20 years 1 month

Not just a user of Universal Hub, I'm the founder! Been doing Internetty Boston stuff for ages now (long enough that I started out with a gopher, and who remembers that?).

You can reach me at [email protected].

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/3/24 - 2:42 pm Top floors of City Hall How green is my bus stop? 6
10/2/24 - 6:15 pm For a few months, I worked on a project with Mike Godwin Several Brighton intersections to get automated pedestrian-crossing signals for Jewish sabbath 57
10/2/24 - 6:07 pm To be fair (sort of) to BC Several Brighton intersections to get automated pedestrian-crossing signals for Jewish sabbath 57
10/2/24 - 1:17 pm OK, then the next step ... Several Brighton intersections to get automated pedestrian-crossing signals for Jewish sabbath 57
10/2/24 - 11:35 am Sure Several Brighton intersections to get automated pedestrian-crossing signals for Jewish sabbath 57
10/1/24 - 3:20 pm Here, knock yourself out Oh, poor beleagured RFK, Jr. 21
10/1/24 - 2:01 pm Yep The show does go on at the Orpheum as the theater, Holocaust museum reach uneasy truce over joint alley that is the main way into the venue 5
9/28/24 - 12:12 pm That might just be you reading that too critically Apartments is apartments, says Stan 16
9/27/24 - 5:38 pm Does it matter though? Developer unwraps plans for 40-story residential and hotel tower near North Station 8
9/26/24 - 2:39 pm This isn't one of those licenses Licensing board to owners, managers of defunct, violence-prone Union Street bar: Good luck ever getting another liquor license in this town 7
9/26/24 - 2:35 pm It goes into limbo Licensing board to owners, managers of defunct, violence-prone Union Street bar: Good luck ever getting another liquor license in this town 7
9/25/24 - 11:39 pm Only if they're radioactive Boston's first giant hand-sized jumping spider spotted - on Beacon Hill 12
9/25/24 - 11:38 pm Or Mt. Vernon Street in West Roxbury or Charlestown ... Boston's first giant hand-sized jumping spider spotted - on Beacon Hill 12
9/25/24 - 9:07 pm No, there aren't Third dispensary approved on short stretch of Newbury Street over opposition from residents worried the neighborhood is becoming too full of weed 39
9/23/24 - 3:09 pm Fixed Feds say Mission Hill gang found a lucrative way to supplement its traditional drug sales - check theft and fraud 17
9/23/24 - 12:34 pm Yeah, the affidavit said Mission Main Feds say Mission Hill gang found a lucrative way to supplement its traditional drug sales - check theft and fraud 17
9/23/24 - 8:59 am Somebody else has picked up the slack Feds say Mission Hill gang found a lucrative way to supplement its traditional drug sales - check theft and fraud 17
9/22/24 - 6:28 pm Tourist opportunity Another bull on the loose, but not in Roslindale and not named Moodini 6
9/21/24 - 10:39 pm Whoa, look what's still around 311 complaint of the day: I don't care if it's frozen in place because of the rain, the driver should never have parked it there 33
9/21/24 - 3:32 pm Yes, it's true 311 complaint of the day: I don't care if it's frozen in place because of the rain, the driver should never have parked it there 33
9/20/24 - 7:38 pm People were living in them Man with long record faces 15 years in prison for running a sex and drugs tent at Mass and Cass 7
9/20/24 - 4:09 pm True Charlestown man won't take sides in presidential election 27
9/20/24 - 2:43 pm Did somebody mention tree law? War over proposed Beacon Hill roof deck spills into court; pits billionaire philanthropist against couple who moved from Cambridge 34
9/20/24 - 2:27 pm I'm a recovering Nooyawka War over proposed Beacon Hill roof deck spills into court; pits billionaire philanthropist against couple who moved from Cambridge 34
9/20/24 - 11:44 am This might be hard to for you to fathom War over proposed Beacon Hill roof deck spills into court; pits billionaire philanthropist against couple who moved from Cambridge 34
