victim's wife, police say
1/7/25 - 12:34 pm Family of pizza guy convicted of abusing workers trying to sell Dorchester outlet but hopes to keep the Roslindale one
1/6/25 - 11:44 pm FCC warns perpetual candidate he's facing a $2.3 million fine for running an illegal radio station out of his house
1/6/25 - 11:10 pm BPS looks to shut Excel High, Dever School
1/6/25 - 10:00 pm Antisemite with an arsenal wanted to rape Jewish women and shoot people outside temples, police in Beverly say
1/6/25 - 9:24 pm Police launch crackdown on scourge of illegal Newports sold behind the Grove Hall Stop & Shop
1/6/25 - 8:24 pm Those Red Line signal gremlins have once again won; cause problems from Quincy Center to Wollaston
1/6/25 - 4:39 pm We all saw what happened four years ago
1/6/25 - 4:07 pm Charlestown man, stepson charged with movie-worthy scheme to rob the downtown restaurant where dad worked
1/6/25 - 12:15 pm The giant map of Boston
1/6/25 - 11:26 am Charlestown man charged with Boston's first murder of the year
1/6/25 - 10:45 am Barricaded man in Hyde Park taken into custody after firing a shot; police evacuated neighboring homes
1/6/25 - 9:38 am Growing teens need their sleep, but police say three learned the parking lot of the Roslindale Wendy's isn't the best place for a snooze when you've stolen a car and have a loaded gun
1/5/25 - 9:15 pm Charlestown man found shot to death in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven
1/5/25 - 8:19 pm Patriots sour on Mayo
1/5/25 - 12:30 pm Seeing Boston from 80 miles away
1/5/25 - 12:01 pm Hot new Boston scam drops; no, the city isn't demanding you pay a $4.35 'parking invoice'
1/4/25 - 11:43 pm Sunset over the lagoon
1/4/25 - 10:29 am Nomah! At the slopes!
1/4/25 - 10:14 am Mulch fire brings all the firefighters to the yard on American Legion Highway
1/3/25 - 4:11 pm Rehabbed ducks, geese released to Muddy River
1/3/25 - 3:57 pm Non-profit grocery chain shutting its Mattapan store
1/3/25 - 1:47 pm Judge reduces penalties against sober-house owner who expected sex from women tenants from $3.8 million to $1.4 million; feds have 10 days to appeal
1/3/25 - 11:15 am Man was cruising through Franklin Field with a loaded gun, crack and pot, but it was his tinted windows police say drew their attention
1/2/25 - 4:17 pm 311 complaint of the day: Oh, chute!
1/2/25 - 1:29 pm Ups and downs on Allston's North Beacon Street: Life-sciences developer takes a bath on old Marty's Liquors, but apartment builder sells building at a profit
1/2/25 - 11:57 am Teen charged with shooting man he was trying to rob on Wilbert Road in Dorchester
1/2/25 - 10:36 am Boston cop who used to stand outside the mayor's house yelling about Covid-19 sues over her firing, says it violated her free-speech and religious rights
1/1/25 - 10:41 pm Man shot in the chest in East Boston
1/1/25 - 2:48 pm Early morning fire displaces 13 from Brighton apartment building
1/1/25 - 12:33 pm West Roxbury teen arrested, two pals sought for stealing another teen's footwear - and the pants he was wearing - in an armed home invasion
1/1/25 - 11:33 am 311 complaint of the day: Steamed over the screeching start to the new year in Chinatown
1/1/25 - 8:45 am Boston murders in 2024
12/31/24 - 11:17 pm Common fireworks
12/31/24 - 12:48 pm One last sunrise
12/31/24 - 12:38 pm Guy with Louis Vuitton handbag harasses woman on Red Line train, then punches her in the nose, police say
12/31/24 - 11:58 am Two charged with gunpoint robbery of Charlestown convenience store
12/31/24 - 10:01 am Woman arrested after police find her packing a loaded gun in her bra; man ferrying her around Dorchester also charged, police say
12/30/24 - 6:36 pm Reflecting on the Charles River
12/30/24 - 10:19 am Owner of Jamaica Plain hotel makes conversion to homeless shelter official: Sells building to the non-profit now running it
12/30/24 - 10:11 am Uniwheeling down the East Boston Greenway
12/30/24 - 9:34 am Still no answer on where the oil in the Muddy River came from
12/29/24 - 7:32 pm Turkey made a break for it near Cleveland Circle, but then it froze