9/20/24 - 11:33 am And, yes, that includes Bill Weld Bloomin' river: Now is really a good time to not jump into the Charles 6
9/20/24 - 9:09 am Could be the position or angle War over proposed Beacon Hill roof deck spills into court; pits billionaire philanthropist against couple who moved from Cambridge 34
9/19/24 - 11:12 pm Good points, but ... Soldiers Field Road truck driver scores a perfect 10 24
9/19/24 - 2:40 pm Yeah, them's the breaks ... Remember when every new development proposal in Boston seemed to involve life sciences? 9
9/17/24 - 7:53 am Except ... Hasbro thinking about making Boston its Mr. Potatoheadquarters 17
9/16/24 - 2:25 pm Y'know, I didn't write a long, meandering piece on their move Jamaica Plain record store to move its platters that matter to Northampton 14
9/15/24 - 10:55 pm Pepe's a regular at the courtyard Table for one, please 6
9/13/24 - 11:17 pm Look at the car on the right side of the photo A contraflowing near-storrowing 40
9/13/24 - 11:14 pm Um, did you get charged with shooting somebody? Bail set at $5,000 for man charged with shooting Palestine supporter in the stomach at Newton rally; also ordered to give up his guns 29
9/13/24 - 4:43 pm Here, have a cookie The googly eyes are spreading 8
9/12/24 - 11:48 pm Take a trip down there You wouldn't think a kayak launch would need a sign like this 19
9/12/24 - 2:33 pm They're not all unmarried orphans, though Veterans group organized to back a Flynn for Mayor bid 40
9/12/24 - 2:32 pm Men should not be telling women how to lead their lives Veterans group organized to back a Flynn for Mayor bid 40
9/12/24 - 2:24 pm If this were a lawsuit ... Boston's first new queer bar in a long time opens tonight 55
9/12/24 - 2:14 pm This is your idea of hell? Jamaica Plain market gets OK to add hard liquor to its beer and wine offerings 3
9/12/24 - 1:16 pm Have a good snooze? Boston's first new queer bar in a long time opens tonight 55
9/12/24 - 1:06 pm I trust you're not a lawyer ... Boston's first new queer bar in a long time opens tonight 55
9/12/24 - 11:20 am Oh, come on Boston's first new queer bar in a long time opens tonight 55
9/12/24 - 10:29 am Formal statement about group's formation Veterans group organized to back a Flynn for Mayor bid 40
9/11/24 - 1:42 pm Newton? Where's that? Developer of proposed condo building on Liverpool Street wants to reduce the amount of parking 8
9/11/24 - 1:19 pm If they're done like projects on other city-owned parcels ... Developers propose 45 affordable condos across from BWSC HQ as first phase of undoing a massive urban-renewal mistake in the 1970s 8
9/11/24 - 1:15 pm There are programs ... Developers propose 45 affordable condos across from BWSC HQ as first phase of undoing a massive urban-renewal mistake in the 1970s 8
9/11/24 - 11:37 am No, of course not Court says Eversource can go ahead with controversial East Boston substation 5
9/10/24 - 5:50 pm His former attorney Man who had sex-trafficking conviction vacated because his lawyer was a flaming racist is charged with raping, beating a woman in his Mattapan apartment, DA says 7
9/9/24 - 12:44 pm Like the baseball team in Tampa Bay Thank goodness: Boston women's hockey team won't be called the Wicked 34


My articles
Post datesort ascending Title
12/29/24 - 4:26 pm President Jimmy Carter dies, 100
12/29/24 - 3:13 pm School bus no match for Jersey barriers on Guest Street in Brighton
12/29/24 - 2:25 pm Foggy day at the beach
12/29/24 - 1:12 pm No coal in the stocking, but injured, possibly sliced wrist for one bad boy on Mission Hill who smashed his way into a gas station, police say
12/29/24 - 9:52 am Louisiana should leave New England out of its Christian-supremacist laws
12/28/24 - 8:18 pm Apologies if you tried to log in or comment today and couldn't
12/28/24 - 10:26 am Changes at South Station: Some are grand, some make you go: Huh?
12/28/24 - 10:01 am The sweet smell of the T, at least at Union Square
12/27/24 - 8:21 pm Man with fluffy mustache tries to hold up a West Roxbury bank, but fails
12/27/24 - 5:10 pm Bicyclist critically injured in crash with SUV driver at Albany and East Berkeley streets
12/27/24 - 4:25 pm BPD officer charged with domestic violence on Christmas
12/27/24 - 2:32 pm Murders, shootings at record lows in Boston, officials say
12/27/24 - 9:28 am The year in Storrowing: 2024
12/26/24 - 4:01 pm Developers say they will soon file plans for 750 apartments at the old Channel 56 site in Dorchester
12/26/24 - 2:40 pm Two-alarm fire in Fort Hill triple decker displaces one resident, one dog
12/26/24 - 2:32 pm 311 complaint of the day: It's been six days, way past time to salt your sidewalk
12/26/24 - 11:58 am Brookline mansion goes up in flames
12/26/24 - 11:21 am Boston in 2024: Wildlife - from our feral steer to bird-killing oil in the Muddy River
12/26/24 - 10:02 am Boston Globe highlights the perils of using AI images as content
12/25/24 - 10:54 pm A Charlie Brown Christmas in Franklin Park
12/25/24 - 10:45 pm Fire erupts in house on Cornell Street in Roslindale
12/25/24 - 11:40 am 311 complaint of the day: Why didn't anybody tell us the River Street bridge was re-opened?
12/24/24 - 8:55 pm Finally, a white Christmas, but when we had one last is a touchy subject, it seems
12/24/24 - 5:37 pm Alleged South Boston Grinch captured with packages if not bows this morning, police say
12/24/24 - 9:46 am Like you needed another reason to visit Elmira Heights, NY
12/24/24 - 9:24 am Stocking up
12/23/24 - 11:49 pm Fire in a single-family home displaces six on Paine Street in Roslindale
12/23/24 - 9:36 pm With a series of beeps, first motorist drives over the River Street Bridge in Hyde Park in more than two years
12/23/24 - 2:21 pm Police say footprints in fresh snow led officers to loaded gun guy was walking around Fields Corner with until he spotted them
12/23/24 - 2:07 pm Boston installing vending machines for addicts who don't want to die
12/23/24 - 10:44 am T celebrates the end of slow zones, and yet riders still uttering groans
12/23/24 - 9:44 am Marathon bomber one of three federal inmates with death sentences who didn't get a presidential reprieve
12/23/24 - 9:26 am One injured when commercial building off Freeport Street goes up in flames
12/22/24 - 5:49 pm Sledding war erupts in Wellesley
12/22/24 - 1:42 pm Police looking for guy they say keeps shoplifting from one Roxbury supermarket who most recently pulled a knife on an employee
12/22/24 - 12:30 pm State rescinds Boston's firing of cop who tweeted support for violent coup attempt; says cops have First Amendment rights in their off hours
12/21/24 - 11:40 pm Gazing long into the abyss in the snow at Mount Auburn Cemetery
12/21/24 - 11:31 pm Woman arrested for November murder in Ramsay Park
12/21/24 - 11:43 am Man to get life for killing elderly Franklin Hill resident for his lottery winnings
12/20/24 - 11:36 pm Police say they've nabbed the suspect in the Brighton toy-drive purse snatching
12/20/24 - 11:17 pm 311 complaint of the day: Snow, snow everywhere, and not a plow in sight
12/20/24 - 4:43 pm Watertown food factory can't sugar coat the flour one of its silos belched onto the surrounding streets
12/20/24 - 4:26 pm Judge throws out lawsuit by North End restaurant owners over city's outdoor-patio restrictions, says mayor wasn't out to get Italians
12/20/24 - 1:52 pm The low-slung buildings of Chinatown
12/20/24 - 1:24 pm Woman mauled by dogs in Dorchester
12/20/24 - 1:10 pm New liquor licenses to be doled out in March
12/20/24 - 12:40 pm Out of the frying pan and into another frying pan at the old Irving School in Roslindale?
12/20/24 - 11:53 am Even busy lawyers on their way to court have to stay out of crime scenes wrapped in police warning tape, judge rules
12/20/24 - 10:22 am Even with the slow zones ended, T still not completely mended
12/20/24 - 9:42 am Tis the season - for French toast